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Everything posted by dashker

  1. Right now i have done the ChrRaces.dbc file and interface so now you can edit the races i don't want to add more results cause you know the wow client limit so... is the limit... but is working like a charm And i will tell you, the expansion box is in it, and it's not a flag, the program will convert it for you Right now i am doing a good translation system but i need time so, please let me develop it.
  2. dashker

    R.I.P. Zim4ik

    all people it ask hisself this things... but sometimes you can't do anything... If one thing has to happen will happen.
  3. dashker

    R.I.P. Zim4ik

    i don't work too it tel''s me that the file it can't be opened
  4. dashker

    R.I.P. Zim4ik

    Another thing, the file is corrupt...
  5. dashker

    R.I.P. Zim4ik

    rest in peace zim4ik
  6. try { string ReadedLine = sr.ReadLine(); int resultingname = int.Parse(ReadedLine.Split(',')[0]); if (race == resultingname) { Found = true; for (int i = 0; i < 69; i++) { strvector[i] = ReadedLine.Split(',')[i]; } } } catch (System.FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Fuck You!"); } When I do this i am having continuosly System.FormatError and i don't know Why Thansk for the help
  7. i am understanding it, but never used this things, and minus in class, so i need help to learn, i think it's normal...
  8. How i can store it into an array, i need to do an array or a matrix, and how i get the length of a line?
  9. Here you have the code, in theory am making it by a good way but... is failing ReadChrRaces.cs
  10. Version 2.0


    You want a new EntryCreator for CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc Here you have it Initial version Fully Working using a vector and getting values. I need more information but yes for now it works Source Code Available here Source.rar
  11. you will have to know how to do it with the template and you programing skills hahhahah i have a lot of troubles making my things but here we are for learn how to code and do things
  12. you can put the same name 3 times and the times like you want, but you will have to change his ID Number, and then re-attatch it in noggit, for the base terrain if you do a 010 script i think you can eliminate the objects, just deleting the strings
  13. i don't want to be space economical hahaha this is the diference. Anyone can edit the code so it isn't necessary to do it by myself
    Give me feedback @Alastor Strix'Efuartus I know about the size lol
  14. Like i said from example in TextBox1.text I have 2.0 How i can got this value?
  15. i will do it, so if you wait i will do it for you, and ofc my work it will be OpenSource
  16. It's DBC related, if you give me time i can do it My new tool try to handle a lot of DBC, so, give me time For now i have to learn how to handle every kind of var and translate it to a string to write his file
  17. int[] number = new int[15]; number[0] = int.Parse(EntryBox.Text); number[1] = int.Parse(ModelBox.Text); number[2] = int.Parse(SoundBox.Text); number[3] = int.Parse(DisplayInfoExtraBox.Text); double scale = double.Parse(ScaleBox.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); string result = number[0] + "," + number[1]+ "," + number[2] + "," + number[3] + "," + scale; ShitBox.Text = result; So i don't know how to handle the double so my head is exploding
  18. Tes i have it hahaha but when i put it in a text box for example the "2.0" is 2 so i don't know if i have to add it into the string or another thing
  19. I think anyone can resize it with the source code, it's not a prority for me hahahaha.