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Everything posted by Thoraric

  1. When i rename adt from the same map from 45_20 to 15_10 or sg like this it is working. But if i put from other map like dungeon it isn't working the place of adt is empty, im to ask what could be the error which causes this? I want to find out how to merge maps and avoid this kind of errors, any idea whats occuring this? If delete some lines in 010editor is enough?
  2. The feeling when you open a new post in the hope of learn something new but you don't understand anything.
  3. @echo off for %%i in (*.adt) do OffsetFix.exe "%%i" pause
  4. And how much time should I wait when i started the fix.bat file? Because it doesn't show anything in the black window,it stays empty. I put 140file into the folder. C\Windows\system32\cmd.exe is the name of the window The window is still open since 1 hour
  5. How to change the coordinates of ADTS? I should ran the offsetfix when every single ADT-s are in the folder or only the ones what i want to add as additions to my map? What to do if the offsetfix just open an empty black window?
  6. Thank you for all answers!
  7. What is the best way to work on the same map from different computers, can more people work on that together? I don't want to upload 500MB always because of some some ADT. And I want avoid bugs.
  8. woooow i can't believe it! WORKED! THANK YOU!
  9. I have an issue which is visible on the first picture, I have problem with copy pasted ADT in azeroth. The problem is from the height differences according to my opinion.I used the script and template from this site but i have a problem when i run the script on my ADT-s. What am i doing wrong? What is the solution?
  10. its working for you?
  11. on this site in the downloads
  12. I select in the Floating Group Tab the then I select "run the script" then I choose my ADT-s and and I get the error.
  13. its in the right position
  14. I selected the script then the program ask for ADT-s and then error
  15. I just don't get it, I should make run the template on the script and then run the script on the files? I tried run everything on everything and i get always error. Is there any tutorial for dumbs? When I run the script *ERROR Line 36: Variable 'ADT_file' is undefined. When I run the template *ERROR Line 271: Template passed end of file at variable 'magic'.
  16. now im having syntax error What should i do now?
  17. First question: is it possible to copy only the terrain, texture and objects (m2,wmo) from ADT files without the DBC reffering on that i mean delete lights, musics, areaID-s transport ID-s. etc. All is i need the raw terrain. Second question: Is it possible to have a name of territory three times in the DBC database with different reffering to music. For example: I want to own 2 continents, each continent has an elwyn forest. I would like to change the sky one of copy but i don't want to change the others version. I think its possible because in draenor and in outland there is "nagrand" with the same name and different reffering to music.
  18. Don't you know if there is a tutorial for that?
  19. Here i'm going to release new maps one by one when they are ready. As the terrain is changed the maps should be changed also, what if I don't want to stay at blizzard styled maps and i go back to the warcraft 3. Using this style the maps will be less detailed and unfamiliar for players. I think most players know well geography in warcraft and this style will change the game experience in a positive way. The maps use the old names of villages, before the third war. Later there will be plagued territories too. I am going to remake Western- and Eastern Lordaeron because i am not satisfied with them. The reason is too much trees and bad contours. If you have any idea to improve visually the map or village names, i appreciate the contribute, and feedback. Under Construction: Northeron, Kul Tiras, Baradin Hold, Icecrown, Azjol Nerub, whole Northern Kingdoms map (Upper half of eastern kingdoms, this will be like worldmap) This shires are just my alpha ideas. Do you guys have any idea how to design the instances when you are inside? Since it's hard to illustrate tiny details indoor dungeons and I want to stay at warcraft 3 style. But maybe i will make instance maps like a handmade sketch. This is the problem with the cities too. When i am 100% sure where will be the entrances of dungeons i am going to sign it with red "X". This maps will be used on my custom server, which is in early development. If you like my work check back later i upload new map in 1-2 days. Hinterlands Tirisfal Glades Western Lordaeron Eastern Lordaeron any idea to make arathi highlands (Stromgarde) better? I didn't find any information what was the name of Hammerfell before Ogrim Doomhammer died there. Go'Shek sounds like orc name i don't know what should be the name of that farm. Maybe i am going to add some trees to boost visually. Silverspine Forest, Should I add more water on the left side? Its seems too empty. I don't want to delete islands or none of the players will find anything on the map. Alterac Hillsbrad, not 100% done Im going to add internment camps more but i didn't decide where yet. This will Dragonblight where Scourge will levelin, Later there will be an independent phase when arthas landed as Paladin. Im asking you guys, in the original warcraft 3 campaign we can see on the maps nerubian outposts, I should put them and build some nerubian outposts on the surface, or they the developers wanted to locate the underground nerubian ouptosts? Should I delete the color of dragonaspects or decorate it somehow? Gilneas-Before the cataclysm Ghostland (Blackened Woods) If someone knows the old name of deatholme please tell me Eversong will be restricted for all players cause it will be a huge raid later.
  20. Here i'm going to release new maps one by one when they are ready. As the terrain is changed the maps should be changed also, what if I don't want to stay at blizzard styled maps and i go back to the warcraft 3. Using this style the maps will be less detailed and unfamiliar for players. I think most players know well geography in warcraft and this style will change the game experience in a positive way. The maps use the old names of villages, before the third war. Later there will be plagued territories too. I am going to remake Western- and Eastern Lordaeron because i am not satisfied with them. The reason is too much trees and bad contours. If you have any idea to improve visually the map or village names, i appreciate the contribute, and feedback. Under Construction: Northeron, Kul Tiras, Baradin Hold, Icecrown, Azjol Nerub, whole Northern Kingdoms map (Upper half of eastern kingdoms, this will be like worldmap) This shires are just my alpha ideas. Do you guys have any idea how to design the instances when you are inside? Since it's hard to illustrate tiny details indoor dungeons and I want to stay at warcraft 3 style. But maybe i will make instance maps like a handmade sketch. This is the problem with the cities too. When i am 100% sure where will be the entrances of dungeons i am going to sign it with red "X". This maps will be used on my custom server, which is in early development. If you like my work check back later i upload new map in 1-2 days. Hinterlands Tirisfal Glades Western Lordaeron Eastern Lordaeron any idea to make arathi highlands (Stromgarde) better? I didn't find any information what was the name of Hammerfell before Ogrim Doomhammer died there. Go'Shek sounds like orc name i don't know what should be the name of that farm. Maybe i am going to add some trees to boost visually. Silverspine Forest, Should I add more water on the left side? Its seems too empty. I don't want to delete islands or none of the players will find anything on the map. Alterac Hillsbrad, not 100% done Im going to add internment camps more but i didn't decide where yet. This will Dragonblight where Scourge will levelin, Later there will be an independent phase when arthas landed as Paladin. Im asking you guys, in the original warcraft 3 campaign we can see on the maps nerubian outposts, I should put them and build some nerubian outposts on the surface, or they the developers wanted to locate the underground nerubian ouptosts? Should I delete the color of dragonaspects or decorate it somehow? Gilneas-Before the cataclysm Ghostland (Blackened Woods) If someone knows the old name of deatholme please tell me Eversong will be restricted for all players cause it will be a huge raid later.
  21. This is how should be your model and portal setting according to Skarn-s help, with this settings my model worked. Try this Смердокрыл. For Portal settings: Data Object Data menu: (three points triangle) Invert direction unchecked Wow portal plane checked First GroupID (_--) Second Group ID number of interior in scenes (-__) (For example: House_012, First GroupID 12, Second Group ID 0) Object Object menu: (orange cube) Wow WMO group unchecked For Model Settings: (orange cube) Object Object menu: Outdoor: Vertsex shading off Interior: Vertex Shading on Big thanks for Skarn.
  22. Im working on a great release for you guys because of much help, I want to upload whole dalaran with detached parts each house, wall and tower without the ground. before i make all the stuff i wanted to test if it works and i did it well because i bumped into problem.As you can see i detached in blender this bigger part of the city and i want to make further slices from this what you can see on the picture.BUT i have a problem How to solve this problem? I also include the blender picture.with interiors. In the picture from outside i cant see the interior and i see through the model when i try to go inside i crash to desktop.Anybody? Edit: I also tried to took parts from instances and put it into noggit but i got crash when i go near my custom WMO-s (i put it into outdoor which was instance wmo part)