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Everything posted by Amaroth

  1. Amaroth

    From distance...

    From the album: Yarr isles

    Wide image taken from east...
  2. Amaroth

    From distance...

    From the album: Yarr isles

    Wide image taken from west...
  3. Amaroth


    From the album: Yarr isles

    Mountains on Horde island were made with much bigger precision, as I expect players to climb on them at least a little bit, than in DotA 2 map.
  4. Amaroth


    From the album: Yarr isles

    You just can't see whats preparing to jump on your back here.
  5. Amaroth

    Sacred place

    From the album: Yarr isles

    Water spirit is strong here, but I still wanted to have all 4 elements represented on shaman stones in a circle.
  6. Amaroth

    Horde base

    From the album: Yarr isles

    Smaller and lesser protected than Alliance one, but one just has to admit its hard to even get here though dense jungle.
  7. Amaroth


    From the album: Yarr isles

    I think I've posted this particular one before in What are you working on section. Well, here's final version of the end of one of four rivers on Horde island.
  8. From the album: Yarr isles

    Well, this is a place to have some fun with goblins, as one can tell from spawn.
  9. From the album: Yarr isles

    Larger Horde outer checkpoint.
  10. Amaroth

    Horde docks

    From the album: Yarr isles

    Its hard to get them into one shot as they are (together with ships) quite long, narrow and high. Whatever.
  11. From the album: Yarr isles

    Another Alliance checkpoint. Time for some cannon blastin'!
  12. From the album: Yarr isles

    One of two Alliance outer checkpoints.
  13. Amaroth

    Alliance docks

    From the album: Yarr isles

    Finished version. I just wanted to add something more there, so I ended up doing this new wooden part.
  14. Well, when you don't have matching object, you can also create a one. Or re-texture an old one. OK, I'll take a look at those objects and will send you them soon. Just tell me what scale of original titan curb are you using, to help me determine how wide and high curbs should be.
  15. Overall it seems nice and I really like an idea. What I in general don't like to see are models from different expansions next to each other. WotLK buildings combined with Vanilla flora... duh. I am a big fan of new, retro-ported models, sometimes maybe too big fan one could say, but still, I'd personally avoid mismatching models like this and use at least WotLK stuff. Making sidewalks slightly higher than roads themselves... ah, nope. You, in reality, can't, unless you use M2s. In theory, it might be possible, but I wouldn't even try, results would probably look just bad. WoW's terrain tris are just too big for such tasks. About curbs, this is one of examples where making a custom model on your own would be probably the most easy solution, by using texture from buildings (I'd use that stony texture from their bottoms). The model you've used must be a mess to work with... and is actually just too large. If you can't make custom M2s, leave me a PM and I may do this for you (for free, I just like an idea and want to do something in 3D :P) and create a set of curbs. Aaand btw, don't use a completely flat area as base for your city. Never, ever. Its a mistake lot of devs do and in the end, their cities look flat, boring, unrealistic. Notice that even SW isn't completely flat.
  16. Just to let you know guys in case someone was interrested in this... I'm doing this on my own for my bc. Will release as open source afterwards.
  17. Amaroth

    Castle's gate

    From the album: Yarr isles

    Blizzlike garrison gate crashes in both client and Noggit for me, and I prefer this alternative solution anyway as it looks more like a real gate to some castle.
  18. Amaroth


    From the album: Yarr isles

    I am still not completely happy with them :X. But at least something. Probably better than nothing.
  19. Amaroth


    And make some decoy in its place which would be visible in Noggit.
  20. Amaroth


    WotLK waterfalls rapids models with changed textures. Btw Allifeur, I'd say they look way, way better in actual game when one stands on surface. But yep, I am also not really happy with them and might consider deleting them entirely.
  21. From the album: Yarr isles

    Just take a look at Alliance's keep from here...
  22. From the album: Yarr isles

    Or take a look at Horde's island. Island will be finished soon.
  23. Amaroth


    From the album: Yarr isles

    Player can actually climb a mountains to take a look around. A little camp for qgiver is here as well.
  24. Amaroth

    Start beach

    From the album: Yarr isles

    New adventure begins! Errr... where should I go?
  25. Amaroth

    Start island 1

    From the album: Yarr isles

    This is just a smaller island, a starting zone.