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Everything posted by Amaroth

  1. That would be great, I have attempted to retro-port whole current Legion client aaaand... Nothing seems to work at all. I basically gave up and am sticking to older stuff from Philly and others.
  2. Roughly around the middle of this tut: You may need to slightly change WoW.exe: Note that I'm just searching for stuff which seems to be what you are looking for, I'm purely WotLK modder myself.
  3. AFAIK WoW doesn't use MPQs since WoD - things are being changed inside directories. Someone may correct me though. Note that not starting to learn basics on WotLK is possible, but making your life way harder. You will get lower amount of tools, lower amount of tutorials, and much more is simply not known at all about newer client versions (especially about WoD+). And what is known isn't always documented very well, at least not as well as on WotLK. There are some tutorials here already: There is whole WoD section. Apart from these tuts, you might be mostly on your own. Which is obviously even more dauting if you don't have basics, but thats up to you. Now, to address your question, when you overwrite original file or put your new version of file into some place from which WoW reads later than from file's original source - yes, your version of file gets loaded. About BLPs, you can either use BLP plugin for Photoshop (which is overall recommended) or BLPtoPNG (and back) conversion. For the latter, I recommend BLiPster, which turn this task into something UI-based and thus much more comfortable and in this case, perhaps even quicker and more effective.
  4. Aaaaaaaaanything. Like, literally. Networking issue, overencumbered HW issue... Problem with your server, problem with your provider (owner of server)...
  5. WotLK definition of this DBC seems to be incorrect. #11 is supposed to be bloodLevel, #12 is supposed to be bloodID and #13 is definitely NPCSoundID refference. Your definition marks #13 as particleColor. Fields #14, #15 and #16 seem to have incorrect definitons as well. EDIT: Created a fork.
  6. Released my walls and updated my WMO pack, hope you like it!

  7. I've made these walls actually quite some time ago, but I didn't intend to release them until I finish towers for them. Seeing how unlikely it is for me to finish those towers in reasonable amount of time, I have decided to release at least walls, for now. You can get an updated version of my WMO pack here.:
  8. I've made these walls actually quite some time ago, but I didn't intend to release them until I finish towers for them. Seeing how unlikely it is for me to finish those towers in reasonable amount of time, I have decided to release at least walls, for now. You can get an updated version of my WMO pack here.:
  9. Items can have _u (unisex) and/or _f(female) and _m (male) variant. By using BE male model as gnome female model, you have told your client "this is new gnome female model, it has no tits and is quite taller, but its still gnome female model". So, clientwas happily applying female items, as it should.
  10. Right now, you are attempting to connect to databases with login trinity and password trinity. So, assuming that you want to keep using this default setting...: Does account "trinity" exist on your new MySQL server? Does it really have password "trinity"? Does it have full access rights on all databases and all tables in them (so global full access rights would be the best) Can it connect from localhost? If you have no clue how to even find out answers to these main questions, you need to learn something about creating and managing accounts and access rights on MySQL server. For now I can make this more simple for you with this script.: GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'trinity' WITH MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR 0 MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR 0; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `world` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `characters` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `auth` . * TO 'trinity'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; PS: You have mentioned your admin root account, which is created during installation. I do not recommend using that account for anything else than setting up MySQL server - so mainly for creating first, nondefault account which will actually be used. Root should not be used for common editing of data, and it definitely should not be used for accessing databases from apps like TrinityCore.
  11. Nymund9 asked on YT: "Everytime when I try to use this Addon, it says "WoW game data not loaded. Check settings" I dont know whats wrong. The path to WoW Client, WoW Model Viewer Log and BLP Converter are correct. I use Blender 2.78c. I hope you can help me." I told him to ask here, but he said (and he is right) that security check in registration doesn't work. So I'm asking in his place, because I don't know correct answer myself.
  12. authserver.conf contains connection to auth database, while worldserver.conf contains connections to all 3 databases. Make sure you have updated all of them. Also make sure, that everything is correct (IP, port, login, password, database name - ALL of that!). Also make sure, that account you are connecting to database with actually exists on your new MySQL server. And that your MySQL server actually accepts nonlocal connections (and that your core's account is not set to be able to connect from IP server is not actually connecting from). So many things can go wrong here... Just try to connect to your MySQL by using core's credentials, that can tell you a lot alone.
  13. worldserver.conf and authserver.conf store settings for connection to databases. F.e.: LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3307;trinity;trinity;medieval_auth"
  14. This looks very, very good. 2 things I'd still point out: 1. Terrain texturetion on rocks. At the moment, they look just like one huuuge slab of material. It doesn't look very real or natural, as normal rocks are broken into smaller formations. Your sculpting does look like that, but your texturation not - its just fully opaque rock texture everywhere without any dirt or grass over it at some places in lines between those separate formations. Got 2 videos about that in Lvl Design series, if interrested. 2. Water is very opaque. Maybe set lower opacity, to let that sand under it shine a little bit?
  15. I personally would just roll with this. Conversion between coordinates will be nightmare, I just hate to do that kind of stuff, but it is possible. Yes, it may produce some bugs while player in different phase goes over there with some NPC tailing him, but the question is - how often will that happen? "A proper solution would be to implement vmaps for gameobjects into your emulator. Everything else is a hack." That would probably increase both CPU and RAM usage so much, that it would not be worth it. And overburdening server's machine for one ship is not a proper solution, too :P.
  16. Transports are very, very specific and different from common gameobjects though. They also behave as a sort of map of their own in some ways, which enables server to actually work with NPCs on them properly. EDIT: If phase can be set to transport, it is nearly surely in gameobject_template between data0 and data7 (although the best would be just taking a look straight into src). I can't imagine it being set anywhere else though. Yet again, I have my doubts wheter transports can be assigned to phases, at least by default. Why do you think they can be? This would interrest me a little bit.
  17. Are you actually sure that SS maps are supposed to work with gameobjects in general? I am not (but I'm also not saying that I am sure that they should not).
  18. Why? There is no reason for doing that. Most of MySQL table editors just give possibility to copy whole database to different connection - which is process which takes up to few minutes. And the rest of editors at least give possibility to export SQL dump and then import it to other database server. This is kind of question which should be Googled, and its question related to editor piccolodmq is using, because each of them call such things in different manner and have them accessible in different toolbars/menus. But nearly every one of them does have such functionalities. Just Google "SQLYog copy database to different host", replace SQLYog with editor you are using. Done.
  19. Fogs. Great detail, and way to go. Perhaps some different texture around rocks would make this betterm but still, it looks good overall.
  20. Its a start :P. I like that. I think that you can avoid using Vanilla and overall old and outdated models more (f.e. there is great MoP campfire model). It seems to be quite a small and basic area, so I can't really say much more about that. Skybox is great, model selection is OK, texturation as well. I miss ground effects, and more detailed flora spawn - like ferns, bushes, flowers and so on.
  21. First of all, you need to know that there are 2 types of items - texture ones, and model ones. Texture items are only textures applied on character model, they can bear some information about how should character model change when they are equipped (for example gloves, boots), but in fact, they are only textures. So there is no actual way of opening such items in Blender, but what you can do is opening character model there and placing textures of such items on it. Having said that, there is the second kind of items - model ones. Headpieces, shoulderpads, weapons, shields (hand-held stuff in general) and in some cases belts on MoP+ have all models, and yes, in that case, you can open them in Blender. In case you want to edit textures, you need to get their BLP files - thats usually done by using WoW Model Viewer (WMV). There is BLP plugin for Photoshop, and there is also PNGtoBLP (and vice versa) converter, so you can also turn them to PNGs, edit them in that format and then convert them back. In case you want to edit models, there are two ways. You can convert models to m2i and open them in Blender m2i plugin (I've personaly never done this), edit them there and then convert them from m2i back, or you can export them from WMV as OBJ (or different standart 3D format), edit them in Blender and then go through standart OBJtoM2 conversion process, which may be way more tedious than m2i way afaik. If you have no idea what am I talking about, use Google :P. And check beginner tutorials, here, on Modcraft, on my YT channel, whenever, to get some decent idea about how things in game client work and how to do such things.
  22. No idea, I am not very experienced with more advanced spell stuff.
  23. I highly, HIGHLY doubt that in order to become friendly to Horde/Alliance you need to be friendly towards some "Horde" or "Alliance" faction. Those two are not an actual "factions". They are whole group of factions (for the lack of better term). Factions you have used are probably supposed to be used just for cathegorization in Reputation tab or something like that. I don't think you can become friendly toward whole "faction" of players and all their NPCs, at least not by using this method. Both Alliance and Horde are actually just FactionGroups. They contain dozens (if not hundreds) of player and NPC factions, which are an actual factions this spell targets. By creating whole bunch of spells making all NPC factions in FactionGroup you would probably make player be friendly towards that faction, although I am not sure wheter that would work with player factions themselves to prevent for example PvP. Btw, I have no idea what could cause your crash. I just want to point out that your idea as whole probably can't work, not this way.
  24. Normals are part of model. 3d stuff, absolutely nothing to do with game engine (apart from fact that it uses them, but so it does with UV maps, topology, vertex paint and so on).
  25. Noggit? No, it is not. But you can swap invisible/broken model with some existing and visible model to make that thing display in Noggit and then just delete it. Done.