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Everything posted by Sardonyx

  1. Sardonyx


    Hello,people!Yesterday I was bored and decided to start making my new world.I want your toughts and suggestions about this starting area I am doing now.Feel free to post suggestions in comms!
  2. From the album: (WIP)Horusland

    The Training Zone
  3. From the album: (WIP)Horusland

    The Entrance Into the Camp
  4. From the album: (WIP)Horusland

    Main Tower
  5. From the album: (WIP)Horusland

  6. From the album: (WIP)Horusland

    General Goods vendors area
  7. Sorry for late response.Thank you and it worked!
  8. Hello,,recently I got into a eror for GroundEffectAdder.exe.I couldn't fix it by myself and I was hoping someone here could help me.Here is what my GEA.exe says when I open it: Adding doodads to layers in file (null) This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.Please contact the application's support team for more informations Then it says groundeffectadder.exe has stopped working.I am using Windows 10 but it didn't work on my older pc neither.I am hoping someone here can help me.Thank You!
  9. You need a lot of work to do them,which includes core modificatios,core compiling,dbc editing,lua and xml.I got 8 custom races for my server.Idk tho about custom classes.Still there is no easy tutorial for beginners.But... there is one:!..Good Luck!
  10. Hahaha how disordoned I am...All this time I was missing blps hahaha ,thx for waking me up!
  11. Seems like I got them but looks like the client purely ignores them...idk what to do anymore... I mean I can see them in blp but it just purely ignores them like they aren't even there...
  12. I just took the model from last build,converted it then added the last build blps too(I done these all using your converter).I've got this error for many other artifacts.Maybe my client has something?
  13. Great tool,btw I can't seem to fix my particle blp particle errors... I used last build blps and still they don't work
  14. Neither lightning/shattered one seems to work
  15. I did same but this green particles still show up I also took textures from last build>.< but still the same
  16. I can't seem to get it working,too.Maybe a particle error?I tried m2 particle fixer but it didn't work...I can share you the m2 and it's textures but I doubt it will work...