Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Everything posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. Yes i checked and I have done a mistake in files I will fix it
  2. If you want that model for character selection screen why dont you just decrease the size there ? there is liraly modifier for size evne in LUA
  3. Id say it has fucked up collisions since his camera didnt collided with the wall that should be there in LK and went out of bounds of his Indoor wmo group so it dissappeared thats how it looks like to me but at same time I have no idea if you can even get it working in TBC
  4. Alexstrasza The Life Binder 3D model from Heroes of the Storm converted to the WoW 335 using Human Female Animations and custom face the 3d model also contains animations up to the BFA 801 Price 25$
  5. Alexstrasza 3D model from Heroes of the Storm converted to the WoW 335 using Human Female Animations and custom face



  6. M2_file._RenderFlags.blendingmode = 1; M2_file._RenderFlags.flag = 4;
  7. I did a total overhaul to the topic so now you can pick which version you want with the hacks or without offsets to most importaint functions are listed I didnt listed shit like removed scan.dll or cache things those are collosaly trivial
  8. I actualy realized that i own patreon so if anyone would be interestedin supporting my cause I would appreciate it

  9. Or get mop dbc extract all spell names and descriptions parse them out and then place them into this russian dbc to replace the USSR lang
  10. Version 1.4.0


    Few more models that im releasing Contains : Alastor Strix'efuartus - Draenei Version Alastor Strix'efuartus ScourgeLord - Draenei version in battlegear Lythalia "Istasha" Morrigan Nalagash - Human witch doctor Etein Ümyrdor - (valla in m2) Nordic huntress Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite - Chosen one of Izalith fire the pyromancer Krauzeria Tenebrisis - Night elf warlock shadowmancer Bel Peol - Arbiter of Reverse Reasoning / Judge of Paradoxes Known bugs : Alastor - sometimes her eyes are buggy Some Special details Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite has few BFA animations working on LK use .mod standstate (or any other animations playing commnad) and browse animations from ID 400 up to 410 you will find them Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite has glowy textures When she is in darker envirovement some parts of her will glow in the dark Link to Void Case 1 :
  11. did oyu placed map dbc into servers files as well ?
  12. Ou thats quite ... high prices for lower quality Also btw on screenshot you have 2B and A2 not 9S
  13. Global $playerbase_alpha_patchadr = 7566401 Global $playerbase_alpha_patch = "0x8896CB000000" sourcode code of WoWMachinimaTool just add $WoW to adr and you should be done btw its byte[6]
  14. hardcoded in exe set up some debugging and with a bit of a luck will and googling you will be able to maybe catch that function and disable it the WoW machinima tool already does that but only for models getting transparent from range of 0% to <100% once oyu hit 100% it will disappear again making me think that function to make character transparent only to some point is done by how much is camera zoomed in but when it gets fully transparent is not actualy transparent but more like not being rendered at all that would sound logical to me you can also try looking at wiki for some offesets that may help you