Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Everything posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

    I still recommend to use this version over the version that is on new Repo unless you really have to for the WMOs for downporting M2s from BFA/Shadowlands its better to just fix the TXID used attached program with listfile downloaded from and then using this version of Multiconvertor the higher versions are unstable FixTXID.exe
  1. You will be faster off buying windows pc
  2. get model name of collection model that is used by the set parse it into separated meshes and make spell visuals out of those parts which you will later attach to the DisplaId of each item of the set to have it loaded
  3. Those meshes are part of character model
  4. Queen Variana Wryn Genderbend of King Varian Wryn - model ultilizes HuF 8.0.1 Price 20$
  5. Acku Star Walker Acku was living on same island as was the destination of Valeri at the time he was leader of the horde forces there his nature of being a druid thou was easy to see off from his not so aggresive way of dealing with stuff around the camp and even in diplomacy lot of his subordinates held grudge againts him for that but its was not just a few time shen Ackus politness saved the day instead of waging senseless war Price 9$ *side not the whole color scheme is azure blue the green particels are missfuck of Wow model viewer its ingame smoothly blue*
  6. Valery Ciangottini Valery is a dark ranger blood elf female who was sent by horde leadership to fight on a remote island that was currently contested by alliance but she had enough of fights and remained neutral during the times when war was very close Model is 7.3.5 BeF Price 9$
  7. Aquila Empyrean Aquaila is Quel'Dorie high priestess of the Phoenix serving her years in Silvermoon till scourge attacked Aquaila was one of those who survived but she did not joined Kael'Thas in his quest for obtaining new source of magic for his people she belived that The Phoenix will guide all that are willing to listen 3D model is using Blood Elf Female 7.3.5. with usade of geosets from 9.0.1 and ultilizing body from 8.3.0 that was heavily modified to be a lot more curvy and sexier that common BeF Price 25$
  8. Valeri Resident Evil 2 Hunk inspired character Valeri is a female hunk recreation in in world of warcraft using HuF 8.0.1 Price 15$
  9. You mean downporting via multiconvertor that is 1 sec doing Blender edits to fit poly limit that is 10 mins and fixing textures with a script that is aviable at that takes 5 mins ?
  10. Warden checks for these things so you should avoid using the multijump LUA edits maximum jump and maximum climb angle there is also FrameXML listed but I never got banned anywhere with that so someone would need to check but this EXE is not meant for hacking on live servers but for testing/developing/ or servers that specificaly allow such changes Offset Size Description 0x420541 0xA WS2_32.Send check 0x48A2CC 0x6 Unknown Chat Related (Called by CGChat__AdChatMessage) // Cypher 0x48A2F0 0x5 Unknown Chat Related (Called by CGChat__AdChatMessage) // Cypher 0x48D4A0 0xC AddChatMessage 0x490430 0xC SendChatMessage 0x49DBB2 0x7 Protected Lua Func Check // Cypher 0x4AA9C2 0x5 FrameXML Signature Check 0x5CDC20 0x6 Unknown Falling Check // Cypher 0x61535A 0x9 Unknown. CGUnit_C Member Function. Uses SummonedBy/CreatedBy. ?? // Cypher 0x681778 0x5 0x7B9D42 0x6 Unknown. Movement related. (?) Only Xref uses CInputControl. // Cypher 0x7BAA98 0xC 0x8C8398 0x8 Maximum Wall Climb 0x8C845C 0x8 Gravity // Cypher 0x8F7AC8 0x8 Jump Velocity // Note from Cypher: Physics sucks ass, its not really velocity but we're calling it that anyway. 0xB93714 0x8 Unknown Login Check (Parental restrictions??) // Cypher
  11. I have added a new file to the topic that is a script containing offsets to edit the wow.exe so you can make your own edits and exclude any that you dont like or that would get you banned on servers that has working warden (list of warden checks is listed here )
  12. Dont think so since its editing LUA i heard they ban those you can remove that and it should be safe
  13. id like to know when I learned spanish that you are able to quote me on language i never spoke in
  14. download any nsfw mod from darknest and downport it ?
  15. Valeri (female Hunk Finished)


  16. TRP is incredibly sophisticated even version 1.1 is complex af I cant imagine how far has TRP3 gone backporting it to LK would be nice but it would be quite a lot of work
    Guess im too corrupted from using lasterst models as nostalgic as this can get I would love to see this done with the HD models but nice idea tho
  17. Emote.dbc ID --> AnimationData.dbc AnimationData.dbc --> AnimationLookUp ID AnimationLookUp --> _Animations Sequence _Animations Sequence --> AnimationData.dbc
  18. generate mmaps vmaps switch water from ocean if its it add it to map dbc set proper map type
  19. lshoulder_plate_garrosh_d_01.m2 rshoulder_plate_garrosh_d_01.m2