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Everything posted by Amaroth

  1. Amaroth

    Exodus - Esgaroth

    From the album: Arathor RP - Erutia

    Esgaroth was founded by players on Exodus. This is late version when nature became corrupted by foul fel magic leaking from Blackmine. And yes, I wanted that Tanaan Jungle style. Earlier version used Sholazar models.
  2. From the album: Arathor RP - Erutia

    It doesn't look so, but a man could pass under those roots. I consider this place the most atmospheric of all my work thus far. Stones of Caelar and Geysers may match it. Maybe.
  3. From the album: Arathor RP - Erutia

    There were 2 big keeps of Fel Horde, this is the "smaller", or lets rather say, the second one. Warcraft 3 style of chopped trunks eeeverywhere is intentional :P.
  4. Amaroth

    Erutia - Argetlis

    From the album: Arathor RP - Erutia

    Another screenshot from Argetlis. Isles behind bridges were local magic academy.
  5. Amaroth

    Erutia - Argetlis

    From the album: Arathor RP - Erutia

    Argetlis was elven port in south-eastern part of Erutia and the last stand against fel Horde there.
  6. "C:/local/boost_1_58_0"? Didn't they mean rather "C:/local/boost_1_59_0" Thats just a little correction. Btw, Banzboyz77, if this doesn't solve your problem, post some log files so we can take a look at them.
  7. Well, thing the most close to "just interface edit" would probably be a glyph system. You can pick all WotLK glyph items, remake them so they don't cast a spell, but learn a spell instead, so player learns how to use a glyph when he uses its item. Then you need to edit Glyph window so it contains panel with glyph spells for your class. WoD also contains glyphs which are useble only by certain class specializations - and here comes a little problem while you don't have class specializations in WotLK. Can those be done? Sure, by some crazy remaking of whole talent system, but it would be no simple task. Still, you can make at least WoD-ish glyph system work and that should not be THAT hard at all. Things like stats would be much, much bigger problem in my opinion. About spellbook, well, what is different there? The only "change" around is fact that you have all spells in one tab when palying WoD, and tab used is determined by your class specialization. I am not sure why would you want to change anything there, in the end, that spellbooks is still quite the same. It just filters out spells which aren't from your class specialization - and unless you create those, there's nothing to work with there anyway. About WoD class specialization system... Well, I am quite unsure how to imitate that thing on WotLK. Some kind of remaking talents so you can see only 3 talents for 3 talent specializations and when you learn one, it shows you one of 3 talent trees, while the rest are off? Btw, you would also need to retro-port all WoD spells and talents and spell systems for that to be good for something. But I am not sure how big changes you wanted to make, maybe you don't want to copy WoD spellsystem itself, so...
  8. Most of things you have mentioned would be probably possible, by using quite a hacky ways you may actually be able even to turn one stat (for instance resilience?) into another (for instance multistrike). The question is, wouldn't trying to make real WoD project be easier? I know WoD emu suck hard, buuut... Porting everything from WoD to WotLK, trying to make WotLK look like WoD and in the and have some sort of mutant which might get damn buggy or unbalanced in stats... is this worth it?
  9. Just a little hint, don't use ADTs around borders of map (0 0, 0 1, 1 0...). You can't (easily) expand your map in one or two directions when needed when using those ADTs. And from my experience, its quite common that especially newbies tend to want to expand map further from original borders.
  10. Now does it? I have seen models which were not duplicated being deleted (yes, deleted, even "original" ones) right in front of my eyes when trying to use that function once. But its quite possible that it was linked with multiple-saves-created problem, because back in those times I still weren't aware of even that, I was just testing SDL 1.4.
  11. There might be another reasons for having lags in map edited by Noggit, but mot of them were gone with newere versions of app. Still, duplicated objects are the most common case. If you had about lets say 10000 objects on original ADTs and your duplications turned them into 20000-30000, then yes, you surely will have lags because of that, and quite likely only because of that. About deleting duplicated objects... SDL 1.4 has in Assist menu function Clear duplicate models. I was told it is slightly bugged and I saw it sometimes clearing also models which were not duplicated, but you can give it a try. Anyway, don't use it more than once on a map.
  12. Lets say you want to edit Howling Fjord in Northrend.: So, you open Northrend map, go to Howling Fjord and then you should mark all ADTs you will want to work on as edited by doing whatever in them. You can just click with flatten tool somewhere, or move some object a little bit to do so. When you are done, when all ADTs you will want to mod are edited, you can save. By that way you will mark area you will want to work on. So your Northrend will look somehow like this lets say: And now, EVERYTIME you are working on ANY of these ADTs, you should mark ALL ADTs as edited. So ALWAYS before you save, your Northrend map will look like this.: Do not save your map if all "orange" ADTs are not white-bordered. And always restart Noggit after saving. 2 simple rules - and no there should be no objects which disappear or are duplicated.
  13. Nice and short tut, I would just want to add that you need to have maps working for this system. It should be quite obvious, because AreaIDs are used. So make sure your maps are up-to-date and that .gps command really shows you correct zones you are in when working on custom maps. Otherwise selecting graveyard where your ghost will appear might get pretty buggy. Another little advice I found out, when server can't find graveyard to put you into, it will use default graveyards. ID 4 (Westfall, Sentinel Hill) is default graveyard for Alliance ID 10 (The Barrens, The Crossroads) is default for Horde
  14. Always restarting noggit after saving is the first thing you need to do, but it applies only to SDL 1.4. And there is also a seond thing you need to keep doing - saving the whole area you are editing together. Which means that you should always make sure before saving that all ADTs your project is containing were edited and will be saved. Things like "now I will edit and save just western Nagrand, tomorrow just northern part"... and so on should not happen, because those make those duplication (and probably also disappearing) bugs happen, too.
  15. I knew there were plenty of projects, but didn't know that there were so many of them. Interresting overview.
  16. Thanks for feedback Skarn. This is for 3.3.5a, I don't know how similiar/different those systems are on other client versions. I have highlighted all headings with size=20 and it looks fine in my browser, but its possible that it just doesn't look good in yours. I wanted to use heading formatting, but it made so huge spaces between rows that I have decided to use just a plain size. I will maybe try again.
  17. You are right, desktop really tells a lot about people. (y)
  18. Will definitely check this out, it looks really nice. Thumbs up :).