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Everything posted by Uthil

  1. Can anyone describe the difference from 4.6.1v ?
  2. Ok, then i will suggest to test this, delete the files from your mpq. Then go and create the same folder structure under Data game folder, so it would look like this : Data>Sound>Music>CityMusic>Undercity>MUSIC-FILES. And load up the game. If music works here then something isn't going well with the mpq or file you picked or generally something else that you have to find it.
  3. Undercity has 4 files, 1 is the intro like Amaroth says the others are the normal ones played during your time in the city. So the correct path is Music>CityMusic>Undercity>MUSIC-FILE, in our case you have 4 different, undercity01-zone.mp3 ,undercity02-zone.mp3, undercity03-zone.mp3 and UndercityIntro-moment.mp3 (which is obvious what it does). Order must be kept and of course the correct file type. I want to make a correction here that vanilla uses also mp3 along with the wav. Now if remember correct most are replaced by .ogg filetype.
  4. I did the same for my project by changing zone and city music from the Cataclysm. I didn't change any DBC file i had only to convert as i said since new files was ogg and vanilla uses wav and then i add them in the appropriate folder to work. Im working a under a separate patch file, avoid to edit the game files and work with your own mpq.
  5. New versions of wow use .ogg as filenames, earlier was wav. I.e WotLK use .wav files for all forms ambient, music etc etc.Sharing some info about the versions and file lists.
  6. You dont need it actually, you can use it of course and i think exist for both,tho you can create/work under a new mpq file and make your corrections-additions there.
  7. Thats the 1st attemtp and had sound sync issue, here the one i watched and learn about wow modding, specially about characters.
  8. I can agree with Zeb, a good DBC editor, at least compatible up to MoP/Cata. If a separate project can be made for WoD and up since there the change is obvious.
  9. If you read the whole topic from the beginning you will understand, not so hard !
  10. I want to give a small feedback, i had a volunteer from my server, tho due to a life incident he will be off the project for quite a time. Im looking for someone with good photoshop skills, not basic using like me, even if ask and did some tests seems im not a digital painter . So if anyone feels that can gimme a hand to continue with some re coloring that remains it will be helpful for me plus i will put my project back on track since now its somehow here and there due to those skin re color need to be done. You can pst me or leave a reply here. Thanks in advance Uthil out!
  11. Uthil


    Hey lads, i want to ask if anyone is good user of photoshop and not a basic like me to show me a way to reskin/recolor those textures. Any help is appreciated. Cheers uthil.
  12. Hello people, i had changed Kodo model quite a time now, tho i didnt notice that changing kodo beast model something else got affected too. Here is what im facing : Kodo new model Now what it got affected is the kodo with boxes on top . Seems like to me that for that model the DBC entries look reversed, it happen to some other models, i had to swap the DBC entries to make them work, dont know why but when it involved 2 separated textures i had to swap entries to make them work. So i made a test and i changed also that model and result came this : Now seems to read fine the texture tho, it cant read the texture for the boxes, since the model is legion one, i have the texture for this but now i cant find where is the model in the DBC file. I've been working on creaturemodeldata and creaturemodelinfo but in there on those files i cant find a record saying something about that kodo or giving away the file name it uses. Anyone has an idea or share a thought what i can try ? Thanks in advance, Uthil.
  13. Ok a quick update, this is the WoD model, it has these hardcoded textures : Legion model tho it has a seperated file for those boxes and i have start to guess that i might have to add it as a seperate model in creaturemodeldata and creaturemodelinfo. This is the legion edit M2 : Has 2 hardcoded textures and those 2 that i've mentioned.
  14. Got this one already from modcraft. I test that template too, cant be read same error if remember correct.
  15. I think that i found something by editing WoD model. Since in WoD remain the same, tho didnt thought it in first place im gonna make a test see if it works, indeed that model for the boxes has hardcoded texts.
  16. So the usual m2 template doesn't work? Also, the texture might be hardcoded so DBC edits won't help Yes the 603 template cant read so deep or how i can say it, check the picture bellow, its the vanilla air elemental and i run the template for 603: I have a small suspicious about might be hardcoded, but yet if i had a template for vanilla things would be lot easier. I wouldn't have to guess or making swaps.
  17. Unfortunately i havent found any script for 010 that reads vanilla M2 file. That would be awesome since it would have totally free my hands from some nasty models. Also i use the same names for my new textures, ie the kodo default texure is named KotoBeastSkinBrown. I renamed also legion texture to that name so i dont have to DBC edit except when it involved 2 textures and in case that somehow after the conversion i had to swap. Now in my 2nd picture this is the old model but it reads the new texture and as you can see it isnt working since the legion model has some minor changes, not sure, that make its texture not been read correctly by the model. Correct me if im wrong here guys, is how i get it and with the knowledge that i posses till now and learn till now.
  18. Uthil


    Soon, i can only say soon. Working on those epic mounts and i believe we coming to an end soon.
  19. Cause as it seems that the new model is been kinda altered, so the new texture isn't working on the old model, you have to use the new model, which as i see it doesn't have much changes from the original one.
  20. Uthil


    Wanna give a small feedback, manage to create some reskins for some models so want to thanks people sharing some tips and information.
  21. Here ill show you the spell updates, vanilla spells have good animation, not all of course. Same applys to WoD, some spell turned to be less animated anymore that used to be. So i changed most of the game spells to fill that kinda empty spell animations . Here is a small preview from the changes : Cheerio* Uthil out
  22. Character models are like 95% done, tho due to a bug i cant continue for further tests until tools author make an update or someone continue/help his project.
  23. I want to add an update, since im working with many models this period plus been busy from work. So, thats all for the moment. I believe soon i would have finish those and ill be ready to release. Cheers Uthil!
  24. Ok want to give an update, for some weird reason, dont understand why, CascExplorer reads the new build (21531) but yet Ladiq's casc explorer cant open it.
  25. Hello folks, i want to ask if anyone has an issue reading/viewing legion new build 21491. I update and the past 2 days i cant access it via the ladiqs viewer. I get the message that cant locate the \data\data folder. I tried the procedure of re locating the game folder tho seems not want to work. Anyone else has issue or just me and any idea how to fix/skip ??