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Everything posted by Uthil

  1. Yeah seems great tool, going to test it out too and report feedback. Keep it up mate.
  2. There is a BETA out already if you mean that, check on projects page. The final release will come late September if all goes well.
  3. Also some extra fixes/additions in the upcoming release : Cheerio !
  4. You need to edit the model if its legion or WoD with a hex editor and delete an entry in the beginning. You then delete what ever is behind the MD20 record, you save and you good to go.
  5. Yup like i said i made a fix on those noxius and now wings are fine, probably some other models which use same files will be ok. I need to go then and check those gurubashi inside raid but i believe that will also be ok. Post screen shots in case still have problems to see whats wrong, yes since this is beta weird behavior is expected, but not in those already working so i would love to see screenshot. I had game running under a GTX260 but after a power fail due to high temperature i've lost my vga card. Now im back to my old 4870 Ati tho i dont face any problems with the mod except those already been reported and indeed have an issue. Report me any weird model behavior, im really curious.
  6. Alastor once had suggest me this one, have a look on that, might help you too : About converting to WotLK yea you have to make it m2 and then downport to WotLK.
  7. I fixed the noxious bats, can you tell where you found the second model ? Or screenshot for me when its alive ? Its good to screenshot the creature you find with the names on folks and where you spot it, sometimes the same model is used elsewhere with different variation.
  8. Damn nice, really awesome mate, you had quite an idea and dunno what you cooking there but from logging screen im amazed. Seen people working things like that, things that might find them "easy" to do them, its that motivates me to go deeper on modding. I can say that till now my journey by creating this mod made me learn many things, still have many to learn. Keep it up.
  9. Check on the projects section, keep in mind press the Read More on the left side, not the one on the entries.
  10. Would love to have a screenie plox !!
  11. ill say it once more that character models will be reworked after this patch is done and will be a separate file since this mod is getting large already.
  12. Also some new additions to the BETA : More under way!! Cheers!
  13. If i remember well it was raining in worgen login screen in cataclysm. I would check there first and see their UI files to get an idea, i might be wrong here tho.
  14. Uthil

    M2 Camera

    Hey folks, the past few days i've been looking to change the camera in bat mount from legion but without any success. What i get when i convert it for classic is that camera ends up to high and front a bit so you cant see much unless you turn the came with the mouse really vertical. I had a look here but i end up kinda confused to what to look now. Can anyone provide some info on what i have to look and change camera in a more view-able state like when you use wyvern or gryphon models. Thanks in advance, uthil!
  15. Uthil

    M2 Camera

    Im actually talking yes for fly mounts, i took the new bat mount from legion and turn it for the bat taxi, now as seen in picture the camera is set really high and way to vertical so you can see the rider or even the mount. So any tip where to look ? what im searching here cause now really cant understand what to fix. Thanks again in advance, hope someone can enlighten me on how i can fix it or not.
  16. Ok some fixes are made, some are under way. Hey and its summer we cooling our white butt chicks in the beach Cheers!
  17. Indeed well done, but i would ask if tis possible to add the solution so others too might find your solution also helpful.
  18. Great work mate, from dust create something. I always wanted to see a bit further how was alpha state of game plus i wanted to edit those .wmo's in the future. Thanks for sharing. Also i want to add a better in my opinion site you could try is mediafire, and most of times gives nice download speeds.
  19. The puff of black smoke is normal, it exists even in WoD when you kill a banshee. Damn those wolves seems to miss some textures. Its been noted, thanks once more.
  20. Sprites are already fixed. Now those 2 bat models ill investigate since if i recall all bats own their new textures. As for lava issue can you clear your cache and retest ? Also under what setting in Shaders option you have. Lava, water etc was implemented from koward patch, when i released i merged his with mine so be one, since i had people asking about if they need to have both, so to avoid trouble for people dont know how to handle these i merged to one, and remember working flawlessly. Ill investigate those too but cant promise much for it, might a graphics thing in case you have a lower setting.
  21. I was seriously thinking for my next project to move to a 3.3.5a client since the majority of things been created and work. Im sad from one point that people thinks that retro porting and specially for tbc or classic is a waste of time for creating tools.
  22. For the last 2 models there is not a replacement unfortunately. Might check on the new build to see what additions is made in matter of creature models but i think there's not.
  23. Ah ok then. Well great job till now tho im suspecting that since it was considered a beta model in legion build when i pick it up, then those minor issues you facing might be solved when im going to check it again in new legion build.
  24. Hey and thanks. In my patch the specific model is from an earlier build and was still under beta for blizzard so i didn't succeed to make it work on textures and etc. Now i was going to update my legion after the new listfile came out and since the problem with a db2 also solved. About the camera i haven't messed with it since model was beta in legion too. Was waiting in fact things move on with the listfiles and then retest. From which build you got yours ?