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Everything posted by Inico

  1. Inico

    3D Armors

    You must do it in Edit Mode, otherwise it will return to its default position once exported. If you rotate/move/scale stuff in object mode, you must apply those transformations by going to "object-> apply-> Location/Rotation/Scale".
  2. Inico

    3D Armors

    You should use Blender for that. Just toggle edit mode, press R to rotate, G to move or S to scale. If you don't have experience, rotating/scaling/translating stuff in 010editor or pymodeleditor is a nightmare.
  3. To be honest, I don't know how the wiki works, and the information is quite messy. I don't know where to start and don't want to break anything. Feel free to add it if you want, I don't need credit . Just added it to the tutorial.
  4. You can run the script wherever you want. The position you are on doesn't matter. Do this: Run the M2 template. If everything loads fine, run the script and reload the M2 template. If the script gives you an error, send me the model. If it loads fine, start doing the blend mode overrides stuff.
  5. It says there is an error in line 427 (something related with timestamps, not with the script of the blend mode override). I don't know what did you do, but your model has 4 more lines than mine, and there seems to be something broken in an animation (since the model doesn't have animations I guess it's related to the texture animation).
  6. That's because you are running the script on the script file itself and not on the model. -Open your model. Open the script. -Click on the model tab (as i did in the video). -Run the script. The log should say "Success! Second UV channel created!".
  7. That happens when your model doesn't have a second UV channel. Check if you are running my script correctly.
  8. I added a VIDEO to the tutorial. Check it out!
  9. Inico

    3D Armors

    That's controlled in itemdisplayinfo.dbc (helmetGeosetVis). As the description says, that script only works for belts. You will have to do it manually with 010editor or with PymodelEditor (just edit the texture name).
  10. Inico

    3D Armors

    No. You must separate each part of the collection into its own M2. In legion a model can be attached to multiple bones. That is NOT the case in wotlk. It's 1 bone per attachment. The collections system can't be reproduced in wotlk. However it can be emulated if you break the collection model into multiple pieces, each one into its own attachment. Nothing. You will have the same problem. In WOTLK, attachments will follow the animation of the bone they are attached to. And they can only be attached to 1 bone. In Legion, however, if an attachment has some flags in its bones and has the same ammount of bones as the model it is attached to, it will follow its animations. That's how the collections system works. Summing-up: In legion you can attach a model to multiple bones at the same time. In wotlk, you can only attach models to 1 bone (unless they are a "vehicle", as it happens with Kologarl Arms).
  11. Inico

    3D Armors

    First you must know how attachment points work. When you attach a model to another, it's origin axis will be where the attachment point is. You have to separate each part of the "collection" individually with Blender and move it to the origin axis. Then, create many new attachment points in your character and attach each piece to its corresponding attachment. Also, attachments can only be bound to 1 bone. So it's not possible to reproduce the legion collection system perfectly. Boots and gloves will probably look weird and disjointed.
  12. Particle colors are in RGB (255 255 255 is white). Use the Photoshop/Gimp color picker to copy a color value. Each particle has 3 color values by default (one for when it spawns, another for when it floats and another one for when it despawns), but it can have more. Example:
  13. Inico

    Cloak model

    Replace "Opaque" (0) with "AlphaTesting (1)". That renderflag is now transparent. If your cape uses that renderflag, it will have transparency enabled.
  14. Inico

    Tree M2 Error

    You can't edit anything with 010editor itself. You need the m2 template. Once you opened the model and loaded the template, change the renderflag blendingmode to "AlphaTesting 1" (it means "transparent").
  15. Inico

    Tree M2 Error

    Just open the model with pymodeleditor or 010editor and set the renderflag to transparent. If it looks too rough, try with blend + not z buffered.
  16. You can use the old BlpConverter. It's quite slow but efficient and easy to use. Just put all the png files you want on the same folder as the program and run one of the batch files (in this case, PNG TO BLP + INDEXED.bat). People suggest me to use BliPster, but it crashes all the time. Convert it to PNG and then back to BLP with the different format.
  17. Glad it worked! However, try to avoid doing it by hand. It causes too much damage to the texture. If you index them with the blp converters, it will look better.
  18. Character textures in WotLK must be in indexed format, otherwise they look green. Use this code when converting your blp files and it will fix your problem: BLPConverter.exe /FBLP_PAL_A8 "file.blp" Example of .bat file: @echo off for %%i in (*.png) do BLPConverter.exe /FBLP_PAL_A8 "%%i" pause Otherwise, do it manually with photoshop (Image->Mode->Indexed Color) and convert it back to BLP. Or use BLiPster with the character texture option.
  19. I tried that before but each model moves individually. Never managed to synchronize them (if the torso is at animation 0 frame 553, the hands should be at animation 0 frame 553 as well, but that never happens, only in Kologarn). Whatever, serverside is not my thing lol. If anyone could link some documentation I would really appreciate it.
  20. Yes. And they are playing the exact same animation frame at the same time (server-side scripting? bone flags? I don't know). If you attach multiple models, each one of them will play its animationsseparately. Kologarn is a special case. It has a lot of potential for more character customization. Only armor pieces with more than 1 bone per geoset, I would say less than 10% of them. It would take like 1 week of work, but it's possible, nonetheless.
  21. I don't think so. Look at the Kologarn model from Ulduar, it's 3 models in 1: Also, some bugged models converted with mdxtom2 attach to other models the same way the collection armor attaches to the character. However there is no documentation about it, as far as I know. You can also add mode attachment points to the caracter models and attach each armor piece separately with spells.
  22. Chrraces.dbc/db2 Flags: 0x2 Bare Feet Edit: nevermind, you flagged it as solved when I was writing the comment lol
  23. Nice texture painting! Did you make a male alternative as well? THIS, by the way.
  24. Having a value of "2" in "D4" causes the model to darken. Now, if you changed that value and the model is still black, it's because of multiple issues. The vanilla converter is quite bugged as far as I know. It adds rotation to bones that should not rotate and has an unpredictable behavior on skins and animations. Did you test the model in wotlk before converting it to vanilla?