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Everything posted by Razmataz

  1. When the GenType is 0 or 5, read what the Color value is.
  2. Example of linking faces and skins for new night elf mannequin skins (21) Note, the third column (middle set of 0s) should be 349423:
  3. Yeah, that's when it gets a lot more complicated. For each of the skins I believe you need to hook it to all the other versions by use of "type" and "color" values.
  4. Double click on the CharSection.db2 file, press Continue, double click again then save.
  5. WDBXEditor export to SQL, update db_charsections_23835 set field10 = 19; Import & override from SQL file.
  6. 0x01+0x02+0x16 - Playable + Barbershop + Unknown. Whatever it is, it has worked for me in 22996.
  7. Struggling to understand the actual issue you're having here. You're saying you broke DH and DK Customisation? In that case, I think you should use flags 0x19, not 0x01. If you want to figure out FileDataIDs/FilePaths, modify https://github.com/WoW-Tools/CASCExplorer/.
  8. You want to execute the following query: check table gameobject_loot_template; If the status in the output is not ok, then: repair table gameobject_loot_template; There might also be a flag in gameobject_loot_template that has recently been triggered for one reason or another that is preventing you from looting them ordinarily. Or some quality assigned to the gameobjects in gameobject_template. I really can't say for sure.
  9. That's what I was afraid of. If you're unable to get away with hostname (which, to be fully honest, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to), you might need to hardcode it. I'm not sure how you'd accomplish that. Or, I might've given you wrong details and you need to adjust localAddress in the realmlist table and BnetServer.Address to Frankly, I've never figured it out 100%.
  10. The issue with repacks is that you don't necessarily have the exact same files or dlls that they do, ergo it might run into issues. OPCodes is unlikely to be the cause and even if it was, because you're using a repack you wouldn't be able to amend it. Try repairing your gameobject_loot_template table through your database editor. It might be corrupted and that could be the cause of the issue.
  11. Alright, in that case you might have to give it a go with your hostname rather than an IP address. I don't know how it might turn out.
  12. You should be setting it to the IP address that your hostname redirects to. That goes for the realmlist as well - it should be id - Server Name - public IP address - public IP address - - 8085 - icon - … … …
  13. Right, I've not been keeping up to date on the development of 4.3.4 but there seems to be a line BnetServer.Address = in your worldserver.conf. Try setting that to the IP address you have used in your realmlist table.
  14. You would need to begin with a WMOEditor and examining a small WMO, like the farm.wmo. If the software cannot help you then you need to delve into the raw file data of the wmo. You look inside it with a program like HexView and determine where the lighting chunk is by reviewing https://wowdev.wiki/WMO/v14. Research, figure out how to reproduce it on other WMOs, and if you're feeling inventive enough, write a script to loop through all of them and set them to use natural lighting.
  15. Did you compile the server yourself or are you using a repack? The loot stuck bug used to be all the rage on Blizzard live servers, and afaik it was attributed to latency in fetching the necessary data. In this case, it might be that, or it might be something more nefarious such as OPCode problems.
  16. I'm going to check now but for 7.0.3 to 7.1.5 WDBXEditor worked fine. If you want to figure out the definitions, crack open your WoW.exe in Hexedit and look for the .db2 and .adb loading section. Seems that WDBXEditor cannot handle 7.2 DB2s yet. However there seems to be a fix that works if the file definitions are not different: In the 7.1.0 ItemAppearance DB2 the fourth to six hexadecimal values are 357277. However, in 7.2 they are 36A27C. Simply change the 7.2.0 ones to the 7.1.0 ones and WDBXEditor can open the DB2.
  17. To handle the creatures required being only visible to those who have a quest: Try using a spell_area that applies either: A phase change to the player in order to see the NPC or a spell effect that allows the player to see invisible creatures. The functionality you're looking for doesn't exist unless you use those two options. As for the second case, I think the only option you have is to make six quests in all. Three of them are non-repeatable and after they are done, unlock the repeatables individually. When all three of them are done, the big quest is unlocked.
  18. So you have two ways about this: #1: Your skillshot is a cone based spell so that after the cast completes, any targets in front of you take damage. Some abilities that used this concept already exist without any additional coding including ones that are a long straight line in front of the caster. #2: Blizzard has to rely on invisible NPCs carrying spell effects to actually get away with a projectile based skillshot - one that takes time to reach its destination. You can see this in various wave like abilities (Archbishop Benedictus 'Wave of Virtue'). The dummy spellcast spawns the NPC beneath the caster, and the NPC travels forwards in the direction they face. Usually the invisible NPC has a spell effect that does damage to everyone within so many yards of it every second. How to go about doing this? I'm afraid I can't help you there. See if you can think up of any boss in WoTLK or prior that uses a skillshot mechanic and then try and find if there are any scripts on TrinityCore 3.3.5 that handle that boss. You might be lucky and be able to copy something.
  19. Just look at the itemDisplayInfo with your every-day DBC/DB2 viewer/editor. Find the displayid of an item that properly masks your hair, check that row in ItemDisplayInfo and copy the HelmGeosets from that into the one you're using for your custom helmet.
  20. Assuming you've retroported the itemDisplayInfo as well, it's possible that the the HelmGeoset fields uses values that aren't yet defined in your patch. HelmGeosets are in charge of these kinds of properties - ears, hair, beard, eye glow, etc. Look for other helmets that have the behaviour you want and use their HelmGeoset values.
  21. So inside sword_2h_artifactashbringer_d_01.m2 you have the following blps: Item\ObjectComponents\Weapon\ArmorReflect4.blp Item\ObjectComponents\Weapon\GlowBall.blp Item\ObjectComponents\Weapon\Star5tga.blp If you want the weapon to have no green squares you're going to want to make sure you have those files as well. Editing them and removing them is something I'm sure someone else will have a better grasp on. Converting it to use ItemVisualEffect might be more complex than you think.
  22. Amaroth's post answers 2. and 3, so this one will answer 1. Icons in Legion DBCs are found in Item_Appearance, details are available here: https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/ItemAppearance Fortunately, Item_Appearance hooks a DisplayID directly to an AppearanceID with an IconID, so you simply need to union the two tables on DisplayID.
  23. I'm gonna guess it's to do with the map-wide files pertaining to ADTs: either the .tex, .wdl, wdt, lgt.wdt or occ.wdt.
  24. Another option to find out the ADTs you need is to use https://newmaps.marlam.in/Kalimdor/18/3/-63.125/92.313. Make sure to change the version from 5.4.7 to the second 7.0.1 option because the technical details aren't available on some map versions. Click on 'enable technical details', click on somewhere on the map and you should have a prompt in the left box indicating both coordinates and the tile (which is the ADT filename) of the location you clicked on.