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Everything posted by Uthil

  1. Also in case that anyone wants to have a look below the error file and the exe file. DUMP&Error.zip
  2. To cover both, it is the HD version of the models, I dont use custom items and DBC's, client side only, are checked. Im going to extract them and create a new mpq. Last time that I had a similar effect it was from the MPQ, even files was showing normally for some reason when I created a fresh one issue disappear. Thanks for this info. I'll test and see.
  3. No time to work again char models from the beginning unfortuntately.
  4. Ok, where I can delete those references. Can you be more detailed in that please. Thanks for this info by the way.
  5. Well I havent evert removed the 8 bytes from the .anim files but the issue appeared first time in Legion 7.2 patch, were the changes appear. Wungasaurus Im not going to try much, since Im downporting to vanilla not sure if all things will work as intended on LK version, plus we dont have much info about vanilla models as we do on WotLK. Now, since weapon is in good position in hands but appear weird in char back well it is as it is, no worries. In the end I might delete the weapon replacement tho thanks for the info.
  6. Thanks for the info, from what I see seems that I might not be able to change that. Judging also from some other polearms that I find on WoWhead seems that the position might be correct since the weapon is held correct on character arms. Anyway, I have stepped on another small issue. Some BfA models doesnt animate on stand. They look like petrified and some also the move animation seems broken, when you start the models starts the animation but after a short time it stays freezed even if you move and tehn again it starts moving. Is it also possible to make a fix or I might have to drop those models.
  7. I already tried and changed attachment 0 since i thought that the other 4 has to do something when holding the weapon but nothing happen.
  8. The weapon appears normally when in hand. Only when you sheath it appears like that. I havent test it on another character model though I believe that would have the same effect since I located an older weapon polearm weapon on wowhead and from the screenshot it shows it on the same spot as the new one appears now. I guess my case must be your 3rd option wungasaurus.
  9. You mean in ItemDisplayInfo.DBC file or another DBC file? Cause I cant see any option there. By checking attachments on m2 I have only those:
  10. BUMPERINO. Anyone willing to give a hint here? Checking the M2 it self didnt give me any clues on what to change. Is it considered normal? On wowhead I stepped on another spear, old model, that was like that. Is it possible to fix it or not bother at all.
  11. I have this small issue when I downported new hunters artifact to vanilla. Seems that the weapon is kinda off positioning on the characters back. Is it possible to align it better on the character?
  12. I have the same error code "ERROR#182" with different memory exception due to vanilla client. Not all BfA models appear to have that when I downport them to vanilla but some specific. In my case the Cat NPC and the zombie new models will crash my client after a short while giving me the error code. Not sure if the code is presented on WoWDev site since I couldn't find any info at the moment. From what I can understand seems that for some reason some models cause this memory leak. Now is it cause is still BETA or something else?
  13. Yes, as wungasaurus said, you only need to right click the 1st file, or open it with WinRar, and choose extra here or to folder of your choice. I used 7zip application, which is a freeware since 1996, since it can achieve better and overall compression from Winrar or Winzip. If winrar doesn't recognize the file, you will have to go to its options and choose to associate it with this extension, or simply download the 7zip application and use it with the same method to extract and get the file. Once extracted you will get Patch-3.mpq, that's for creatures/spells/world etc. Same issue has been answered/resolved in the patch-1.2 comment section of the mod.
  14. I have an issue when i used Baine bloodhoof new model. I tried two different versions, the retail from 7.3.5 patch and also finsternis version, Both models give me a crash after client loads. Error is this : Anyone can help identify what is the cause of the problem? Thanks in advance folks.
  15. First attempts weren't so lucky, models were glitching like hell in their animations. Gonna give it a try in the coming days to see if I can bypass after founding a workaround with the hope that the models will work.
  16. Thanks a lot for this information, since 7.3 patch I had the issue with the anim been FUBAR totally on my ported models. Gonna test and see if it works.
  17. Well, those are nice models, hopefully, can be accessed and not creating bugs on their animations or crash the client after downporting them. Not sure if ill add Nathanos here, I prefer more as an undead since that his story. There is also some more changes that I will get from this new patch, like the new Qiraji War Tank models hopefully that also they gonna behave normally.
  18. Not at the moment. I'm working it as an option for my last patch.
  19. Ok as it seems with the arrival of 7.3 Blizz did again. My issue this time is invisible weapons. I converted a 2H sword and unfortunately it comes out invisible. I tried also to use Philips tool but same effect. So I'm out ideas how I can make visible again. Any suggestions would help. Thanks in advance lads!
  20. Phillips tool is to convert cata/panda to wotlk with the minimum loss of polys/particles etc, old tool. My issue is that converting the model from 7.3 down to vanilla model is invisible, that might relates to the new security system that Blizz added since I didn't have such issues on creature models or weapon models. At the moment I haven't found a 7.2 client in order to compare models and check Roccus advice.
  21. Unfortunately I dont owned any 7.2 early client.
  22. It would be good if you can describe how you resolve the issue, in case that someone else steps into the same issue your solution might help him.
  23. Hello folks, I'm not sure to which DBC I need to look in order to change some casting spells for the player. I looked on Spell.dbc but wasn't sure if that is the correct dbc that I need. My point this is time to replace a spell with another new, since it uses the same probably ID with another one. Any suggestions on where to look or what I'm looking for here cause I'm kinda confused. Thanks in advance