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Everything posted by Ohai

  1. did u just touch my.. dont pull my ..
  2. lol farrarie, no one is saying adspartans tool is bad but obviously didint help him much ???? ???? he told me that in private messaging too you're all worked up cos u think i wanna get money but thing is i was joking i never did wow freelance work, and your appreciation for adspartans tool and your beliefs that he should get all the money in the world is nice too but you should keep it to yourself not impose it on others. urge everyone around to lick his balls cos he made a wow tool philiptng maps are a finished product and are obviously different then an editing tool, its up to darkero here to see what works best for him, i know i was happy with phillips maps, if your insting that much on him using the multicoventer you couldve just ported the higlands and help him not play the moral police and be worried if someone is getting money where u think others should be getting something based on your own merit system that exists only in your head
  3. philliptng maps are great no bugs, better then all the micromanaging u would need with the multiconverter, it would be a great asset and think im gonna upload it somewhere and people can improve it further hopefully, like remove fatigue of new zones maybe add further expansions maps(?) or something it is a few years old but unfortunately seems like the most complete comprehensive map out there thats noggit ready edit:uploaded here darkero
  4. so u think blizzard shouldnt have gotten any money ever? blzz..entertaiment* or myself as the supreme entertaiment factor/sensation/starlet
  5. cool tx for the tip farraire i will need to do something similar in the future too, I was thinking of uploading Anthonies [ATBOX][RELEASE] 4.0.0 ~ 5.4.0 for upload somewhere, he might grab it then (and anyone else)and skip converting wmos and m2s but if he needs just highlands yea, pain in the ass getting 9GB just for that
  6. i was joking, but darkero wants it highlands merged with old azeroth 335 map. even if adspartans tool converted the whole map cleanly(?) he still has to merge that with the 335 map, and its not just copy paste
  7. 500€ to port that shithole take it or leave it
  8. wat u min bye im reading dis tut for the litterary experience joyride and u juss bye no
  9. downloaded a bunch of playlists from this guy but got this on repeat its like a brain massage later found out the dj is a muslim, i always love muslim djs i think its cos im part islamic terrorist on my moms side
  10. I wouldnt mind helping out, to admin dis bitch or even as a dev I know wordpress really well, customized plugins/themes. but dont have a stable connection, cant be around here much atm
  11. you guys may have time to play games, but seems Ive got a job todo. got hired

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Valtorei


      Lol, I work 30 hours a week and go to school full time. 20 years old and I have nothing better to do then come home and stare at broken models. :P

    3. Ohai


      its a starcraft quote, comment above is aerosmith

      not that u overworked plebs would ever understand.. god

    4. Valtorei


      I'm feelin' salty. Only Blizz game I haven't played!

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  12. Ohai

    ladies opal rings

    ladies opal rings or.. massive orc wangs?
  13. Ohai

    ladies opal rings

    can i add penis enlargemnt on my Specialty profile tab lol
  14. Ohai

    ladies opal rings

    If YOU want to massively enlarge your penis and experience big gains in only weeks, this may be the most important message you'll ever read. Here's why: Certified Natural Labs has helped 1000's of men cope with and conquer serious erectile dysfunction issues. These painful problems include small penis size and poor self-image, as well as lack of potency and premature ejaculation.
  15. fuck sake this was here all this time, i searched thru hell and back, made 5 threads about it here, only to find PhillipTNG files on some chinese website barely managed to dl it but whatev now lol
  16. and wanted to share this nerd music too, always liked this starcraft remix, its pretty rad up until 1:09 this techno folk flute something ugh goliath online ????
  17. lol what is that german refugee backstreet boys, awsome lol lisnng dis nao, dis guy has nice instrumentals im thinking even stealing a peace of his and put it in wow
  18. y dic tho? I mean its still handy probably I didn't get into char screens didn't know how to edit static either
  19. I wanted to ask can you mark custom objects on/in the WMO as M2s then export it like that, WMO+M2(doodad)? And Krysik is asking for doodad sets, this tool says it can preserve the sets, you can enable doodads with 010
  20. well neo was supposed to fix all that ⇑⇑⇑ but cromon.. got kidnapped and killed by activision T_T
  21. whos the one person for this tut u were thinking about with the tree, mine is gonna be 3D.. kiddo
  22. im so glam roCKking out edit:actually this gif he should be playing synth and have improved hair animations, for the sassy hairflips
  23. I like alot of different music rock too, last few days listening to electronic mostly, symbolone remixes atm
  24. I just managed to download Phillip TNGs [ATBOX][RELEASE] 4.0.0 ~ 5.4.0 Maps from the exciting Baidu-Pandaria quest chain adventure clicking chinese symbols till I find wich one is ok and not cancel and so on.. And seems his maps are working in noggit, but I have some questions for further customization.. My goal was to downport updated old world into noggit edit it there then port it back up to cata or higher. But its more complicated, I want to keep some parts of the 335 maps. My question is whats the easiest way to do that, I know if I just deleted his adts, the 335 maps would appear I guess. But how I go deleting specific parts, lets say i want just the zone around xroads to look like 335, how I find those ADTs. They would be in world/kalimdor/barrens.. but where would I locate specific parts of the barrens? Next question is, lets say I achieve seeing that mix of 335 and updated world maps in noggit, what would again be the best way to place it all in one patch and port it to Cata? Bcuz deleting adts like I described above, wouldnt actually create a new patch in noggit it would just show the default 335 MPQ data.
  25. Hey so just deleting an ADT did this https://gyazo.com/818eb14c97c3d9e3e0853c1e0480799b watts det ?