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Everything posted by Uthil

  1. Hello folks, as the topic title says im looking actually for an update version of Legion 21108 build Listfile. Im looking over net the past 4 days but i haven't found any update version, most listfiles are from January. I wonder if anyone has any and can link me the file or pm me with it. Thanks in advance, Uthil!
  2. Then you have to separate why i said the file last time seen in which build from if i want to know your feelings. That adds the scenario for someone that has a build 21737 and lower to not update and keep it as it is until a proper solution comes out and you can still use the casc viewers too edit the game files.
  3. Then we have to clarify that FileDataComplete.db2 was last seen in 21737 build.
  4. Yes it worked like charm. Thanks im going to actualy make the whole move correct, means with the attachments and test it. Here is a screenie |:
  5. Hey folks, i would love to know how to do such actions in blender. I want to copy a body model of a creature and move it to another blender instance that has same model but stripped of things a bit. Is that possible cause i made a search tho i end up with append move but at the end i didn't succeed. My idea is to move to siberian tiger body to war night saber body and delete that war night saber.
  6. Damn, if that works then i feel real stupid. I thought it that those keys are under other definition so either i have to add a script for it or addon. Anyway going to try if it works for me and thanks for the info.
  7. Yeah, i couldn't understand the differences too since he didn't add a 2nd image so a comparison can be made.
  8. Nope, its kinda early to say. Mod needs time out there so people report issues. Im already on it and working the updates.
  9. I have 21737 filedatacomplete, if anyone wants i can share. I have it up on modcraft too.
  10. Hello and thanks for the commissions, i have write down those got passed under me for the next fixes. So keep posting those and use spoilers button if possible to avoid huge post. Thanks again.
  11. Nope, get the zip and extract the txt. Plain simple ?
  12. Some others had the same issue and reported that enabling the vertex shaders solved the situation. Also one them reported upon enabling that thing was ok after updating his graphics driver. I can investigate but i believe is graphics issues, till only 2-3 people report same issue that solved with graphics and vertex enable.
  13. Ok for the undead screen, go check into your options "Vertex Animation Shaders" and activate it. As far as i know epic warhorse has textures working except the honor one. When its white you might have to wait a bit to load, and clear your WDB folder, it adds too.
  14. Hello and thanks for like the mod. I can only ask to people post what they found and what might have miss during the process. Since this is beta nothing is fully working and models will be look bad, i.e those epic tiger mounts. Its like that cause i havent finish their new textures. Same applies for the character models which unfortunately accidentally left behind. Was supposedly not be included since they are consider an alpha. So major idea is you folks to test and report your findings, a good idea is to add a screenshot describing what you saw and ill included to the new addition. Also i want to say again that this is vanilla and some things arent working as cataclysm or WoD. That applies to particles effects and such. Game is old lets not forget that. Now as for the updates. Ill probs will do 1 more critical 700Mb like and rest will come with small patches probs, or to say best will be 1 critical and might be 1 or 2 more. I will not extend to more. Thats all i hope all enjoy. Cheers uthil out!
  15. BETA is released, you will find it under Projects section. Cheers and have fun!
  16. Adding something that did some minutes ago, going to add also the new ones, ill update with more :
  17. Ok lads, this is my last update here for the moment. Those new skin recolors are made by Mumblz and credits to him and big thanx for the help that he provides me.After those new additions im going to release BETA so news coming soon.
  18. I also ill try a workaround to see if i can load the model with more armor without decimate it too much. I want to replace Kromrush model too, tho after that edit all heavy armors destroyed. I was right about that looks like it was 2-3 models in one, found 2 bodies set and 2 head sets, damn blizzard.
  19. Hey folks, i was wondering if anyone has manage to pull OgreDraenor m2i for the draenor model. As i already post in modcraft forum section about redux, when trying to pull it it crashes since it has issues with vertexcount and as alastor said theres no code left for 4.6.1 so someone can update it. My questions is does already anyone manage to pull that model m2i ? From what i saw also in WMV when you preview the ogre m2 it present it to you like 4-5 models overlapping each other. I mean theres should be the normal ogre but also 4 different versions are on top of each other. Is like blizzard was fracking borred to create different models and staff and just create 4 in 1 so game just only read what it wants. If anyone has it can he provide it to me that m2i so i can use it to downport for my prohect ? Thanks in advance Uthil aka Zerocool.
  20. Really? Damn, honestly i cant recall mate. But thanks anyway, your help and many others here is really appreciated. Without you guys i would be in stone age in what involves wow modding Here an in-game screenshot, beta state, working the textures :
  21. And thanks to MR.Farrarie help here i manage to edit the model. If all goes good soon it will serve its purpose in game. Thanks Mr Farrarie --UPDATE : After export and retroporting works like charm !
  22. OK then, im going to check. Thanks for the info and time mate. If anyone else has any other info to share ill be glad to hear.
  23. When you mean many cool, what you mean ? I dont care to loose those models having the armors on it. Just care to get the normal model. As long that doesn't get affected it then ill give it a shot. If normal model is getting affected i dont see a reason to spend time at this moment since im working close to a beta. Just asked if case scenario for that goes somewhat "easy".
  24. I made a small update, since im kinda occupied from work plus im still in need for someone that can help me in reskin some models. Im moving towards a beta so in deep need for a help to reskin. At the moment if i finish those epic mount reskins im release for a beta. Here are some changes i did during this period, i have also restarted to re work character models too, tho since that small bug exist i aint gonna add them now on beta, it will be on a later and separate update. I made also some tests on the weapons. Those are really alpha state and not going to be added at the moment.
  25. I guess you have to try first, i haven't test on cata tho for LK/TBC/Vanilla works like charm. Before i include my zone/city music files into the MPQ i had them like that. Since we talk for something that hasn't change folder location for 6 expansions i think it will work. If you check with the MPQ editor you will see that folder location remains same even if we reached WoD. Only new files was added and they DBC them to make them work/add.