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Everything posted by Skarn

  1. The website has been down today due to hoster's issues. Sorry :(

  2. Why do you need to replace anything at all???
  3. Have you tried reextracting mmaps and vmaps?
  4. A little chat with different developers of WoW modding software. @Kaev thanks, for making a good post about the situation. I could not have done better and can't agree more with what you said. Speaking about moderation, feel free to use the moderation panel if you want so. Speaking about bans though, it makes things worse. I'd want to end this endless flow of trolling but I am afraid banning won't help. They'd just make another account and start shitposting memes on the forum as it happened before.
  5. This is what you are looking for.
  6. This conversation leads to nowhere. Everyone already told what he wanted to tell. Closed due to ongoing drama and lots of insulting in here.
  7. There is no public stable emulators I know besides Trinity Core 3.3.5a. That legion thing is still very raw. Damn 3.3.5a branch is still far from finished while being the longest in development for now. What do you want from a branch that was started less than a year ago? Do all dungeons, raids, bosses work? No. Do all spells work as they should according to Blizzard's standards? No. Does all this new Legion stuff work as intended? No, not yet. That's the reason why you simply can't call that piece of software a stable one. While 3.3.5a branch now needs polishing, Legion branch needs a massive development that wotlk branch got in all its time of existence, which was about 7 years. The fact that your server does not crash every now and then does not mean it is stable. Besides, what I said, please answer my question. How the fuck are you gonna overcome the main issue of WoD+ modding - CASC file system. How do you plan to deploy patches to your players? Just right to the folder?
  8. Reasons why I personally do not do Legion: 1. All current projects I am working on belong to timeline after wotlk because they were started long before legion. Let's say in times when MoP or even Cata was on retail. 2. You are calling "3.3.5a" pot more than full which is totally wrong. We lack a lot of software. I want to make at least one version of WoW fully moddable. That's why I develop tools for it. Didn't you notice that we can't do custom animated m2s still? That's it. Real modding involves every aspect of development - level design, 3d assets, ui, serverside and even sometimes building custom clientside modules using reverse-enginereed material. 3. Server emulator. Legion Trinity Core can't even be compared with wotlk version in terms of stability and workability. No one here can probably fix it. It requires a big team of programmers working on it daily for a decent amount of time. I believe even professional programmers like schlumpf can't do that on their own because there are thousands of lines of code in the emulator and probably tons of RE you need to perform to correctly make a working emulator. Nobody is against Legion modding here. Nobody is against modding of any version of the game at all. If you want, you can mod Vanilla, Cata or whatever you like. I do not know why you keep expecting tools from someone handed to you or big gratitude from people after releasing your own tools. Do you simply understand that the entry point into Legion modding is very high now? People do not want to develop tools for everything. That means you people who currently mod it should do it to get more attention to your game version. That's how it worked before and this is the only way it will work. When I started modding Cata was just getting aired on retail. Wotlk lacked so much tools, so we did not even think of modifying smth with different file formats. But people gradually released tools - m2 converter, Mirror Machine and later blender wmo plugin, wmo editor, Noggit updates. Do you get what I mean? But instead of working on that, sharing knowledge, you expect fame and lots of gratitude from people who are not even interested in it at the moment.
  9. If we are all that shitty as you say, why do I still see you here every now and then pouring shit at specific users of our website and to the majority of others by calling them "335afags"? Do you know why nobody says thanks? Those pieces of stuff that you guys share are accompanied with trolling, insulting, pricky comments. Do you get what I mean here?
  10. New WMO Blender import/export plugin version. Check it out!

  11. There was or is already a project called Origins. It was aimed at porting vanilla serverside content to higher expansions to get better graphics and other things you can't get with original client. They first went for WoD, as far as I am aware, however, the core happened to be so unstable that they had to stay on Cata. With Legion and WoD you simply get some unstable serverside software with unfinished spells and so on.
  12. There is a converter by Adspartan which does all that I guess. There is an option to convert WMO from Legion to WoD if I remember correctly. That is what you need. WoD WMOs should work in Cata I guess.
  13. It has to be done not for root but for the exe.
  14. What about directory reading? Was it removed in Legion?
  15. Really? New files do not work? It is pointless to mod it then.
  16. Of course, it is possible. I just don't get what exactly you want to do.
  17. I was talking about other people actually. I remember your nickname, so I did not even notice you made a new account.
  18. No one is trying to shut this down. If you can see, this thread stays while, as Amaroth said, it probably should not. Want to know why it does, though? It amazes me to see how some people decided to join the board just to answer this topic
  19. It seems we can't survive a week here without a good drama on the board.
  20. That is as far as you know. I have seen so many cases of patch stealing in Russian RP community. Including your works btw. I think that was called Erutia or something like that.
  21. Rangorn, good decision to make this thread. To be honest, I did not expect that to happen. Well, I see there is an issue here with ADT conversion to Legion. If you guys find the exact reason and how it should be fixed, I can help you to make the process faster by making a script for this purpose or anything else.