Alastor Strix'Efuartus

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Everything posted by Alastor Strix'Efuartus

  1. If you mean these ... then all you gotta do is downport the model via multiconvertor then add it to the spell dbc then make a spell visual is that will reffer to the spell visual kit id then spell visual kit model attachment id that will reffer back to the spell visual kit id with that will also reffer to the spell visual effect name row that you will have to make that will contain the path to the 3d model and also in spell visual kit model attach needs to be mentioned the attachemnt point that the visual effect shoudl get applied too i would recommned chest 34 or back 12 anyway if you want to skip all of that I had commision by someone 4 years ago to do exactly these cloaks for 50$ so i can send you files for same price in case you dont want to pay and do it yourself here is the Spell Relations guide I made while ago
  2. header indicates that you simply didnt converted the model thats all
  3. then convert the axe to LK you already replaced the name in patch
  4. Make actual items that uses those display Ids ? also the axe in your patch is from wod with md21 chunk
  5. No tool to do that for bfa wmos and the one that should do it is WIP you ahve to do it manualy grab a structure and start fixin'
  6. If you want alleria to have anims of belf either change armature or pickup animation sequences from belf insert it to alleria and check bones relations
  7. Doing small upgrades to Carmillia using Shadowlands models









  8. also I tested local files reading several times with my files and it works for me I would suggest checking your stuff since this does not seems releated to my exe at this point
  9. Tbh I have no idea what you expect to get out of this but you can convert texture to blp with a blpconvertor8 and throw to the patch as a replacement for some face variations and then you can wear it ingame ... or oyu can do it by using one of milions of other ways to implement this
  10. Updated to Gen11 added no transparency for zoomed chars local files should be fixed now
  11. @Gratural i have found few errors in binaries and fixed them you can try it now if you ahve further problems then let me know
  12. I noticed bytes left in 10th ill do some tests and fix it
  13. Thats weird this should work I will need to check it which one did oyu used hack or normal ?
  14. THen convert either old ADTs to New format or new ADTs to old one there is a button for it in noggit