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Everything posted by Noones

  1. Hello everyone, i updated our Elunacore to the latest Version and now the server is crashing when a gm is unsing ".modify speed" To update the Core i did the following: - Git Stash - Git pull origin master - Git Stash apply --index im getting no real error message in the Crashes folder. Screenshots: Crash: DMP File: Git Status: Crash.txt: Serverlog: i hope somebody can help me with it, since i have no real error message im a bit helples here. Update: Just happens when someone is using ".mod speed VALUE" Greetings Noones Edit: Was already fixed: Thread can get closed, sorry..
  2. Hello everyone, i know im asking to many questions but still i got the following problem: I followed the Retro Porting Guide in this Forum about porting Cata Creatures to WOTLK. ( ) i downloaded the Folder from the creature "Whaleshark", Converted it via Cata to LK m2, added an entry to CreatureModelData.dbc, added 4 rows ( 4 skins ) to creaturedisplayinfo.dbc, added the display ids to creature_model_info in the database. The creature / the morph just makes me invisible and unable to move, could anyone help me with it? What did i do wrong? I tried this Tutorial with different entrys, no success. Greetings Noones Edit: A few Screenshots: 1. CreatureModelData.dbc: ( I Tried M2 since .MDX didnt work, already changed it back to .mdx, still no success ) 2. CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc: 3. Creature Folder: 4. Creature_model_info Database: 5. Creature_template:
  3. Oh my god that worked, thank you! I feel so stupid for using the wrong source Edit: Proof:
  4. Thank you for spending your time with helping me Here is the Download:!nJpzyaoA KEY: !Mn399h48qvahIsVp1QtRiDVwA_5TibLluWLaHqH1ivk Including: Fresh Extracted Model, Converted Model and DBC Files i edited Also here are Screenshots from me extrating it, maybe i did something wrong here?:
  5. Yes the Server and Patch files are both the same ( with the model in it ) i can morph into it ( same bug, invisible, cant move ) in the Patch i got the Folder Creature\Whaleshark\ with all files in it Could you take a look @ the screenshots i posted? Maybe i made a mistake here?
  6. Thanks, i will try to redownload the Model from CASC and then convert it with your converter, will update here if it works! Update: Still invisible
  7. Ahh so i need to removed the md21..... With 010 Editor ? Or can i have your converter?
  8. Anyway the Model i got from CASC is starting with MD21: Is this what you mean?
  9. Thanks, but the Model i want to use is a Cata Model?
  10. Thank you for your fast answer, is there an up to date converter? Also what exactly do you mean with "remove the MH21 chunk manually" ? Im sorry but im pretty new to this
  11. Tried to convert Whaleshark from Cata to WOTLK. I followed every step 1 by 1 ( mutliple times now ) but sadly the model is invisible ( both morp and npc ) Any ideas how to fix this? Greetings Noones
  12. Tried to convert Whaleshark from Cata to WOTLK. I followed every step 1 by 1 ( mutliple times now ) but sadly the model is invisible ( both morp and npc ) Any ideas how to fix this? Greetings Noones
  13. Sorry for this noob Question, but how did manage to fix the Flaming Ashbringer?
  14. Hello everyone, im pretty new to reptro-porting and currently im trying to import the Legion Artifact Weapons to WOTLK. I managed to convert a Legion Creature to Wotlk, but im apparently to stupid to convert the Legion Items to WOTLK. After like 30 Mins of google all i could find was some tutorials, how to convert creatures and mounts, but no real tutorial how to convert items ( + DBC Editing ) Could anyone help me with a real DBC Editing Tutorial? So i can use the Legion Weapons in WOTLK? Greetings Noones
  15. Tested it with a 2 Hand Weapon, works perfectly, thanks! Greetings Noones