Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Everything posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. Question is if there is as you said group of textures that has no Chest part
  2. Also check format of music --> are you sure wow can read it ? try to play that music manualy by Lua command Example /run PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\Jaraxxus\\CR_Jaraxxus_Aggro01.wav")
  3. Legion models are working without problem all im doing is always deleting MD21 prefix and changing version from 12 01 00 00 to 10 01 00 00 othervise model is in incorrect format
  4. Yeah i am using M2redux still on Win7 and i have no similiar problem Sometimes when i screw something in model i can get error while converting but M2 and frist 2 ( of 4 ) skins are oftenly good and models works at all
  5. Why exactly are you using 4.5 for M2 creating ?
  6. This is modding community with objective ppl ( and no - i will never be objective to you since i know what you are ) if you want to ridicule someone in your so far first post get the fuck out of here and dont follow me to this place only because you have nothing better to do kiddo
  7. I'll be super hog for a moment and say this If you want me to do that models its 20$ ( and i guess you all know my qualities ) PS: why i even started with money directly and dont want to help just like that - i am totaly low on money ( yeah ofc i have still something to eat but we are not little bit rich family ) and i wanted to buy new PC and i just want to gather moneys from commisions to get it instead of woring in some store ...
  8. I always hate when colored names or some similiar badges belongs to those who never try to put yourself into his skin and THINK WHY THE FUCK HE DO WHAT HE ACTUALY DO I shared lot of content i shared lot of knowleadge and i help often to ppl here or Modcraft but i dont hide that i never share my best pieces my best scripts " My Masterpieces " because when i create something uniq i want to hold it as long as possible until i get propeth credits as creator and inventor then i release it have you seen any M2redux tut from me ? - maybe some vid in theme of "Creating of blabla" but i never explained or not even tried to learn someone how am i doing my personal miracles ( Same situation with my HD models downport to LK i have been browing every lame version that was ever released and i can say that i never see any that would be better then my one ) and once those exclusivities fall into abyss of forgotness then i will release it to everyone or you can buy it from me right now i am money gathering machine if you want to talk about this You can work for server like Vell and keep everything strictly for his server does thise make him idiot for non share ? Are you stable ? To keep conversions scripts for his server to make his content exclusiv to get attension of players and now allow to someone else have that conten too is being asshole ? look around you ... everyone around here is doing it but not a person will tell you that he is keeping Ion Canon under his bed and if yes then you can wait for day when he release it to everyone to have it once he gets satisfaing profit from his hard work This community is not community where are everyone friends that should share friendship and tools we have competition out here and because of this we have to make neccesary steps to be best of em' and that does include not to share every Ace you have to that one who sits on opposite side chessboard
  9. i was talking about it somewhere in my Tut series may in Gorehowl video not sure
  10. @Skarn That Dll is something that was releasd with Visual C++ and Visual Studio 2015 its in damned pack that i would have to install just right now (i mean right now when i needed it ) and i jsut dont wanted to restart PC until i finish few things so i was just unable to procede as i wanted when i updated Nogit version and this error was given to me
  11. " The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. " Yeah funny so now after toons of noggit version i am forced to update my Visual C++ chfpmfpfffffffff nevermind i can live without noggit 1.4 is after all still workin'
  12. Your name is known to me for using Cata expansions did you upconverted them ?
  13. Upconvert LK model to Wod and open it thru M2redux ?
  14. Its possible to convert resulted m2 to m2i i did it many times you just need to prepare m2 for it
  15. I am listening to strange things while programing 132 repeats ... and yet all managed to get working is dis ...
  16. Version 1.0.0


    This is just little app that i made long ago but i used it a lot when i were doing spells back then and when i saw that Calendar Calculator i thought that someone may get use of this little handy one too
  17. Generaly i had idea about creating this tool but if anyone would be wiling to help me ( in VB.NET) then i'll accept any help So what i want to do is ... Tool that would search for armor sets in directory Item\TEXTURECOMPONENTS\XXXX ( Extracted directory ) it would look for propeth armor sets and then connected them all into one to be viewed like one piece to let you browse these armor sets and then decide which one use / edit or what ever you want so point is to let you browse armors not like "UpperTorso" part but as whole view so Example - BODY_LEATHER_RAIDROGUE_O_01 it would search for that one and since these are result Program would picked up Original one then created Female and Male version then created that same for all colors aviable and then i would showed you results like original with button to switch between F/M and ofc button for additional colors too
  18. Whuuaaaaaaaaaaah......... i have idea for new character for my Universe her name will be | Lythalia "Istasha" Morrigan Nagalash | as can song that i'll be listening while creating her say ... she will be reated to Old Gods especialy Yogg-Saron
  19. Money the only thing that can bring me back:D (just finished commision) 




    1. Alastor Strix'Efuartus
    2. Oldarorn


      If I was rich I'd like to pay you for a custom and badass model ;_;

    3. Nupper


      i got nothing sadly i understand :D

    4. Show next comments  48 more
  20. Pretty high number of repacks for TC server has already Bots implemented in idk how smart of deadly they are but they are ...
  21. Its not quitly tut or guide so i didnt place it to Tutorial section its more about tips that i want to get out of my head
  22. why you are downloading those models from Legion when they are already in LK