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Everything posted by Ohai

  1. That Donald pic is very appropriate with your text lol, 'i wont accept the results its rigged, fuck the electoral college'..'electoral college is the best thing ever..' And Blizz didn't just take as you're saying popular culture mythology it ripped of real brands like warhammer, everquest existed bfore wow, D&D. WoW is more of a lucky combination of everything mixed up, with a disgusting disneyland dressing all over it to get a wider appeal, kungfu pandas and anime bloodelfs,no blood or sex, to hoard as many asians and 11 year olds as they possibly can.
  2. Yea theyre been threads like this on Modcraft Anthoniestoolbox dude getting angry someones using his 'material' ™ but thats just inevitable here. The whole concept of WoW modding started by stealing Blizzards game, and Blizzard stole everything from every other fanatasy franchise so the whole argument is really pointless.
  3. While i understand to a degree what Rangorn means doesn't want to share the 'technology' and I agree the rest here should stop focusing on 335, I dont understand ur saying u got a server with 100players. Is profit your angle, can you make a decent amount of money with 100 people? I'm guessing not so not sharing whatever u got is kinda lame in that case.
  4. Just ditch BLPs all together I use TGA, exports and looks better ingame then the hacked BLPs, I had a thread on modcraft like a tutorial I think can't find it but try this if you know PS http://www.edowner.net/Texture-Tutorial/ Altho this about conversion you cant read the source right?not sure about that .b
  5. Hi, this is a tutorial I made because of the lacking info and general stagnation in this modding area post WotLK. I still haven't set up a MoP, WoD or Legion client so not sure but I'm thinking the process should be the same or similar. I'm not aware of any all race all class patches around other then 335a ones, so if anyone tries this at higher branches let me know if it worked. DBC So in 4.3.4. you still need to change only these 2 DBCs: CharBaseInfo.dbc CharStartOutfit.dbc We'll be using WDBX Editor for both, CharBaseInfo.dbc - 'load definition' choose WoD and use the wiki for values. https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/ChrRaces https://trinitycore.atlassian.net/wiki/display/tc/ChrClasses In CharStartOutfit.dbc you have race,class,sex and starter gear item IDs, just double check files after WDBX save not sure but I think I had to resave changes twice there. SQL After you're done with DBCs you need to change the SQLs so start up your MySQL server and open your preferred tool Heidi/SQLyog/workbench then go world-table. Change these tables: player_levelstats playercreateinfo playercreateinfo_action Note on player_levelstats it could possibly already have your custom race-class characters inside, so browse thru its table data and make sure. I'm noting this bc the other day while I was setting all this up and creating my first custom class/race I kept getting the SQL error duplicate key and all the time my character actually had its stats there but they can be arranged really weird. Like my char had stats from level 10 to 85(missing first 9 levels that I've added), or the level 80-85 stats are placed way back at the end. There are more playercreate.. tables my character didn't need editing those(UD pala), but if you're making a hunter or other classes browse them all. MPQ Once you done that, all that is left is packing your 2 DBCs in a MPQ making a patch and adding it to wow/data/.. Name it appropriately like wow-update-base-28792.mpq something, restart your server and check it out. Then maybe you'll be able to make your second class peasant gorlock mud splasher characters. That can never be glorious like my UD pala Champion of the hack https://gyazo.com/8913bbf09f12bb16a3333dee8acc9d3c first X class-race combo that the universe has seen since WotLK, finished creating him yesterday he was the test bunny *on a much brighter note I haven't done too much testing with him but seems he's really not having any problems like the WotLK hacked characters language,talents,spells etc. probably due to Cata enabling new race class combos by default so maybe its set to work better then WotLK in that regard.
  6. Yes, but now I actually opened it and tried again with different readers and the WOD one was reading charbaseinfo too, nice Skarn gonna edit tutorial... no more 'hackiness' lol
  7. That is also something that was done exclusively on trinity 335a, I want to enable it on Cata as well. For your plan I'm guessing the procedure would go something like, enabling a non-player race such as tuskar, vrykul or other then changing all of its graphic animation spells everything to human.
  8. /highfive Uthil working https://gyazo.com/89ef8ce51dccdaf2c7a195c7360fadf3
  9. Hey could someone explain to me how this CharStartOutfit.dbc works? These values, I'm guessing its race/class combined, and the best tool to edit 4.3.4 DBCs? CharStartOutfit.dbc.csv CharStartOutfit.dbc
    Admins should add a branch version field on the right widget ,b Sorry for posting here but its currently the top resource didnt want to rate this, probably a nice patch or something but wanted to comment on the webdesign, but whatever lol Edit
  10. Hi thanks I got WDBX and actually figured out what I need to change using that one and another DBC reader for the same file, because neither was reading it completely
  11. What the modding community needs isn't a developed TC 335a or WoD, or Legion for that matter, what everyone needs is basically a rewritten WoW wordpress-type template engine, like that MMOSDK or some other projects that were never finished. Problem is only the size of WoW but by now even that doesn't matter I mean just look at the all the forums how many people are doing this its really high time someone develop some template open source something, decrypted and without made up rules like trinity 'must be Blizzlike' and such. And about the size, it even doesn't have to be too overwhelming if e.g. they made lets say - Azeroth+Kalimdor and 6 basic race classes as a some kind of core, and all other extras can be developed by other people and deposited like wordpress plugins.
  12. EDIT: solved - wasnt the textures after all mirrormachine indoor definition crashed it, /wave@Skarn /highfive
  13. Hello,I made a custom wmo with the wod human character model(its a statue-WMO) also mashed with some wotlk objects. And I'm getting this error+crash when I get too near the WMO ingame -ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal ExceptionProgram: D:\WoW3.3.5a\Wow.exeException: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:007C81EDThe instruction at "0x007C81ED" referenced memory at "0x00005DA3".The memory could not be "read".When viewing the model from a distance ingame(not too near or inside cos it crashes) I actually can't see the human statue model only the room walls surroundng it so I figured it could be due to my TGA dimensions.Does Wotlk support 1024x512 textures? If anyone has any ideas why a WMO like this might crash or cause this error please help.
  14. Hey is there any map out there of a converted Cata+ Azeroth just to download and edit in noggit? Or links to Phillips tools to do this?Becuase i just cant figure out how to extract a cata+ map then downagrade it for noggit?