Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Everything posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. what about this ? There will be open collection so all users could donate to it once it reach some value lets lock it and tell to all that who wil do tool xxx with purpose yyy will get that collected money - Anyone could create Collection - Anyone could donate Once Collection reach limit for example 25$ - Anyone could sing up for creating tool that is requied by Collection Creator Once is Tool finished and deliverd maker of tool will get his reward of 25$ Its little bit like bounty hunting
  2. Offer me 40usd in on hand not in some codes for game that i dont even play and we can make deal - just sayin' that gift cards arent best way to lure someone to work and 40 is lowest limit rigging of whole character is always cancer
  3. Since Hots came out before Legacy of the Void for Starcraft Lizzard used their new MD34 format in Hots but they wanted to use it as well in LotV so flo made and propeth adaptation for his M3/IO to be able load SC2 LotV but since LotV has same format as hots you can now easly set up his Addon and import al working model just to Blender by one click
  4. Oh ok but when i read whats its his Tut i dont think thats it all you need to know well basicaly yes its good start but if you have no idea about programing that this is not an option
  5. As was foretold the greatest challenge its to change yourself from inside since i have to reorganise my aims im glad to have Caladan Brood to help me Walk out from Ashes of my Dead Empire
  6. Funny that there was 22 downloads and only Nupper with Astrono mentioned this ?
  7. Ok i think i have found source of all problems here when i were collecting those models from my Patch i used export all option in WMV but that exported only one of 4 skin files no idea why but this problem had all models even kerrigan but since she is bloodqueen and not Character model WoW handled it as it seems i do few more test and Upload new version
  8. so it seems that I was pretty distracted while making this pack i found already one bug so i keep looking and then upload new version
  9. Is there any one else who has this problem ? since all looks fine in my files im not sure now if it something in models or in your datas othervise Alastor_mythia should work on 100% i were testing her ingame as well so if anyone else could put some feedback about this it would be good meanwhile i'll have a look ingame personaly
  10. I guess its more then year old since it says that this skype is Brazil + that icon and fact that name of skype is including "dahaga" which was my (ACC) name on one WoW server so how it seems i guess its someone from there since my reputation there was little bit complicated
  11. Dat feeling when i find facking black cat
  12. possible result when oyu have M2 files you can for example use 010 editor .sc script to extract paths to textures | paths to models from WMOs etc ...
  13. when you donw load wod / legion it creates folder with all unknow files basicaly on type of file it creates extension for every file in list ) thats all that its doing
  14. i wanted to make some short explanation video 1st but i put files here if you want them imidietly alastor_renamer.ex renames all files in actualy folder by its format (based on 4 bytes ) MD20 = .M2 but you need to mention all files in folder in pathlist.txt i want to make better version of this but since this is working and i havent used it in year or something like this it was putted to ice renamer.7z
  15. There is no difference between those two so there is no difeerence in your model ( and just for that correction i were deleting vertexis / edges / faces ) now whole mesh || (mesh = geoset) || (model=at last one or more geosets)
  16. from this point of view textures looks fines and remove duplicates is geoset editing tool it has nothing to do with texture rendering
  17. Damm it after 5 years i would never say how bored i get sometime when i have nothing creativ to do remind me this one 

    "The End of Infinite Cycle" :D


    1. Skarn


      The yuou probably need to make some cool machima. :D I know you can.

    2. Alastor Strix'Efuartus

      Alastor Strix'Efuartus

      well i am doing some experiments for now ... i want to focus on making fx in blender


  18. Orden Ogan for me they stand on top of power metal along with all others power metal legends
  19. Just wanted to left some note about lastest events when it cames on me ... so i left modding behind there is only one last thing that keeps me with WoW and thats making machinimas but thats all

    1. Skarn


      This is very sad... Hope to see you here with your machinima things though.

    2. Alastor Strix'Efuartus

      Alastor Strix'Efuartus

      I'm not leaving community but even when modding has still much to offer i don't want to do it anymore for anyone else then me and as i am not interested in any project around here it's end for me 

      Also if anyone would like any piece of my stuff's you can just call i offer it all