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Everything posted by Uthil

  1. Yes im currently waiting 7.2 to see what i can pull from it. Major thing was those 2 mounts, paladin and warlock. Oh no thats not good news farrarie. Hope its just temp and near the release state you can edit it.
  2. There is already one guy from my server that he actually port the blood elves from TBC to vanilla. And you can choose to replace a specific race or all. Ill try find his topic and pm you.
  3. Hey folks, i've been working on some armor replacements for my project. After turning T12 sets to T1 succefuly i have now step into this : Lol its like wearing a basket in the head. Seems with WoD they change the position of the helmet, i guess would be the same for shoulders but both would have the same fix if there is one, i hope for it. I checked on the .m2 or .skin files for something that would point me to positioning or similar but didnt find anything. Any thoughts of how i can re-position it ? Cataclysms armor set worked fine and with their particles : So any suggetions ?
  4. Ill suggest to get a client from here, since in most project as we know the client might happen to be altered for "many" reasons and since this site has each of any version. At least for me the 6.0.2 was totally fine.
  5. I manage to pull it out and thanks to mateo from modcraft that had a more updated version of the m2 template i can see now the cameras and make the fixes that i want.
  6. Hey lads, i've recently changed the login screen of vanilla to wod for some tests. Tho i have a problem with the camera, seems that keeps the camera from vanilla, even if the M2 is the WoD file, and its really close. So after a few tests im starting to believe that the camera handling isnt inside M2 but an lua or xml file. Anyone has any idea how to make the camera work ? Or any idea where to look ? Here is a screenshot of how it looks. P.S i also check this tut to see if the case was on editing the a lua or xml, tho i cant find that Loginscene.lua anywhere. Is it possible to be in the AccountLogin.lua ? Im also adding its code, since i couldnt track anything about camera -also im not so lua savy i can say more of a noobish.
  7. The only thing that vanilla has different was the size as TBC too. From WotLK texture size changed. Yes you can rename them as the defaults. Cant tell you if it works for mapping, but i guess it should. For my mod i didnt changed the names i used the default ones since i created the patch that overlaps the default patches.
  8. Hey folks, the past days have this problem with the textures of the deathknight T19, both normal and mythic. Seems in every variation will be like 2 pairs at least corrupted , i.e in the purple varation i have both chests F-M chests, in another i have 1 chest and 1 leg lower piece. That thing is putting me behind a bit now so im asking if anyone has them and can share me here or pst me. I tried with both casc explores in case someone was messing around but seems the problem to be on the .BLPs.
  9. I can give you an example of a new-learner, go check my project on retro porting. I've started over a year ago and now i can tell you that i learned through the process many things about wow-modding. How ? Simply by those guides that those people have here and modcraft and by asking how to overcome things when i was stuck or in the wrong way. Maybe my project isn't a so complicated thing in the eyes of most here that have higher level of experience, tho again demands the knowledge and things and tools that these people provide to make it happen for me and the rest of the community. Its up to you if you want to head deeper in a weird but amazing path of wow modding.
  10. Cube means not loading the correct mdx or cant find correct mdx or corrupted mdx etc. Post your dbc's also seems something wrong there.
  11. Thanks for the info Skarn, gonna try that! Thanks all for the infromation you provide.
  12. Point is the screenshot is from the BLP not a converted version. BLPlister cant convert it too. Also BLP command tool doesn't convert too.
  13. Yes, if you dont use the armors patch when im gonna release it. The armors patch is an extra addition, if you want you use it, same as my main mod.
  14. Yea, i have seen many small projects presentations on youtube showing areas around wow done UE4 and was like . If the possibility exists to update a normal client to work as UE4 then a new era in modding will start.
  15. Well some tests show that the behavior of the game didn't change at all with the 4gb patch, lets say tolerance was slightly up but no difference. If you suppress the game might crash with memory error no matter what. So keep the 256 sound channel, as i did . I removed the .exe file from the last update so not confuse people.
  16. The idea is actually not to change all or none of the Blackwing Raid, since it had the best made items from whole raid trio. Tho still some aren't so good. Im down to leave changed Ashkandi, the 2 maces, the 2 field corn like staves and the 2 swords maladath & nightmare.
  17. Yes, indeed, WDBX would do you the 95% the things you want to see and change, for rest plain changes use the other DBC editors.
  18. A good tool that i use is the WDBX editor, can edit at the moment all dbcs. Check on dowloads section for it!
  19. So i've been working a bit the weapons, since i've found some bugs for armors and trying to solve those, i finished weapons from Blackwing Lair. I also made an successful attempt from legion artifacts, since the have many particles its hard to make them work plus the new phys on them, for Benediction. I want to tell me if people agree for this change.
  20. At the present time none, since T2 was really good looking comparing all other sets. I have something in mind from the new tiers but since i've step into some bugs i have postpone it a bit to find a workaround.
  21. Ok fixes are done after the reports, thanks all that report those errors that i missed during the final tests. Also i update Ouro to the newer cata model. Uthil out!
  22. Hey thanks that you like the mod and the feedback, so : 1. for those 60% mounts i didnt change them, was focused mostly on 100%, just happen to replace wolfs and tigers for the other races 2. Yes i didnt replace the fire totem cause this model is used also elsewhere so the new model wasnt fiting at all. 3. Ill investigate since the shaman wolf mode change existed since Beta and none reported me a bug with it. Cheers Uthil
  23. No since they use the same entry i cant touch it unfortunately. I'll re-recheck it laters since im working the fixes and some alpha tests on armors.