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Everything posted by Uthil

  1. As Phantom and amaroth said, you need to delete to the barefoot meshes, since it doenst use them, as far as i know up to LK client.
  2. Yea, thanks links got broken for some reason, had to replace them.
  3. Want also to give small update that i might add, this idea came to me and thought that will might worth adding it: Cata starting armor replacement's Alliance Horde Rest of horde armors are under work, tho due to the fact that i have less time now im working both creature textures and those replacements slowly.
  4. Wanna give a quick update, i have started to work Frostsaber and night saber textures by my own. Tho im heavily occupied from work and cant work on the project whole time. Slowly im updating the final touches. Not going to catch tho end September as i said. Gonna take a bit more.
  5. No character models for this releases. They are planned for later release since are buggie and need to be done from the beginning.
  6. Noxious was indeed bugged. I fixed them so now they are ok. So it isn't from your side. They will be ok on the final release. Nope, unfortunately they didn't update those models. Infernal is already noted for test about the scale down, tho talking for test since i have already step into a similar problem with another model that wont scale via dbc editing unfortunately so not sure that either that model will stay. Now about those elemental models, i have come down to a conclusion that in the final release wont be there, since i made many attempts to report them and at least some particles work, which it seems they dont. So ill restore old elemental's back by removing the new models.
  7. Blizz-like isn't exactly the term that im using here, im trying to keep it as close i as i can to the original model. Since legion came out they started to replace some old world models, tho they didn't done that for all. Im using not only legion models here, i used also from WoD/cata/MoP/WotLK, Models that are far more better than vanilla ones. I.e the tarantula model isn't replaced by any new, but using the one from Cata was best and closest solution to replace the tarantula model. There a few models that actually isn't the same as the old one but i choose those to be the best and close update from the old one.
  8. Thanks for the tip, i had it in mind, tho wasn't sure if it was reducing tris number much more. Im gonna test it and see if i can bring it down where i want too. But truth is that, legion models have many more meshes than WoD. Might happens to have malfurion from WoD build, want him to have just in case.
  9. If i understand well, he means in your game options move the slider on distance view to max. Not sure if you can go more from the .ini file. Correct me if wrong.
  10. I override game files with mine patch. I dont mess at all with original game files, it will be really easy to end up banned in each server project.
  11. New additions / fixes added for the coming release : So thats all for the moment, coming soon with more as we getting close for the final release. Have a good one !!
  12. Uthil


    So here what i take on screen when i use the tool, not sure if all goes well but i think its not. Im getting a lot of unrecognized tokens during the process. The model that is used is the giantboar from wod and im trying long time now to use that model tho no success. What i did was to convert it with tagsteam tool, then add it in a patch file and export it from WMV as OBJ. I edit it with blender and i UVmap it, then changed its size by marking both geosets (model has only 2) and lower its size down to a normal boar. Then export it to OBJ again using those settings : then i run the tool and got those unrecoginzed tokens. What i get as result in game is an invisible model tho its size seems to be the correct one. So any idea on it ?!
  13. Uthil


    So i tried to use the OBJtoM2 tool, tho i got the error that dont make any sense since i have all versions installed plus the file is there already in both folders. Can anyone else share any other idea on how to pass this stupid problem that im stack ? I have already uninstalled and re install 2013 and 2010 versions.
  14. Uthil


    Thanks guys, even that the file was already in both system folder for some reason wasnt working, was thinking that might was corrupted or something, anyway Noc's files did the job. Thanks both Farrarie and NOC for the help.
  15. To say the bloody truth, even by the time i made the post about the Ashbringer my vote goes for the Updated model and the default corrupted. Since normal ashbringer isnt available to the players i would still love to update it to the version of on picture 2. Tho i would love to see also a better version of corrupted but blizz didnt bother since no reason to update cause its not in the game. Now nameplates are the same, im only presenting hows nameplates normal and how when you mouse over them or highlight them.
  16. Hey folks, i have started to re work again my character models for my mod, im trying add the best end result that i can get. The specific problem exists since it the very beginning of the mod since the characters was the 1st thing that i convert/edit. Here's the photo and what i understand from it: So i was experimenting and i made whole model again by adding also the HD suffix, also change the dbc entries for characters, not all as it seems since i was more but wanted to change the specific. So it seems for some haircuts rest entries must be changed in order to work and thats not a big problem since all haircuts work, Tho the small area in the head and under eye is that troubles me. Is that wrong uv map or i need to check those meshes ? Should test by removing doubles too ? From the look you can understand what might be the problem. Can anyone advice on what to start looking, before i fubar the model and start over.
  17. Decimate also body textures ?? I have already delete doubles on everything, ears, face, body what ever i piece i could remove doubles i did. The only pieces that i didn't touch is the tabarb and cloaks, cause when i delete their doubles texture went completely fubar. In one of your tuts you were showing how you could "fix" and get rid the doubles of a tabarb, you think its going to work same on cloaks ? Seems they have far more meshes as they should.
  18. So now i've step into another thing, about tris count. I was working on the dwarven female model, everything works good on her, hairstyles, face variations etc but my problem is the tirs count which after all the work doesn't seem to drop bellow my number so i can make it work and reach 21845. Here is my tris count after i deleted the doubles on whole model and decimated the hairs with the inicos tut. I have got rid the equipment that doesn't existed in classic and also delete the bare feet. So with tagsteam tool that i used to test in a WotLK client, i get this result : Seems since im still above the limit either game cant read those legs/equipment models or they got deleted by tagsteam tool in order to work. Also kowards tool gave me a warning about tris count but i was sure that it will warn me since my tris was already high. By the way i've tested both old WoD models and new Legion build models and legion models has 1000 more tris on their count, so after all that fine tuning in a legion model i was even higher on the triangles and not 24197 as you see here. So i've decide to return to WoD models. So any idea what else i can do in order to get it down to its appropriate numbers ??
  19. Noted on bronze whelps, im aware for the mounts. Thanks.
  20. I have an idea for something different, on wow engine based, and thinking to work from 3.3.5a or Mop/WoD .
  21. So i made some updates the past few days on the weapons sections. I also changed the defaults nameplates to a something more easier to have and not the old blocky one. Both arent considered at the moment an update to the major patch but as in the coming updates. Tell me which one you prefer to keep. Defaults or the updated ones.
  22. Ill investigate those forehead meshes but to be honest those aren't connected at all with hairs. Hairs are separate and work fine, but in the picture seems to be one. Its the small area in the forehead and under right eye.
  23. Very nice work indeed. I really like every single picture. Really impressive, keep it up mate.