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Everything posted by Finsternis

  1. after this the m2 is other than before? i never work on this way with noggit so idk , and if it is could you send it again that i can compare ^^?
  2. Ah ok ,so you mean this ^^. Ya but i convert it new from retail and replace just another model. So i have here no custom maps or make any noggit work.
  3. Sorry forgot to say this, this screen is not in noggit it is in game. In noggt 3.1.021 it looks so that it not disappear, just in game. :<
  4. Are you sure? Why my strider diessapear if other mounts not, this waterfall just dissapear on special kamera views like my stirder. it feels here realy the same^^. I try to load it on a flat area and it still happens. Also i try complete new convert the file and still it happend :< ANd if im still wrong and it is the wmo what could i do^^
  5. Hm i cant help you but maybe its the same issue that i have with my mechstrider. So if it is the same i know that it have nothign to do with the particle,camera,animated texture, animation. After inico talk about a skin problem at his blood patch i will look there next.(Edit. Dont think it is a skin problem, the blood thing was something complete others) If you found a solution pls share it^^
  6. hehe this happens just one time and never again ;D Cool that we find the problem. Happy modding^^
  7. Hmkay im not sure how the legion dbc is different to wotlk dbc but just check that the model path is correct, and that the textures stored at this path too.
  8. Nope missing is green, white/grey is loading fail or no texture set. I still think the texture is at the wrong place or the name is not right.
  9. Check the name and the path of the texture(dbc or hardcoded).
  10. He uthil could it be that a .anim file is missing? I had a older version of the trog and ther was one anim file. I think it is for "emote work". The newer one have no .anim (maybe just not visible) idk^^
  11. You share this really everywhere^^. Im not sure but maybe you use not my character port ,rather balsh´s but idk^^. Anyway thx for mark us :3 Uh and at the horse in the video is something wrong ;D
  12. ya look in the wmv model control search the id. This id is the same like in skin00. Then look in the skin00 the struct Sub submesh and look for the unit32 id (on cloacks it was 1502 +) Go to the skin01 file and search the 1502+ id(it is higher then the id in skin00) in the struct Sub submesh it is not just one it can be more there you need all. Then struct TEXU TextureUnits with the same number as the struct SUB Submeshes and edit there the flag and finish^^. This was alot try and error a year ago to fix the transparence on cloaks :D. But with this it should work
  13. I had the same issue with the new modredux but it is no problem to fix it, just go in blender on the cloak, select one verti hit strg and +, and as you can see it has in blender two sides.The old modredux handle this but the new one not.So just delet one side and after converting it to m2 goo to skin file 0 and 1(and yes in both!) search the cloak and make the renderflag to "Rf_two sidet" and Rm_Opaque" most its the flag 0. It is more work but at the end you have fewer polygons.
  14. Ah ok, in this case sorry if i was to angry, i thought you made all and share it as yours hmpf, but ya im bit annoyed^^.
  15. ok i get it now, the green marks was all right. At the end of the m2 file i create 4 new rows filled with "0". I used the hex value from each row to fill the red lines and tadda it works^^. And one red makr "unit32 timestamp" just 0
  16. Heyhow, i have a little problem with the newest models wich i downport from legion to wotlk. Some helmets a bit to small (~1.04-1.08) so that u see head parts threw the helm or its a bit inside ect, the position is perfeckt , i tryed it to edit the position on all ways but all time anything fucked up^^. I found here one who made this but i dont get it and he was longer not online. But of cause i pn him 2 weeks ago . But i dont get it work im not sure what i have to do there, wich values i have to fill. The green values i think i made correct the red i dont know it rly. With this it work in the wow modelviewer but not in game there is the modle invisible Maybe anyone know how to handle this
  17. Im annoyed, i saw a post on reddit and then i remember that i saw that screenshots here and ofc the next one after warmane use my hours of work and "sell" it as their own, i dont mean the buildings but recognize my textur works(tilesets). They exactly the same. Cause this textures not exist in Legion on this way. And i`m sure at the "The Path of Glory" there ork skulls who looking to the citadell. I dont want much but a little "thx to finsternis work" should be possible. Here you have a closer look
  18. Heyho, i try your model and it work with no problem. I used same tools and blender 2.76 Maybe you should check again in blender wich script it use or reload the stormcrow model maybe it is fucked up by one of your trys.
  19. I tryed to edit the bone but the bone size have no effect . So this can work as you see on the big head guy but im not sure how.
  20. Ok, i had this issue with another model too. The end of the song is, that this one now work after i redownload it, couse it get a new event (ofc the $FD1 :D) in the m2 file, so i stop working on the pala(this file have now just 13 events) and wait a bit :< But again thx Callmephill
  21. Little update i found out that the $FD1 event is the mount special event. So i try it on all events that exist in the m2 file (with some funny results :D..). But no one of the existing events is for the mountspecial. At the moment i have no idea what i could do. Is it possible to make a custom event? Or i'm maybe complete wrong with the event try?
  22. ya i filled all coulums with sound id´s still nothing happens. hmpf Anyway your dbc relationship overview was really helpfull.
  23. i try with own path and it wont work. Ya that entry is not in the file and also not in the old pala mount. Im not sure what you want say me
  24. Wow thank you, that rly alot :D. I will try to make my own soundpath and hope it work. I had a simliar problem with legion emote sounds on charackter downports, where i need to do new entries for the emotes, amaroth gave me this tipp(but still i dont know why they need new entries). I try a bit around and gave the model different sound kits but no one work at the "mountspecial". ex. chicken,netherray,protodrake. And i look in the creaturesounddata and filled all horse "0" sounds 3-13 with the attack sound. but still no mountspecial. The summon and run/walk sound work so i think i dont need to look in the spell.dbc´s