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Everything posted by Skarn

  1. The thing is that I don't really want to get rid of this effect completely. It looks so good on the ocean but can look bad on rivers and ponds. So, I thought I could try making different liquid types with different reflection maps.
  2. That's so profound, dude! Really great work. Definitely gonna use the information from here. Worth a contributor ;). I have a question, though. Did you find anything that might control the "big waves effect", as I call it? Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't as it might look weird for example on rivers or small ponds.
  3. Well, there is no black magic in making new WMOs. I do not recommend you using MirrorMachine as it lacks lots of features. The white stuff btw is collision mesh. It does not appear like that all over all the models. It is usually used for ladders and other places where you need smoother collision or invisible walls. For making a new WMO you basically make a whatever you want scene in Blender and set everything according to the rules of the WMO export. So, materials for every texture (can be down automatically with Material Utils -> Texface to Material), collision, group settings, portals if necessary, maybe some vertex shading. That's basically it.
  4. The path has to be the same size as the old one or shorter but not longer. If it s shorter extra space is filled with 00 bytes (be careful it appears as dot on the right but dot is actually a different value).
  5. The idea is that .MDX is a hardcoded equal extension as .m2. That's literally all. When a client sees a .mdx it loads the same path with .m2. This way of naming comes from the fact that WoW engine is an updated WC3 engine at some point, or it was on its early stages.
  6. If you downloaded boost from Steff's repo, I think it is the wrong version there. Also I'll ask Adspartan for the version.
  7. It is now being worked on as a part of Neo.
  8. It is really good that you did not allow it to waste on the harddrive. Maybe someone picks it up and makes a nice piece of work out of it.
  9. Posting is back. I hope that craziness won't happen again.

  10. Well, as I said, just stop feeding them. They will eventually calm down as soon as they stop getting pleasure from it.
  11. Skarn


    Download the required DLL and place it to the folder?
  12. There are a few issues I have noticed during the use of this awesome tool. When you right click on a line, the context menu shows up only if you do it on the right, out of the cells. Would be good if it could appear anywhere like in Excel. If you open DBC by double clicking it opens each of them in new instance of WDBX editor. Sometimes it is bad, sometimes it is better, so it'd be good to have the ability to somehow swtich this. Ctrl + S always tries to save as but does not save directly for me. The saving works okay, it just always asks me to find the file where to save it. Overall it is a very well developed tool, keep it on! Also encountered an excpetion It says that rowIndex is out of range.
  13. You just need to separate the groups probably.
  14. Great update. Really good job. When can we expect the source code by the way?
  15. I do not remember it But okay. I think they are made by Soldan.
  16. It must be a .txt file uploaded somewhere that contains patch list along with hashes. It allows launcher to check if you are up to date or not.
  17. Because you can write it for example in C++ and the majority of people won't be able to see your code, at least. Also with launcher while WoW.exe is off, you can manage MPQs the way you want;
  18. Skarn

    HD Models

    Those are converted models he wants to take. Conversion != creative process, so in this case I would not personally regard it as someone else's work.
  19. Yeah, something like that. You can have a look at famous MyDBCEditor. It has good UI controls but misses keyboard shortcuts and fails opening some DBCs.
  20. Thanks for updating the tool with the feature I requested. I'd also like to have a button to add new line and to hide empty columns if it is possible. Great job, keep it up.