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Everything posted by Amaroth

  1. Well, first of all, trying to completely recreate something done by Blizzard especially in MoP+ is nearly impossible. We are stuck with some limitations WotLK engine and Noggit have, which means that we simply don't have that many possibilities. Although we can get reasonably close. Having said that, the biggest issues you've got are following: Your textures are not mathing your terrain geometry. Your edges aren't highlighted and your spaces between rock formations are not darkened (left more dirty to be more exact). You don't go into detail. Most of your rock formations/cliffs are way too big, as well as your texture "flakes". Use smaller brushes for both modelling and texturation, especially for modelling. Your rock formations are very round, I'd say you blur your edges or use linear flatten tool. You need to get a little bit more edgy in your style, if you want to copy Nagrand's style. Btw, as I'm looking at that image I have posted... it would probably look better with more sharpness in texturation and it would look better with vertex paint. But I can't get this much further. We can't scale textures on WotLK. And we can't use _h textures. That renders recreating such fine styles impossible. Take a look at WotLK zones, like Howling Fjord. You won't make it look better than that.
  2. WDBX editor? And otherwise, Kaev might be right.
  3. Don't forget to make Legion invasion in Star Wars style - Star Destroyers coming with 2nd speed of light from everywhere! Time for new player class. Jedi? Wait, not gonna work. Yedi! That might work for copyright laws. Something like Blademaster, #DefinitelyNotSamurai
  4. Noggit can't, for now, render models which basically lack visible geometry and are only made of particle emitters or similiar stuff. There are multiple ways of getting rid of this model. Modcraft sadly seems to be down right now, so I can't find proper tools now. The most noob-friendly way which doesn't need any advanced knowledge or extra tools is: Export model A which you want to delete from WMV (its M2 and .skin files). Export any another model B (its M2 and .skin files) about which you know that its visible in Noggit and easy for you to recognize. Rename model B's M2 and SKIN files so they match files of model A and place them into A's folder, so basically, you'll overwrite model A with model B. Insert overwritten model into (new) custom MPQ to Noggit's Data folder. Open map in Noggit again. You should have those invisible models replaced by model B you have overwritten them with. Delete unwanted models from map. Then you can get rid of that changed model from your custom patch, as you probably no longer want to have model A overwritten by model B.
  5. Have you wondered how to create dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of gameobjects out of just list of model paths, so you don't have to do that all by hand? I have created a tool for doing so.
  6. My internet connection is terrible at its best, so I don't really plan to stream. But I can definitely place links to you in my video descriptions and possibly give you some shoutout in a video.
  7. I'm accepting commissions again. But please, ony small or reasonable projects, no projects like "20 ADTs please". Something doable. I'm also selling my old Erutia map. You can see part of it in those 2 videos I have provided in main post, and in its project entry linked both in main post and below. I'll wait some time if anyone comes with decent offer. If there will be more of you, I'll either choose the highest bidder, or sell it to all of you, depenind on height of price you'll propose and depending on what we will agree on. Map contains 1 big (9 ADTs) island, 2 medium (around 1 ADT) islands, bunch of smaller islands (one of them has whole fortress on it), nearly 2 kilometres long creepy cave and 2 sets of floating islands in the sky. Models used on map are mostly MoP/WoD, as map is over 2 years old and unused. We can also agree on selling just a part of a map. Map can be divided into at least 7 subzones, so...
  8. Amaroth


    In this little series I'll show you how to open, create and modify MPQs and how o make use of listfiles. I'll also cover up basic MPQ security. Check my YT channel for more!
  9. Noggit user manual - video version. New videos will be added later. Check my YT channel for more! Repo here:
  10. Amaroth

    M2 Basics

    Basics of creating new custom M2s for your doodads and items. By basics I mean that I won't show you creature models, animations, particle effects of lights. Check my YT channel for more!
  11. Just a quick look at 010 editor. Check my YT channel for more!
  12. An overview of my toolpack. You can download it below. Check my YT channel for more!
  13. Check my YT channel for more!
  14. Check my YT channel for more!
  15. Check my YT channel for more!
  16. You can download up to date version of this tool below. Check my YT channel for more!
  17. It used to be there for a very long time. Then they have apprantly simply removed that, for some reason (I can no longer find it). Anyway, they haven't written it back into list of recommended MySQL editors.
  18. Well, I just trust judgement of TC devs.
  19. Idk. Incorrect MySQL version. Incorrect used editor. Incorrect something. Do you have recommended MySQL version? " Use the most recent 5.6.x version or 5.5 with mysql server configuration, DON'T use 5.7 version unless you know VERY WELL what are you doing, you will have issues with 5.7" And like I said, don't use Navicat.
  20. It sounds quite weird to me that you would like to get "tga files generated". TGA is just a texture format and unless textures are included in M3 files, you are likely missing some files from HotS itself. Or does M3 contain textures inside of it?
  21. Is in your TrinityCore's source folders, which you have downloaded by using Git. Files to create databases and to create auth and characters databases are being stored there. TDB contains only world database data and tables, not auth and characters, those are being downloaded with source files. Why is not Navicat recommended? I'm not sure, I've heared that it doesn't support some comments or whatever. If TC developers say that we are not supposed to use Navicat, at least not for creating our databases, well, who am I to argue with them. I¨ve given you a screenshot with an example of executing sql script on a database in SQLYog.
  22. It should be like this: Download TC source by using Git. Install MySQL server and open Navicat/SQLYog/Whatever (btw, Navicat is not recommended) Go to your src folder and run sql script from sql/create/ to create your databases Go to sql/base/ and run auth sql script on your auth database and characters sql script on your characters Download TDB and run (only its main, the biggest one) script from there on your world database In order to "run a script on your daabase", its probably the easiest to open SQL editor (SQLYog, Heidi... Navicat is, once again, not recommended) and then you usually need to right-click on your database (auth/characters/world) and then click on something like Import script. Like Ohai said, make sure you are executing scripts for your databases on correct databases, as you can't run world script on auth database, for example.