Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Everything posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. Notification that this cloud is terminated due most likely someone reporting my mega account which got deleted from existance for copyright Im considering alternatives for now
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This is model of a Antaeus from Hostile Waters Antaeus Rising from 2001 developer by Rage this model was extracted from the game and ported to wow in two version first is rusty version that you play as in first 7 levels and then the renred version after Antaeus is fixed after sitting on seafloor for like 20 years or so
  3. This was very quick job took me like 10 minutes I just wanted to do it as a bit of a tribute to Hostile Waters being 20 years this year and also that there is a remake in progress
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Viridian Phase-Hunter - Possible New Warpstalker Mount from Burning Crusade Classic Promotion
  5. template in my repo is only for LK models I will release updated version someday that is for all versions
  6. If that happend then your model was most likely damaged
  7. Yeah its locked behind double clicking on mpq archive such a lock is unbeatable
  8. I know Do you want to know how ? I took those 5 seconds to look into what I downloaded and saw it there
  9. If you dont find anyone to do this in time you can contact me and we can make an agreement but im very busy right now so I wont be able to work on it right now so im just throwing it out here that in future if you dont rush I could do it (in 3+ months minimum)
  10. green texture just mean missing blp file also that mount is propably just incorrectly downported you must have some bongus data in it
  11. Because wow model viewer is loading only certain parts of it or has simply fail safes in code that does not crashes like wow
  12. Kloveriell of Silver Covenant Kloveriell of Silver Covenant is High Elf aka Quel'Dorei that does not really has a fully filed lore but I was quite inspired to make this character so I just did so Price: 12$
  13. Can I have this gear in the game that you present on web ?
  14. In new noggit you defire where it has import list in settings as for WMV log its in usersettings folder of WMV
  15. Successful attempt on making female Varian Wryn id say
  16. The is no other way around In eyes of server you are in middle of a ocean where is no land and thus it will give you exhaustion
  17. when is Mmap/Vmap Extractor extracting NavMesh data its looking on Liquid Type if its Ocean then such region will be marked as area that server uses to give you exhaustion so you should make all water around your island an water not ocean in noggit then extract maps and give it to server
  18. Version 1.3.3


    Greetings This basic tool is for basic editing of worldmap It can load Jpgs/blps/pngs and saves all files as pngs so you will have to convert them on your own to BLP afterwards Its function is that you give it path to WORLDMAP folder of wow that needs to be extracted from MPQ and it will then cycle thru directories searching for actual worldmaps then it will list them so you can select which one you want to edit - once selected you can export map into a single image which is easy for editing in any image editor after that you can load this single image back to program and split it back into 12 images that blizzard uses Have a fun video showcase *Do you also hate when you start recording say: "Greetings" but in recorded video file it started recording just second after you said "Greetings"*
  19. I have uploaded new version that loads a bit more map variations but not all of them problem is that Lizzard is having the suffixes different with almost each map beacuse they use other tables for them and I need to hardcode all of those into code so program knows about those