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Everything posted by wungasaurus

  1. Because it was never implemented. They appear on low shadow quality levels.
  2. big alpha is for wotlk+. the adts need to match the flag in the wdt though.
  3. I have no idea how that button (not even sure which one) works. Probably there is a mismatch between WDT flag and ADT MCAL type though.
  4. Probably because you didn't say at all what you tried yourself already, where you failed, or any info besides the spell name and "I want the more complicated thing to work".
  5. version 1.0.1 has no new files in comparison to the listfile linked by mr.farrarie.
  6. Have you tried this listfile? https://github.com/bloerwald/LegionFiles
  7. .anim files are raw data referenced from the model itself. In all the time of there existence i have yet to see someone swapping two files without shit going bonkers.
  8. Afaik it should be complete for wod except for files removed after wod. It should also contain 7.2.
  9. https://github.com/bloerwald/list_root
  10. Player positions are server side. The server _needs_ to know about the changes. Not extracting maps is _always_ getting you issues. Also, what about doing that is too much work that you don't want to do it?
  11. You will end up with issues of having the same UID used twice, rather than duplication. Also objects on ADT borders will be missing collision on one of them. In the end, just have someone save all tiles once a week or so and stuff will be fine again. To avoid UID-duplication, you can have a non-synced 63_63 ADT in the folder with a different (large) UID per designer. That way, Noggit will use that one as smallest rather than the same for everyone.
  12. It is supposed to only save tiles that are changed. Please make an issue on the repository with reproduction steps.
  13. Back in the days it was only he other way around. Yay for change! if there is no option in the File menu: no
  14. From disassembly, doodadLodDist is checked for static objects and entityLodDist is used for units. I haven't seen other cases calling CM2Model::SetLod
  15. Setting both cvars to high values should only change to lod skins very far away. I haven't found a model specific setting though.
  16. Afair, that's purely dependent on the entity/doodadLodDist cvar, for all models. It might be multiplied with the bounding box radius in header, but afaik not.
  17. Are you referring to .skin or _lod.skin?
  18. Thanks for not documenting. I admire what you guys are doing, but as long as you don't share what you're doing or knowing, you're not going to get any respect or "like".
  19. You know I did. Writing a converter is harder than adding findings to the wiki. Adding findings to the wiki has a bigger positive outcome for the community because people don't need to redo _everything_ from scratch _every time_. Also, remember that _you_ use the wiki and get info from it. _You_ benefit from what others did. Yet you don't want to share stuff. It is nice to see someone figured stuff out, but seeing they _don't share it_ makes me hate them.
  20. Instead of releasing a converter, Update the wiki.
  21. for that topic, search for WMO import/export/modifcation tutorials.
  22. Negative. You want to learn how to add models and how to create holes. The second is just one of the tools, the first is in some menu.