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Everything posted by Zebrech

    Even if not working on my computer (i don't know why...) it's working pretty well on my father's computer so great work thanks
  1. When you think you're deleting your second WoW folder but, in reality, it's the only one you have :'( 


    1. Zebrech


      Praise the lord and you'll be grant they said. Well the goddess illuminates my mind and I finally remember that i've a zip of the full client.

    2. dashker


      you can search the client in a torrent or in a webpage i use a spanish one

  2. When your computers doesn't want that you achieve your server :(

    1. Skarn


      Throw it outside through a window.

    2. Zebrech


      Ahah bro i'll do that because i'm busy now ... vmap assembler that didn't work, cata+ converter who just make windows explorer crash ... :'(


  3. solved, didn't expect that there's a new column in creature table with the model id ...
  4. Hello guys, It's been a while that i did nooooothing because of my studies and well ... TC changed a lot. I tried to replace all old wolf skins by WOD wolf skins. So i injected new models in creaturemodeldata.dbc, create some new skins for each color in creaturedisplayinfo.dbc and change them in the server by sql querry. Nothing was update so i was looking for something wrong and i see a new table in world : creature_model_info. I added all my new displays in this table but nothing was update too. So i think it works like this now : creaturemodeldata.dbc>creaturedisplayinfo.dbc>creature_model_info table>"VERIFICATION">Display ingame But i have no idea about what is VERIFICATION. If someone can tell me, or correct me... Thanks