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Everything posted by Uthil

  1. Ok, I have kinda sorted it out about the DBC editing but now I have a strange effect when using only a spell. I test change shaman lightning bolt spell from vanilla with the one from cata. Though the issue is that when you press the spell to cast it, the animation is shown normally but I don't see the bolt, it's invisible. Any ideas why bolt is invisible?
  2. If they are different is because of more columns and lines on the DB2 file. For creatures I'm not sure if that counts so negatively, but for other things like NPC's or objects then you will need to check what might the usage of those extra columns do. Now, m2 it's what I was expected to see, though now I'm not sure if you creature is set correctly on those ID's, is that creaturedisplayinfo dbc file that you posted cause I think is set wrong. What your creaturemodeldate is saying about those info you have there ?
  3. You might need to resize the texture then, though for that creature isn't necessary. Also you don't need to convert them to index, specially for creatures, for armors I would say yes. Also as finsternis mention, you will get green either by missing a hardcoded texture or your texture name is wrong or wrong size. For which version you want that murloc?
  4. Dont know. Mine doesn't have any .anim files. Yesterday my retail client did an update though I didn't had much time to involve with. I might check today. Thanks for the info Finsternis.
  5. Hey folks, the past few days I've step into this small issue. Seems that might something have been changed on the legion new patch models. I'm trying to convert Troglodyte new model and Yeti new model though i get this error. No clue what might causing it. I edit also troglodyte model on Blender and tried to lower its triangle, you know just in case, though issue persists. Any thoughts ? Thanks in advance.
  6. I see, where I can find the value in the model?
  7. The weird thing is that I have used the 7.2 models without any issues. Like warlock new mount and paladin new mount. If anyone else can help I would be grateful. Going to re-test late afternoon today again. Thanks for the already info provided.
  8. Nope, I haven't. As I see here they refer on m2. Though on my 010 I cant see any of those entries when using the template, Might happen to have an updated version to read directly the legion format. In order my templates to work I need to remove the MD21 chunk and change the value from 12 -> 10. Here what I see on my file :
  9. False alarm, unfortunately issue isn't solved, still client crash. Error messages below : Any has an idea what might causing it ? Thanks in advance.
  10. Issue is solved. I had forgot to change the value from column four when changing the file version.
  11. Yeah, I'm retroporting on vanilla. Crash happens when I login in game. Usually I don't change any DBC since I'm replacing directly the model by using the default name from vanilla. The difference is that you need capital extensions, since i notice different behavior from the client. If you click also on the spoiler button I have added the file generated after client crash.
  12. Thanks for the info, I'll check it out and definitely I'll add them on the last patch I'm working at the moment. There gonna be a few additions and some changes on the last patch. Soon I'll post info.
  13. The specific one no. Yes, I'm aware that kowards tool has those effects, tho before 7.1 patch didn't have many issues. I'll try test it this weekend, usually, im using Phillips tool for WotLK ports and usually all work fine.
  14. Hey folks, when im converting OrcSkeleton model from legion it ends in game black. Now i remember that i have read somewhere here that usually can be solved by tweaking the renderflags of the model. I checked both .m2 files and .skin00 but really cant get why its not changed. I making the changes before convertion tho. This the .m2 renderflags section : So any idea what i need to change ? I have tried changing the RenderFlag[1] to Opaque and None but didnt work. I checked also .SKIN00 for that reason but not sure to what to change, since the value was already 0. So any ideas how i can overpass this guys ?! I quick did many attempts but not results on that.
  15. I didnt add them in blender, its like that after converting them to vanilla unfortunately.
  16. Did that on both .SKIN files, since i found records in SKIN00 & SKIN01 but didnt work. Tho i changed only "d4" value and issue remains, black models. I changed also as roccus suggests unit16 renderFlags from 0 to 2 but again didnt work. I combined both suggestions, d4 value unit16 value again same issue. Since not much free time, ill post again when i make more attempts. Any other suggestions that might help.
  17. This is really someting out of mind. Amazing on how it behaves under UE4. Great job mate, i would love if in a possible way could happen WoW been recreated under UE4. The feeling is much different looking those videos. Try to re-create if you can a classic wow dungeon, i.e DM east, which is kinda small, since lightning effects are different, you have shadows, corridors etc.
  18. I think same thing as Farrarie said, and if remember correct i had come across to a similar post in modcraft and it was suggested to enter it in blender and rotate it. I think was alastor that had something, but now most of his videos/pictures links are down. Pretty sad for that to be honest.
  19. You will need kowards tool, you might need also a hex editor, an image editor (i.e photoshop) a dbc editor and of course an mpq editor.
  20. Depends what you are trying to do, there are many tools that i use/switch/test. I use Blender i.e but as also some dbc editing tools, photo editing tool etc etc. As i said depend what you trying to do.
  21. Paused this period since im kinda hands full from work, plus working some last updates on main mod before i return to armors.
  22. Thanks for those suggestions , will be under consideration. As for those mounts and etc go check the 1.2 version. As for the time takes a skeleton to stay i think its server side not client.