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Everything posted by Uthil

  1. What you mean ? Deleted them ? No i just made a new save with no spikes.
  2. As i said, i didn't delete .skin02 and wanted to test those original transparent textures. So here is the result, which is really nice and im proud :D, first model that doesn't bust me so much. Now the weird part of creating the variety from wungasaurus info.
  3. Ok i manage to do it my self, tho i found something. I didnt delete that .skin02 file. i add it too when i used Kowards tool to convert down to classic, and guess what, i didnt had to Hex edit the renderflag section at all. Also to make a difference that i worked my model as a prove i made a modyfication by adding a pair of spikes into the head armor. Tho the result was funny when i convert it since the spikes was floating and was not following head model actions. I think that i have to merge the spike meshes into head piece so become one single object. But anyway i delete those and export model and all work fine and sweet. Thanks for the time and help mate .
  4. Thanks mate that you spend some time to work the model too and create the tut. Tho was sometimes to you were doing it fast inside blender . Anyway i saw the video tut to see the whole procedure. Im gonna get a try as soon ill get back from work. Im goona download you file tho ill kepp aside for storage and hex reference. I want to do it my self, since thats my reason starting this project,so i want to sum up the points : 1) You had to join model meshes with armor meshes, 2) You made creature texture and armor texture a single one. 3) Last move was to Hex edit and make those correction. Correct me if im wrong.
  5. Wungasaurus already gave a helpful clue on what to look. Also i dont have a "secret" game model, its that i have to gather things first before i move creating a post, so all can understand what problem im facing. Now to the point, the model that i worked is the Warnightsaber mount. I didn't use the hex to edit those values that Wungasaurus mentioned since i was using blender to edit model first. Now what i face is this : Original model After blender edit The armor textures got fubar. What i did is that i insert the model to blender, i uvmap the textures, then i removed the flag meshes. I export model and used the Modredux to turn back to M2. Redux tho crashed so directly i thought that something didn't work well when i removed the flag meshes. So i put the model back to see what went wrong. And thats the result. So is any way possible that i can "force" those armor textures to work properly after i removed the flag meshes ? I tried a couple of things but nothing went as i wanted, so before i move to the tip that Wungasaurus said i have to fix the armor texture first.
  6. I worked on those 2 models mentioned above, haven't test them yet. I'll post what i did soon, since im kinda busy from work, and i hope someone can correct me help fix if did something wrong.
  7. Here the change that i made Tho what i made it was half way done since i update yesterday to 21249 build and the model didn't had the hardcoded textures inside any more. Before 21249 the texture was hardcoded. Im really deep down on it since i have 2 more models for replacement and i want to do them since they have too hardcoded textures. So if anyone can pop a quick guide/tutorial about the changes and how must be done i'd be really appreciated.
  8. Thanks for replying. With the first chance of free time im gonna test, kinda occupied from work these days.
  9. BUMP! So the model community Masterminds doesn't have or know an answer to my problem ? ?
  10. So as long im packing those models i manage to make some update/fixes from the new legion builds. Here is a quick update info: So thats all for now. Cheers!
  11. To be honest i haven't thought/test it and not sure if this can be done from client side. I believe that might be done but if anyone can provide some info it would be useful.
  12. I made some minor updates, but i have start to packing things for test. Im kinda occupied from work this period so it goes a bit slow. Ill provide info when it comes ready for testing.
  13. You mean been part of the whole Stormwind map and not as a single model ? To be honest i havent used noggit at all. But i suspect that the city lamp posts must be part of the whole map and not as a single model.
  14. So i want to ask this, is Stormwind lamp posts control in game separately or i there is a dual model. Since i found the one and replace it, it worked just fine, but outside the city where valley of honor is. There and everywhere else the model changed to the new one but inside city it didn't not. Anyone knows where is the other model or how to find the in city model ?
  15. I made some more updates from Legion, i manage to update to 21021 build and i found more goodies inside.
  16. I see, i thought that was required as the old one so the import/export scripts work. Anyway thanks for the quick reply and good to know that doesnt need it anymore.
  17. Hey folks, feel free to move if the topic doesnt belong here. Im looking for 2 days now info about tools and new blender version setups. Seems info exists but is spread everywhere and it is outdated most of times. It is possible to create a page with tools having old (but outdated tools/addons) and the new ones so if anyone is looking for something doesnt have to run through pages and pages and back and forth to find something but at the end be outdated. Im making a suggestion here. Now what im looking mostly is to setup blender 2.73 (with Redux since its the update version of M2Mod4) but not sure what python i have to install along with blender. Like i said i used to mod but this is now deep waters for me. At the moment i have 2.6.2 Python since i was using 2.49b blender. I want to move to the newer version to just learn more tricks and how to use.
  18. So i manage to put my hands on a full Legion Beta client, build . Seems blizz already start to dress the old content and the new models seems far more better now. So here is a small update : So that was most of the new models that was changed, i believe with the passing of time blizz will update whole old content and cant wait to be done. I like those models but not all, i.e i would love to had rework the bear and not change it to that model, old bear was more real like, new one seems like winnie the pooh .
  19. For chilling/heavy working duty i usually listen to this channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fe2KAKP00m0
  20. Up to WotLK names are same, only difference is that LK got more, that means that in classic i.e it stops at 09_09 but in LK some textures reach 23_09 files. Triple the amount in faces, and it uses the same, Uppers and lowers, might be same for cata too, not sure since i haven't check any Cataclysm MPQ files neither from MoP. I wasn't sure for the size, but from tests i did i changed 3 upper and 3 lower down to 128x32 and 128x64 for size but again had same effect. Mine at the moment are set to 256x64 256x128. I used Inico's tool for creating the blps in photoshop. It was really helpfull.
  21. I followed the tut from Phantom to be honest, when i moved the face down to the text i did with "G" ,moved it directly and i position it above the face texture so looks been centered. Then i shrink it on "Y" axis a bit to remove that black effect on top, then i shrink it a bit on "X" axis. Then i checked mouth, nolstril's been somewhat centered and overall the face fit the texture in 3D(animation window) and on the UvMapping Window by using "G" again.
  22. BUMP on this, is anyone willing or at least have some sense of honor at all to give some feedback. Im moving around this without making any progress. I made one more test to see if face was set to wrong res by changing HumanMaleFaceLower00_00 - HumanMaleFaceLower00_01 and HumanMaleFaceLower00_02 with their uppers to 128x res but again i had same effect.
  23. At the moment is work in progress as my topic says , i haven't finish anything.
  24. I made a couple of tests with all models, and at the moment im on this state. Im not sure what exactly interfere there and getting this result : front back So my question is which textures/texture area got messed up, is the FacialHairUpper, its the FacialScalpUpper, the HumanMaleFaceUpper? Honestly im not sure what causing it. And i have re made the textures 3 -4 times now. At the present time all model textures are set to 256 res. I don't use the CharSections file since my BLPs doesn't have the _HD suffix at the end as also i dont use the CreatureModelData file to since my model has same name as the default. Thanks in advance, i'd appreciate any help.