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Everything posted by Σκιάχτρο

    Very cool @ghutar WMOs are working but not very senseful to port them now that its alpha. most of them have grey\white unfinished textures. just wait a while & blizzard will fixs this then I will upload them if u want.
  1. try holding alt and clicking on the terrain then move your mouse
  2. you should ask Inico he has ported vulpera if I`m not mistaken and he might help you out
  3. Hey guys , Im trying to test out some BfA objects in a Legion localhost but Im having a struggle with adding new models to the game. How can i add a new .wmo to my client and then to gameobjectdisplayinfo? Any1 know how to do this in legion ? For some reason it doesn`t work the same as WoD or earlier ... Thank`s alot in advance
  4. I think they stream with CDN server . They can stream files to Legion 725 . Not sure how but i don`t think they want to share. My friend says : "they dont share the software". Wich is big shame because i want to mod in legion so bad ... from thier website:
  5. It`s possible. I know 7.2.5 server who does . But maybe they dont want share on model-changing...
  6. sorry i was mentaly destroyed from work earlier. i was using some old version i had on my computer
  7. oh thank you good sir! i was using a 7.3.5 version
  8. thank you but the cascview/cascexplorer doesn`t work for bfa... any other way? and I wasn`t invited to alpha
  9. Hi guys new here. Im trying to make a spell which would allow players to spawn and despawn a campfire object in WotLK. I know how to edit spell.dbc, Does any1 know how to make such a thing?? Basically: player uses spell ~> spawns campfire on cursor -> it`s permanent until server restart (can`t spawn more than 1) ~> if player uses spell again it will despawn. Thx in advance to everyone.
  10. I would like use kultiras models in noggit please Someone help a bloke out
  11. Yes you are right but cooking fire spawns on position not mouse. Also i want to make more objects like tent , bag , etc so i need smth like [Throw Dark Iron Ale] spell