Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Everything posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Greetings Today I bring you mount that I have made for Marlamin as a joke based on his iconic pfp out of a companion that is ingame the Kakapo mount model is using Creature skins defined by the DBC
  3. export wmo from wow.export to obj convert obj to wmo via WBS no direct public downporter exists afaik
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This is simple image of connections between DBCs in order to make spell with a spell visual effect that is loading 3D models (335 ofc)
  5. 1.2 Bug Fix: when exporting single image its no longer called singular since its causing some problems later keep the name same as actual map folder name that is using by internal lizzard dbc parsing single image map into sections was due bug in GDI+ function drawing with offset of +1 pixel so thats fixed now too
  6. Updated to version 1.1 - fixed a bug when saving map without pre existing folder
  7. - Updated file a template for M2 files for 010 Editor Edited Animation sequnces block like proper flags reading - thanks Nix
  8. If you have working TC extractor why dont you extract it yourself it sounds like you have everything ready
  9. Which goblin then ? in LK there are only specific goblin creatures do you know which one ?
  10. So you want to pick up cataclysm model of goblin deleting its mesh and rigging wotlk model on it ?
  11. Updated ListFileExtractor to version 1.2 Also renamed from WMOListFile to ListFileExtractor
  12. Some minor suggestions - when you get tileset texture from ADT do a copy line and itsert it a second time with a "_s " suffix for specular maps - Tileset textures are using "/" instead of "\" that is wow used to when extracted which is correct but MPQ editor after using this listfile has no idea how to use it I dont know maybe generate with / and \ both just to be 100% sure
  13. Myssira The Elite Night Elf Sentinel This is just a sentinel from warfronts but with some extra edits the second model without custom edits (Edits are extra elune sigil / Extra glaive / custom hair) Prices Myssira 9$ Night Elf Sentinel Female 6$ Myssira + Night Elf Sentinel Female 13$ Images 1 2 are Myssira images 3 4 are just sentinel
  14. What is version 1.8 ? I didnt say any versioning when compiling my extractors
  15. Version 9.0.0


    Here is the Download link for the lastest M2Redux since the last version i found here on MC was 4.5 or 4.6.1 so here you have the lastest one I do not take credits for this it mere repost the file was taken from M2Mod tool prives way to operate with Blizzard World fo Warcraft model files (*.M2 and *.skin). It reinterprets them in *.m2i files, that can be imported into Blender with scripts. If you wish, you can produce *.M2 from your edited *.m2i How to use. Install Blender Download latest Blender m2i Scripts and install them into blender Use M2Mod to produce m2i file and import it into Blender Edit your model Export your model to m2i file Use M2Mod to create new m2 file based on exported m2i and base m2.
  16. There is a texture flag for that called BodyOrCloth and afaik it uses CharSections dbc and puts cloth on top of that just like that I assume its hardcoded that troll / draenei / tauren feets are getting excluded from it but I could be wrong this is oddly specific region that I never investigated but UV editing or Texture Flags wont lead you to solution Maybe there is a flag in CharSection DBC that defines that that very section cannot get armor on it try looking into that
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Sylvanas Windrunner 3D Model from Shadowlands for 3.3.5 I bypassed .Skel and remade it so some rigg problems may appear but anyway here it is I wanted to do this for a while and finaly found time to do it while my pc didnt BSODed me while working on it
  18. Such edit is relatively easy just forllow few basic tutorials around here in my pack im providing just a mere 3D model with all required depencency files you can do with it whatever you want