Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Everything posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. insert path to your texture into the file then change lenghs of the texture struc to lenght of inserted string +1 for null byte to terminate the string then add to the texture struc offset to this new path you inserted thats quite all
  2. Known issues - A lot of Shadowlands WMOs don't work. I ran this in TXID fixer, then Multiconverter, so I couldn't say why they don't. They just don't. TXID fixer never claimed that it works for WMOs it supports only M2s the whole time MPQ Editor breaks around 5 gigs of files, so separate your patches into 5 gigs or less. You must have corrupted your MPQ since the only limit is filecout of 2^19 and not actual file size im using casualy 20GB patches for years without any issue
  3. Version 1.0.0


    downported from the TBC classic
  4. I can see some fun servers using this for sure but I will stick to making item.dbc
  5. Thats a lots of offsets lol far more than all changes in my edited exe
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Kekie6 Created these 3D models and shared them publicly so I have converted them to M2s for usage in the game credits goes to him