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Everything posted by Alrineer

  1. Does anyone know how to get BFA tilesets and how to convert them to wotlk, I've looked on CASC explorer with no luck. 

  2. not the best at this but from what i can remember, you need to extract the file using CASCexplorer and then you can just use the Legion to WOTLK multi converter. any other instructions should be on that download page.
  3. Hello, this is a first glimpse into the second zone for the Duronar project, this is just the alpha and things are likely to change in the future - feel free to leave criticisms (ground effects are being added, just haven't had time yet). Firstly, here is a map to give a rough idea of how the zone is set out: Here are some early alpha pics:
  4. Hello, this is a first glimpse into the second zone for the Duronar project, this is just the alpha and things are likely to change in the future - feel free to leave criticisms (ground effects are being added, just haven't had time yet). Firstly, here is a map to give a rough idea of how the zone is set out: Here are some early alpha pics:
  5. Just a quick update, made a little website to showcase all my work on the Duronar project. Link is below: more will be added as the project progresses.
  6. Just a quick update, made a little website to showcase all my work on the Duronar project. Link is below: more will be added as the project progresses.
  7. I'm no expert but when I made custom classes and races, I used CharacterCreate.lua and CharacterCreate.xml which allows you to change positions or delete buttons like the class and race buttons although don't quote me on it.
  8. Plaguewood; or as it was called, Kiriiq, was once a sacred part of Duronar, home to many of the races, living in harmony. All was prosperous and plenty in the land, and many a people called it their home; This however, was before the Necromancer began his foul magics. He found that, using the souls of the dead, he could harness energy to use against others and so began to tinker with life itself - spawning foul and unspeakable creatures that soon began to terrorise the forest. sooner or later, the residents of Kiriiq began to leave, fearful for their lives against the never-ending abominations that arose from the ground. Soon this plague began to spread further north, bringing with it - a horde of undead. Soon the kingdom of Duronar had no choice but the quarantine the area using magic, and to set up defence outposts in order to prevent the spread of the plague; and over time, this once harmonious place has devolved into what it is now, a blight ridden forest that sickens anyone who dares enter it.
  9. Plaguewood; or as it was called, Kiriiq, was once a sacred part of Duronar, home to many of the races, living in harmony. All was prosperous and plenty in the land, and many a people called it their home; This however, was before the Necromancer began his foul magics. He found that, using the souls of the dead, he could harness energy to use against others and so began to tinker with life itself - spawning foul and unspeakable creatures that soon began to terrorise the forest. sooner or later, the residents of Kiriiq began to leave, fearful for their lives against the never-ending abominations that arose from the ground. Soon this plague began to spread further north, bringing with it - a horde of undead. Soon the kingdom of Duronar had no choice but the quarantine the area using magic, and to set up defence outposts in order to prevent the spread of the plague; and over time, this once harmonious place has devolved into what it is now, a blight ridden forest that sickens anyone who dares enter it.