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Everything posted by Adspartan

  1. Yes you can select everything from "MH21" to "MH20" (excluded) and delete it. As for the converter I'll upload it in a few minutes in the Files section ^^
  2. Yes ! If you take model that was introduced in cata in a legion build it will have it (not 100% about that).
  3. My bad ^^ Then it might comes from the particles.
  4. I'm going to upload mine which does that. Legion added a new structure at the beginning of the m2 which start by "MH21" in ascii, you have to remove it using an hex editor (like 010 Editor) If you want more informations on the m2s go there :
  5. The converter is not up to date, you have to remove the MH21 chunk manually before using it. And it's possible that particles are not handled well. When you're invisible and unable to move it means the model has a problem.
  6. Yeah I know, but since the different displays for a single model are working the way I just simplified, I have like 950 displays. And I just changed the flag on all of them, and looked at the result but it's really weird when the moving part are following the camera (especially in the dressing room).
  7. I tried to change the bone flag but it look strange so I prefer the unchanged version ^^ And yeah it was the particle color thanks again ^^ Btw you're lucky to have only 20 models that doesn't work properly, I must be at 30~ (at least) out of 245 different models that don't work properly (+ the MonkeyKing staves). Sometimes it's not really noticeable but some are really ugly
  8. I forgot about that, I just set a default value so that must be it, thanks. I "upgraded" my converter to have those results (it's not a stand alone software, makes my life easier) and here made for LK. That why I asked because I plan on releasing it too.
  9. Thanks for the info I never thought about this. Yeah it's a shame because the artifacts uses this for a few model. I managed to get something better than before, it's not perfect but I don't think I can obtain a better result. The blue version looks better, but the particles are still red, maybe I can change the color too. For mop or lk too ?
  10. I think the best way to start is to copy some existing models info. Take a weapon from the same type in the DB, look at the modelid, search the corresponding row in ItemDisplayInfo.dbc, copy it to a new row (the id of the row is the modelid) and change the texture/model/icon to match with your new model. Do the same in the DB, replace the modelid with your new model id and you should be good. The model name must end with .mdx in the dbc and you must remove the ".blp" for textures too. Weapons should have 1 skin texture but sometimes they don't have one I'm not sure what to do in that case, try leaving the field blank and see if the model is displayed properly. The name of the skin textures are usually the same as the model name with possibly a color or base after it and they are/need to be in the same folder as the model. Doc on ItemDisplayInfo.dbc : Item.dbc (required for weapons or else the game won't recognise the type of the weapon, and it allows you to equip items with right click)
  11. It's strange because I only took the model and texture, converted the model and it worked ingame. I took the textures from one on the first build but I tried with the last one and it works fine too.
  12. No it really look like you don't have the blp for the small flames.
  13. There shouldn't be any problem with the textures they work fine for me.
  14. When something is green like that it means you have some textures missing.
  15. M2ParticlesFix.exe I use it with PhilipTNG's converter, just drag and drop the m2 or the directory into the white box (it search the subdirectories as well) and click on Fix, it must be done after using the converter. But I've got a similar problem (at least visually) on some weapons like this shield, and he doesn't have any particles. (original look)
  16. I have the model working in wotlk if you want but it doesn't look that good. I don't know if it's because of the conversion or because of the limitations of the expansion
  17. I tried thoses models and they seems to be working fine for me :
  18. Check if the particles are correct with 010 Editor, it's most likely what causes the model to be invisible.