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Everything posted by Uthil

  1. Found an issue when im trying to load vanilla CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc . I get an the error: ERROR CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc : Id column contains duplicates. This is on version v1.04, the new version is loading the dbc but it shows only one columns.
  2. Yup but bare in mind there are only 2 variations. warnightsabermount.7z
  3. Yes i still have the original textures. Yeah they are 512x512 DXT5, 8bit, 1024b . siberiantiger.7z
  4. I can investigate it since i checked directly from WoD. And also in WoD some old spells turned out poor instead be enhanced as it was. Ill have a look on TBC too and WotLK to compare effects. Thaks for the tip.
  5. Yeah, im looking at it since beta, when that guy made them for me. Not sure if something from the model or the textures. My problem is to find some free time to mess more with some "bugs". So on some of my free time im trying to update, fix what ever i can.
  6. If you want to keep the old models i can pm you what you can delete so the old ones will be back. At work at the moment and kinda hands full from it. So ill pm you when i get back home. Not sure tho if the Legion spell can fully ported, mine are from WoD and had cancel many since they didnt work. Tho not sure if i did something wrong even if verify them before i add them. Some people here have far knowledge than me might help. I have seen that already an attempt made for WotLK clients, which far more doable to happen. Not sure if with some corrections can be down-ported to vanilla.
  7. Yup it is, unfortunately npc weapons are server side. Im aware about nagas and i tried to fixed them but didnt succeed. Now not sure about those broodli gs axe bug. You can try ask them.
  8. In your case as amaroth said since its green seems you have a missing blp file. So for this weapon, but it counts for all, the model has hardcorded textures, which means you correctly use all blp's but miss one. So check the M2 with a hex and see what is the one you missed.
  9. Was kinda busy so had yesterday some free time and test it, unfortunately same thing. It rotates, dont know why is this happening, seems like to ignore the edit. Even if the changes are there. Is there way to try it under Pym ? I add you also the vanilla version to investigate/check if you wish. Stave_2H_FirelandsRai_D_02.rar
  10. Hey folks, im trying to make this small sphere mesh on the top from this cata stave to be static since it is rotating. I checked on 010 but not sure what excactly i need to change. I changed the value >struct Particle> struct Particles _Particle[0]> for testing it but not success. Any ideas ?
  11. Yes im converting it to vanilla as i said above, but kowards tool is messing rotation and the item stops rotating normally. He tried to find what was wrong but he gave up and stop updating. Anyway ill try it and see if its not affect after the downport. Thanks once more.
  12. Thanks for helping Inico tho also your version didn't either work unfortunately. Dont understand why it doesn't work since we change the animation tho if you do it on Pym might work. My only problem is that the specific model item gives an error when i try to load to pym. (check my first post) When i convert first time lock t19 shoulders the spheres was fracked, due to the bug from kowards tool, adding the item to pym and removing the animation work like charm. Is there any way to skip this error on pym so i can edit there and re-test it ? Thanks in advance folks.
  13. Well i tried that but it seems it didnt worked. After the downport the sphere is still rotating. I changed the struct Bone _Bones[3] to None but same. I test-try by making bones struct Bone _Bones[2] and struct Bone _Bones[1] that was under transformed to None so everything supposed to be freezed but again nothing. I tried to add the default model on Pym to make the changes but i get an error about particles Qt: Untested Windows version 6.2 detected! Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Zerocool\Desktop\pymodeleditor\pymodeleditor.py", line 188, in openM2 self.m2 = M2File(openname) File "C:\Users\Zerocool\Desktop\pymodeleditor\m2.py", line 1134, in __init__ self.particle_emitters = ReadBlock(f,hdr.particle_emitters,Particle,self.anim_files) File "C:\Users\Zerocool\Desktop\pymodeleditor\wowfile.py", line 31, in ReadBlock temp = func().unpack(f,animfiles) File "C:\Users\Zerocool\Desktop\pymodeleditor\m2.py", line 679, in unpack f.seek(self.ofsModel) IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument Im trying to freeze it cause kowards too has a bug with things that rotate and after convertion the bone(s) that rotate behave weird. So i have run out of ideas, either im doing something wrong or something don't work correct for me. So anything else that i can do ?
  14. Check on the projects section and click on read more when you are there. NOT THE ENTRIES.
  15. Ok ill check it when ill be back home, but what value im looking for then ?
  16. You miss critical information. Wow version you using to mod, screenshot's , any other details. Like that none can help you.
  17. I would love to see a guide on how to complete that thing. Im stuck almost on the same spot Dark and a bit confused on what to do next. Even if i tried to find info from blender users doing a similar thing i end up on a dead end. I have postpone it since i can move on, also not so sure if what ever i made up to this point is fully correct. I hope Meta can pull some time and update his guide with some more details on the matter, im not a supreme 3d editor, tho i learn many things and tricks from many from here.
  18. Great map,krysic i love the underwater detail you add.
  19. Yeah, seems like uvMap went wrong. Had same issue with my character models when i was working with them and before Balsh create them. Also check you blp res size and also what compression it is. Try BLPlister thats far more better when you want to convert blp's.
  20. For that i cant answer you unfortunately, maybe amaroth or skarn or someone that is a map creator can en-light you a bit more.
  21. Get the listfile from the github link and replace it with the one that CascViewer uses. From the picture you posted seems that the list file from cascviewer is outdated so thats why you have unknown files. But by replacing to the latest one you will probably can see how is the structure and probably you could extract the files you need.
  22. You might need a more updated listfile maybe ? Dont know what tut you following, but judging from the picture the list file isnt updated. Try bloewalds one, hes updating it at least if even its not the last one. https://github.com/bloerwald/LegionFiles