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Everything posted by Thoraric

  1. I used this method to change a lots of models, I would see the loginscreen what could you create
  2. I can't extract my mmap and vmap from my custom Data, I put everything into patch-3 but it doesn't do the job. Anybody has a working extractor for mangos? I can't do anything until I can't extract the mmap/vmaps I don't want to use repacks, its the normal core from github 3.3.5 mangos
  3. Im running Mangos server. and tried to extract mmaps, vmaps but there occured a problem when it started to extract my custom maps? I put everything into patch-3 and also the dbc-s. what could be the problem? I get the extractor from modcraft, is there any avaiable modded extractor? on the picture you can see the error, something like "flag" error, what is this? I would be more than grateful if you could help me to solve this!!
  4. Someone has idea how to add animation to this model? I want to make it spinning little slow. Or is it possible to gain the animation from HOTS? And If I want to add this to database. I have to convert m3 to m2 wod and then downport to wotlk?
  5. failed to load m2, file is corrupt. It said when I tried to convert m2->m2i legion model.
  6. Someone can tell me what is this error mean? It poped up during using m2redux m2->m2i
  7. I show you two noggit errors, maybe someone know how to solve this. On picture one, there is something weird bugg, one chunk looks like turned into shadow cube. I tried to delete shadders, rise low the height everything but it doesn't dissapeared. Then I deleted the whole chunk but the shadow shade still there, lol. And it still appear in game. On the second picture my new noggit can't open texture palette, only open the exinting textures on the local adt-s can't load all the 65 side textures. I used old version of noggit to make my textures but its annoying to use 2 version of noggit. Any idea to fix this? If there isn't a solution for this I can make peace with this method.
  8. Hey, I downloaded it but when i try to open it, it says the file is in incorrect format.
  9. I put doodads into a building in noggit, but the doodads ingame deisappearing when i step into the interior but the collision stay. Why are my doodads dissapearing
  10. Is it possible to copy an others windmill rigs and animation and add to this model?
  11. I made a model in blender, and tried to export it as wmo but all of my custom wmo-s crash, when i try to look at them. What could be the source of the problem? My export settings are simple, Vertex shading off since its an outdoor model, and thats all.
  12. what is outliner? I pushed the button and this appeared
  13. Thats it
  14. I was tired yesterday gonna make picture about that today evening
  15. Thank you! This is v1, i want to shape it several times yet. Im looking forward to see your login screen showoff
  16. Is it possible to add rain effect like in Wow to Login Screen? I followed this guide, but it doesn't say anything about this. I didn't find rain effect model in modelviewer.
  17. I uploaded a video about that, if you have any suggestion, tell me Here is the original:
  18. Alright when im at home gonna make some pic, the error code helps, i mean the error which crashed me ingame?
  19. I choosed the worgen_ui and I placed the model in a position that showed only the rain animation, it looks not bad
  20. How to change a view of a model? For example my model is too big, and the camera is always close to a model and I want to see it from far and from another angle in modelviewer, when i open the file. I also need this for make more custom my login screen cause i can't rotate the models as i want so i need to change the way how they spawned in angle. Is this possible in blender? This problem is also occured when I made detached some part of complex building and when I want to adjust it to noggit i have to rotate it on a very very long curve.
  21. Yeah you had right! Thats pretty rain, is it possible to make the surrondings transparent and only the rain is visible?
  22. How supposed to find this point?
  23. I mean when I spawn a gameobject, it spawn to where I stay to my foots, and for example I want to rotate it or put it on an other doodad, how to do this?
  24. ingame is it possible to move objects by cursor? If i add an id to a doodads which were converted to wotlk?
  25. Then I start to friend with the thoughts that it won't rain on my custom areas and it wont dismount players