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Everything posted by Amaroth

  1. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Part of Blueroof town where poor live.
  2. I agree. It was not my doing though, originaly there were garrison lvl 1 farm houses and no entrance to underground at all.
  3. I meant that WDL generating tool. Correct far terrain rendering would be useful in my current maps.
  4. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Farm, which belongs to Blueroof town.
  5. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    A little piece of heaven (or hell, depends on point of view :P) next to townhall in Blueroof town.
  6. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Another screenshot from night elven sacred valley.
  7. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    The power of contrast of light and shadow. I love that place in night.
  8. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    There are several moonwells around, this is the biggest one.
  9. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Night elven sacred valley...
  10. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Sacred stones of nords. Behind you can see forest troll land, which is currently closed (and under that terrible barrier I so dislike, but hey, GM team wanted it there), like mountains currently are.
  11. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Mountains on nord side. On the left hand is nord dock.
  12. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Another screenshot from Rune camp.
  13. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Rune camp, nord... village? Whatever you call that.
  14. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Just a frontal side of mountains, there are about 9 peaks if memory serves me well. Currently closed zone.
  15. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    A serpentine road to mountains. Its blocked, for now.
  16. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Old dwarven keep, now locked and besieged by horde of gnolls. There were the first attempts of rooting them out already, we shall see, how this ends.
  17. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    These two dragons were standing above a road to mountains even in original Mythia, and because I just love dragons, I simply kept tradition. Its symbol of Mythia, even while those dragons have no real major story behind them, they aren't important at all (at least until GM team decides otherwise). Still, its symbol and memory, and thats why they are here, watching the island, and mountains.
  18. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Bloody courtyard, where undead scourge dwells and waits...
  19. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Welcome to the jun... bloody forest. Tread carefully, because the unliving are everywhere...
  20. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    A crossroad near quarry. Screened path leads to Bloody forest with Bloody courtyard in its center - local scourge bastion.
  21. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    This is a road from farm and mage academy to western parts of island, where nord territory is.
  22. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    An old quarry, which was turned into prison camp. It is now one big bandit keep, under rebellion of prisoners. They are free now, but don't dare to attack Blueroof town itself.
  23. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Mage academy, sometimes a little bit mistrusted place, because one can find also a few "trustworthy and helping" warlocks around.
  24. From the album: Arathor RP - Mythia

    Road from Blueroof town to farm. On the right hand you can see night elven guard tower. Behind it would be mage academy. On the left hand is farm, which is hidden behind trees.