Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Everything posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. 9.0.1 are compatible with 8.3.0 M2redux and if you wont get it runing then use wow.export to get meshes
  2. Use this instead casting mele is not optional since its special ability unlike any other
  3. Bel Peol V2 Bel Peol is a anime inspired character that I have worked on 5 years ago but althou I finished the project I was not satisfied with the result and so I have now done a reimagination of the model and bring you remade version from scratch using brand new mechanism and skills Bel Peol has 3. Skins that can be used and its thanks to fact that she contains various geosets that can be turned on and off technicaly its safe to say that she has up to 6 variations possible where she will still look acceptable Price 20$ If you are going to buy this model pay attention to this information: all my previous models need only CreatureModelData and CreatureDisplayInfo DBCs and has hardcoded texture but BelPeol is using more advanced wow systems if you want to implement her correctly I have added a CSVs data for coresponding DBCs with working setups for displayIDs of Bel Peol
  4. my PC is going to hell its 8 years old build after all and I have been pushing it to its limits to whole time both hardware and software is already at brink of destruction altouh i can reinstall OS it wont fix HW problems so I need to buy a new PC but shit is that I dont have money atm for it so expect delays on all my projects

    I will still try to work on something but rememebr that my pc is currently like hanging on a last string before colapse so shit can sideways real quick

  5. SpellMOPtoWOTLK.7z I have been trying for a while to get this working and I have gotten to this state where I have Spell.dbc with english names but it still throws error on me when im loading in to the server so I dopped it here since it lost point to me but if anyone wants to pick it up from here and try to fix it here are the changed files with all the names translated from RU to ENG and I have also fixed one issues that what Primary Key duplication error in the spell.dbc which prevent it being openned in some DBC editors like WDBX
  6. Finaly finished OC custom Char that I named Bel Peol (not my name thou)
    character is a mod for 3.3.5 wow
    It has 3 Different skin variations and geosets that you can turn on and off


  7. Animations are in M2s but can also be present in .anim files if needed what you dont get about it ?
  8. side note: if you wonder why there is the extra underscore blame those who mare listfile for Shadowlands which is team I already questioned them about this they said they dont need to care about lower expansions so naming of files in is not in synch with parsing mechanism of Wotlk aka you need to mass rename stuff like helms and texture components(cuz they are wrong too) for them to work in LK
  9. wrong suffix "helm_leather_mawraid_d_01_drf.m2" not "helm_leather_mawraid_d_01_dr_f.m2"

    3D belts for our SL to LK items pack is almost done


  11. 2.79 is no longer supported so who knows what could be cause of this some ancient code proly
  12. Female guldan added to sales section for 16$ ✅


  13. Gul'danna Rule 63 Genderbend of Gul'dan - Orc Female model taken from Price 16$
  14. use BLPConvertor from my repo and run on skin textures this cmd script @echo off Title Converting BLP To PNG for /R %%i in (*.blp) do BLPConverter8.exe "%%i" Title Deleting BLP FOR /R %%A IN (*.blp) DO DEL "%%A" Title Converting PNG To BLP for /R %%i in (*.png) do BLPConverter8.exe -h "%%i" Title Deleting PNG FOR /R %%A IN (*.png) DO DEL "%%A" timeout 3 once your textures are in correct format you also need proper HD models those you linked are not even for LK so either downport them or take someone elses Hd models such as leviathans and repalce nude textures
  15. texture needs to be in correct format palettized no alpha
  16. make patch and put DBCs into DBFilesClient\.. do same for server and it wont work cuz the language used in this pack is RU so english serever will most likely bork out so open any DBC editor extract the CSV and rewrite names to ENG from original MOP DBC or use Stoneharrys spell editor to do the same but insted of CSV you will be in SQL
  17. Blood Elf Male Guard [Heritage Armor] I made this model quite a while ago but never had a real usage for it since its basicaly just BeM with heritage armor hardcoded into it so ill give it for quite a cheap price as for animations it has new guard pose anims you can easly change those for some stand pose etc and make your guard NPC Price 5$ staff not included