Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Everything posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. Select bone that is capable of moving hand and to some bone weight paint you new mesh otherwise idk what are you asking ... just select correct bone you mirrored it so that mean the mirrorer arm is still rigged to Bones of original model what you used to mirror
  2. Well thats may truth but honestly i was not the only one who did noticed nothing
  3. The feeling when i have to convert few models to LK ( another commision) YEAH that K but he wanted me to do the DBC work too but man im definitly not going to write new DisplayIds from 3777 models so im writing some generator by a moment that is going to do it for me so ... ItemDisplayGenerator
    eg IDG

  4. this made my day is he just jealous or he rly mock me for accepting commissions that ppl WANT ME TO DO ( i never pushed anyone rly they just come to ask me by themselves ) or its joke ? i srsly have no idea here
  5. Today its commision about Chromie



    Chromie takes up on new weapon !



    1. Alastor Strix'Efuartus

      Alastor Strix'Efuartus

      Gnom Female with armor of chromie + hair
      body texture is taken from chromie texture too

    2. Alastor Strix'Efuartus

      Alastor Strix'Efuartus

      i normaly dont care about face expersions since its mainly about converting hots to WoW but author of commision wanted me to keep face expresions so thats how i dealt with it


    3. Met@


      If the hots model fits pretty well on the wow model, it's sometimes possible to transfert the expressions on the hots weight paint, but it's more work so it's better to keep wow model (and the Chromie's face from hots is very different from usual gnome female)

    4. Show next comments  45 more
  6. If you wanted to do it this way you could ask for that script since i told you that you could do it liek this almost 10 days ago
  7. Dat feeling when you finaly finish some project that has tok you like 15 hours in row
  8. About this once there was somewhere around 010 Script for upconverting M2s from LK to WOD when you use such script you are able to open Upconverted Lk models in 4.6.1 again Some ppl had problems with it but when its done carefully its working well Pick Up WoD Model --> Do M2redux edits --> downport to LK --> UpConvert model to Wod --> "and we can start all over again"
  9. Honestly in this world isnt any being that would help because you stil didnt did what have i said before Describe Your Process of Conversion becuase the only thing you have said so far is " i converted it and its not working what am I supposed to do " so once you give us intel how have you been converting it we may try to find mistake in your procedure
  10. you say exactly ? you didnt even provided export option // if you fixed 3ds UV Correction // etc ...
  11. by what yo described model should be working if its not then you didnt mentioned some detail where you did mistake
  12. since you didnt even provided any infos about how u were such trivial thing doing there is no help comming
  13. There isnt any 2D editing section so i am here I would like to ask all of you beacuse i cant just check every armor texture that is in wow and i dont know if yes or no so i ask here There are planty armor textures like torso / legs / arms --- Now i speak only about 2D textures that are loaded on Body directly So Question is .... Do you think that there is chance of finding armor set that is for examle leg / boots / whatever version but not chest ? because whenever i try to find random gloves or boots in upper directory i get chests variatns and all variatns at all ( almost idc about robe/legs now i focuse only on Chest ) So again ... Do you think that there could be item that doesnt have chest version ?
  14. Cuz dis Private Sub ListBoxArmorSetsRefresh() Try LsBx.Items.Clear() Dim ContentPath1 As New IO.DirectoryInfo(TxtbxWoWPath.Text + "TorsoUpperTexture") Dim ContentPath2 As IO.FileInfo() = ContentPath1.GetFiles() For Each FileContained In ContentPath2 If FileContained.Name.Contains("CHEST_TU_M") Then Dim ControlSystem As String = FileContained.Name LsBx.Items.Add(ControlSystem.Substring(0, ControlSystem.Length - 15)) End If Next Catch ex As Exception : End Try End Sub
  15. Irrelevant I ask only if there is armor that has no Chest part
  16. Thats just me I try to keep my windows as small as possible or can be said space economical you can meke picture of how I conmpose my forms
  17. I see you dont care much about size of window