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Everything posted by Amaroth

  1. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    A road from Alliance farm to Blueroof village. Btw, night elves have nice view from their guard tower on that lumber mill :D.
  2. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    A road from Horde territory to Alliance territory, which leads to Alliance farm.
  3. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Horde neighbours, furbolgs.
  4. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Plains around Worg'tar, Horde territory.
  5. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Dock below Worg'tar.
  6. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Bandit clan of Golden cobra and its camp in marshlands.
  7. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Marshlands... Among the most dangerous places on island.
  8. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Storehouse in port and brewery on left (its not very visible here).
  9. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Marketplace in Blueroof town.
  10. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Mythia from above... Central parts of island.
  11. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Mythia from above... Blueroof town (probably the best translation) of Alliance.
  12. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Mythia from above... Horde camp Worg'tar.
  13. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Mythia from above... Marshlands.
  14. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Mythia from above... Night elven sacred valley.
  15. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Mythia from above... Mage academy.
  16. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Mythia from above... "Rune camp" of nords.
  17. Amaroth

    Arathor RP - Mythia

    Showoff gallery with screenshots from my former project, which was finished by my team and was recently opened. Sorry, its CZ/SK fulltime RP server, so if anyone would like to play with us, start learning 2 most difficult languages on planet :D.
  18. And I always thought it sucks hard in CZ/SK community... I feel sorry for you.
  19. A little more flexibility. Always useful :P. But it wouldn't matter to me that much at all, I would like to see angled water, because having all rivers or streams strictly horizontal isn't looking very well.
  20. This worked always fine for me. Just btw, if you ever happen to be working on any models which will be held in off-hand, note that they are NOT being mirrored, so you need to make such models to fit left, not right hand. Just an advice for possible future work, doesn't apply here.
  21. Their site is apparently down now, but I can't find link for downloading that world DB which is in this guide. Hopefully site will go up again.
  22. Item.dbc - staves should have sheath=2 (last field), 0 shouldn't give you this problem, but in WoW you sometimes never know for suere :D. You just may want to change it to 2. ItemDisplayInfo.dbc - "dragonprieststaff" isn't proper name of model. There must be "dragonprieststaff.mdx". That .mdx must be used. Thats most probably why it doesn't work for you. Fix this and try again. And, like was said, make sure your DBCs are in both client and in server data folders, that up to date versions of those DBCs are used (and that your DBC isn't overwritten by some other in other MPQ patch, stupid stuff like that which can always happen) and that database data of that staff match DBC data. For instance having incorrect class and/or subclass may cause some buggy behaviour as well.
  23. Follow database installation instructions, you clearly missed part about downloading and importing world databse (and/or updating it).
  24. Quite a lot of zones with skyboxes have weather turned off. But honestly, I don't use skyboxes as well, I usually just use generated clouds and light settings only for changing brightness of scenery. Fog and light effects are those more important to me.
  25. Ještě jedna věc, pokud textury convertnete do BLP za použití BLiPsteru se zaškrtnutým Clothing Texture, nepotřebujete ukládat textury v indexovaném módu, což dělá hodně věcí snazšími.