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Everything posted by WithinAmnesia

  1. This is video pretty cool. . . . @0:57 It all makes sense now...
  2. There has to be a way to hook up blender? This is crazy for we could do INSANE stuff with the wow maps if we get this working, think of the crazy mountains and even faces and stuff in the ground this could e revolutionary for what we could do in 5 hours. I know I am no Noggit wizard but just look at how cool blender is! *Even More Googling* AHHHH! This is insane!
  3. Okay, well I am trying to learn and looking around at all of the tools and asking questions. Even if they are pretty dumb at times I keep asking them. Chinese proverb: Ask a question - fool for 10 minutes, don't ask a question fool forever. Hey these mountains look pretty good How can we plug wow's height map into blender and monkey around with it? (Above Image source) *After some more quick Googling* Look how crazy blender is! This is nuts guys. This was in 2011 to boot X.x. So maybe a mixture of blender and Noggit would = amazing result? Blender for the base, Noggit for the Polish? What do you guys think? I don't know but just think of how cool it would be if w can get blender working with wow maps! It would be great! The Noggit can be used for the holes, m2 and wmos and stuff like this is nuts! This makes a ton of sense now guys. Sculpt and maybe paint in blender - then Polish and Refine in Noggit! This is crazy!
  4. P.S. I was a bit frustrated when I made the video :-|.
  5. @Amaroth @Basto&co So What Do We Do Here? _____________________________________________________________________________ How To Make Videos (For Free)
  6. Hey I can be a pretty big suck at wow modding, what is this mysterious art of "You need to keep 4 textures in each chunk on every ADT you save in Noggit. As long as you do so, those ADTs won't give you crash you are getting." that you speak of oh great wise Amaroth?
  7. Who is downvoting you? Amaroth is trying to help you monosentric dingwad!
  8. Okay that's it (also I did not down vote you Amaroth) I am wiping my patches and starting a new. So what I take it is that if I use Noggit on Azeroth I have a sword dangling from a string above my head at all times waiting to fall and crash the world, and that if I fix my original bugged square / chunk / adt (which I have no clue what one it is) I will have to fill in all of the surrounding chunks with other textures until it works but "the solution is quite obvious" (< why does this black crap happen also when I copy paste from mod craft?) where one creates a listfile manually (no clue how this is done, more bullshit ring arounds I guess). I mean fuck this is such a soul crushing tool to work with 2/10, 8/10 if it worked - it is so inspiring and has so much potential, but it rips your soul out when this shit happens. Skarn says that Noggit can't even edit azeroth reliably because it crashes the game at anytime if one does no save right. How do you save right? What is wrong saving? AHH! It is so confusing as fuck and cryptic hell. Fuck I don't know two shits about wow modding yes correct but fuck I try and make videos and I try to make sure I am clearly understood and all of my cards in your guys hands. It frustrates me to no end when I read and read and read and read (a post that could have taken 3 hours to type and spell / error check) to find a half solution and have to fish in the dark for the rest; just make a damn video that is why I started because walls of text kinda suck ass (I had an online team over at Baldur's gate and no one likes 100 lines of words- just my experience). I really suck at learning like this so most of the this bitch post is myself pissed off at how shit I am at using the tools but fuck these tools have some pretty bad learning curves. So I guess this is why no one makes custom private server content? Noggit can't suck this much ass and drains one's soul that much to use; it is power, it is good but does it actually suck ass? I see objects moved around alI see colour edits to existing areas in private servers but I see no new land map content added onto wow.. I do not know but my tank that is being made from game from scratch is looking pretty good right now. For myself I found that This is easier to make: https://youtu.be/GFWTGWzMSks Than this: https://youtu.be/pr1eh-B3Bpk <- 3+ times more hard and ball crushing. I don't know what I should do. Noggit looks like it sucks monkey balls and I cannot create my vanilla project on it, either that or I will have to 3D sculpt azeroth on blender and hope to hell that it works. It is just a piss off for it was going so good and than - Bam! project cripply, soul crushing critical engine bug. I might just leave WoW modelling if I can't fix this in one months time. Thank you guys for your support; I will remember how friendly you all were.
  9. I really like your backdrop, hey is it true that Czech people commonly lack a middle name? I had a very interesting math teacher in high school was from Czech Republic :-P
  10. How was this all made you made references to noggit and blender. What is your process Supora?
  11. That worked although I found more problems :} Here is a link to my video reply comment.
  12. I feel a bit impotent to be asking so many questions although I am having a bit of a hard time with constant failure working with so many digital creation methods all at once with slow yet gradual progress.
  13. How does one create custom designed Non-Player Characters in World of Warcraft?
  14. I redid my 'How To Make Videos' (For Free) video so that I could show you guys how one could copy how I make videos so that one can too make videos if one so wishes:-P. -SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD LINKS-Open Broadcast Software: https://obsproject.com/FLV Extract Download: http://www.moitah.net/ or http://www.afterdawn.com/software/aud...Yamb Download: http://yamb.unite-video.com/download....Windows Movie Maker: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-ca/wi...VLC (Excellent Video Player) Download: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/index.html ________________________________________________________________________ Now you guys can have a baseline of how to make a decent YouTube video:-P.
  15. Hey can some one help me with learning how to wow mod:S? I am pretty much a blank slate with almost nothing but free time, a desire make content for wow and no majorly applicable skills to do so:S I am crashing through the mod craft tutorials and some of the video tutorials but I find myself to be a cat swimming upstream in search of fish :/.
  16. I really enjoy the aesthetics of Exodus, what is the islands' lore / back story / history? Do you think that you could create a video of yourself taking your viewers on a guided tour of your works? It seems that you have put a great deal of time, love and passion into your works Amaroth my friend. I really hope that you can take up the mantle of video tour guide for I really do think that your works are simply stunning! :-) Also I made a tutorial on how to make videos for free over here at: http://www.model-changing.net/forums/topic/109-how-to-make-videos-for-free-download-links-included/#comment-711. I have tried both Chrome and Firefox to no avail to watch your videos that you have in your album:/. Your album's videos either do not play or they are displayed with an error message saying that they are corrupted:S. Either way I would still enjoy guided tour videos of your very impressive works; even though I don't know if you have already done such with your previous hosted videos herein x.X. Take care Amaroth and best of luck to you with your model business my friend:-P.
  17. Okay thank you, I will have to first recreate a skype account (I forgot my ancient one :-P).
  18. Hello I am new blood here and I have little to no skills with Noggit and or other World of Warcraft editing tools although I really want to learn how to create new content for World of Warcraft ever since I first played back in The Burning Crusade days. I am looking for help to learn how accomplish the above project of mine (in the video) and I have a very hard time learning online by myself and I am very much out of my element with this type of learning although I am very much more enthusiastic to learn through trial and failure for I know myself to have a very deep and strong rooted passion for this line of work and or content creation. I have an ambitious plan to add new content to (a) custom private server(s) and I will need to learn much in the ways and or the masteries of World of Warcraft content editing / modifying and or creation in general to accomplish this lofty and mayhaps even overwhelming goal of my own creation. I have come to realize that I must be strong minded, social yet independent and I must possess a very well rounded and moreover a robust skill set myself for I have little in terms of other people of whom I can come to depend on to complete this deep seeded desire that is my overarching ambitious project of mine. Although I am vague to myself and others of how, when or where my work and or new content may surface for the World of Warcraft private server community for mostly the reason being that I cannot currently host my own server(s) for a myriad of reasons and or personal adversities. I am looking to learn how I can accomplish a long deep niggling desire to convert my labyrinth of concept art from ages new and past into tangible playable and moreover clean and enjoyable content that I can share with the mostly aging private server community population before both my own desire to relive old memories and World of Warcraft itself fade into obscurity. As I continue to work and improve upon my own future projects of my own vision and device for old and future generations alike I sit building my projects up piece by piece, working day after day to make my creative dreams come into the collective gaming fray - I realize that these times now and herein they will come and they will inevitably go; the clock ticks away and I have come to see in the past that time waits for no one. I want to give back to the community which I have been in many ways creatively shaped and inspired by while within the same stroke of action fulfilling a long and slow burning desire within myself. This deep innate and pulsating core desire of mine is to invigourate my many conceptual notebooks, stacks of scattered art saturated pages and looming archives of text and table based conceptual ideas and schemes to life and to give such 'life' to an audience of which I believe would quite enjoy said hypothetical 'life' with also said new content and or 'life' being granted overwhelmingly bug and error free. Thank you for reading and or watching my post :-).