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Everything posted by dashker

  1. So i will show you the problem, i am parsing a double, converting to string bubt with the double format double text = double.Parse(ScaleBox.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); string result = number[0] + "," + number[1]+ "," + number[2] + "," + number[3] + "," + text;
  2. I've made a button for set values and don't get any eception
  3. No problem i want to do some more tools i think it's necessaryso i am thinking to do a reader too because it's more easy to work hahaha i have to plan how to read and write but yes. So if you want to add more races you can do it in the source code
    Fully usable entry creator for CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc into CSV. You have an example in the program so you can work if you don't know how to use the program So... Like I said this is OpenSource so everyone can edit by her/hisself
  4. Sorry i don't filled the races is a switch so put yourself the strings, if you don't do it i will do it tomorrow
  5. i have a question i have a powerfull gpu but the noggit goes at 5 fps in a environment that isn't very charged why?
  6. it's stupid to not share another person will do it at another time, so... why always closed source... it's only a swindle
  7. I think it's better to OpenSource your program, like said everybody here, OpenSource helps the community, and another thing very important, it helps to a lot of devs when he/she are making his job, for example, you done an alogrithm for shape a terrain and another person don't know how to di it, if he/she watch the code and understand it, can collaborate and improve the code or make more things, it's just my opinion. In my class yesterday we started Object Oriented Programming but when i can do my tools i share it to the community and will do it OpenSource
  8. i will reply you, so... I showed it, and you can see it
  9. i touch the sensitive fiber of the community no? I know where is the bug, but the people doesn't want to respond this question
  10. for example, you want to add a new model, you will have to know the creaturedisplayinfo id to put into the creature_model_info. And if you can edit the dbc's too, you can add more instances or maps or anything else to the DB more easily.
  11. but if edit the db i think is important to parse the dbc's and can edit it
  12. so for example you can substract an string from a vector that you can put the file name for example you can use a matrix of values for all the filenames or a list and then, find an exact string, for example "Head" and then show it
  13. if you use a Mist of pandaria WMO converted to Wotlk, sw_tradedistrict is the bug, so if you want to use the newest stormwind you will have to find it from another place So if we want to use the Cata+ SW we will need to remove thing a lot of things... i don't know what i have to delete maybe one list of FIleList from MOGN
  14. idon't know i am only making speculations. i don't know exactly how it works
  15. apart of this there is another map called stormwind i think that overrides the azeroth map, it has stormwind too
  16. This is the problem i had, so i think it's a gameobject, cause if you delete from all the maps and adt's the wmo it' appears equally, i think that is is spawned in the db of the server
  17. i think, the path is too large
  18. if you put a large path for the model it gives error if is not this the error if you put a lot of folders it gves you a outofbounds error i thinks is an array or a matrix.
    So yes, this is a good tool, do you want te convert back, your models? this is your tool!