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Everything posted by Skarn

  1. I'd rather have actual competitors steal my content rather than noobs because that makes your stuff look valuable. And no sane competitor who takes things seriously is going to spoil their reputation by acting this way.
  2. It is just always disappointing for a designer to see your work being stolen and reused in some shitty distasteful environment. If I have a chance to make things harder for such people, I am going to do it, if it does not take insane amount of time. Those patches to .exe/files are not time consuming at all. The more time you spend on creating the concept of the artwork, actually doing it (considering we have rather shitty tools in the community on all fronts for now), the more valueable it becomes to you. Tools are an entirely different thing. The whole purpose why this website exists is to help people mod WoW and tools have exactly the same goal. But using someone else's tools is not the same as using someone else's artwork without permisson.
  3. They usually steal stuff like custom item models which appear on their shitty 255 level servers and your own project looses the feeling of uniqueness since people might have seen the same stuff everywhere else.
  4. There is no tutorial. It kills the point of doing this.
  5. It is worth it. Noobs who often want to steal pathces usually do not know how to reverse this stuff. People who know something are unlikely to steal your content because they do not care or can create something on their own.
  6. It is done by writing your own software that can manipulate those file's bytes. Swapping magics in the exe can be done with 010 editor or similar software. Patching files can also be done through scripts in there. There is no easier solution.
  7. Patch the chunk magics of all DBC files and other small size files and change the string the client is looking for and include all of them in your custom patches to override previous versions. As a result, your WoW.exe won't work without your patch, as well as normal WoW.exe would work with yours. However, it is quite easy for some people to revert this change. In order to make it a bit harder and require some additional software, you might consider changing the names of the tables in WoW.exe, so that your DBC are named in a different way. Anyway there is no ultimate protection. Everything can be reversed back.
  8. The pictures from the game show the effect of MCLV, not MCLY. MCLY effect can be seen, for example, in Icecrown and it looks different. It almost does not change the color of the tileset, but only adds the fake reflection effect.
  9. Yes, I know. And that is exactly what is happening on the first screenshot here. MCLV on the rocks emits red light which makes it looks like the rock tileset is reflecting lava. But essentially it does not matter since MCLV is not supported by WotLK.
  10. I was talking about MCLV. The effect of what you have referenced is not entirely what is present on the picture. The tileset with this effect won't reflect light, it will just have a glossy surface reflecting the cubic map texture to fake real reflection.
  11. I assume this effect is not really a reflection, but a specific chunk similar to vertex colors that provides a kind of vertex "lights". This is not supported by WOTLK client as it was introduced in Cataclysm. In order to help the situation a little, you might consider painting those rocks with vertex colors and playing around with specular textures, however it is obvious that it is probably impossible to achieve the same rendering result.
  12. Skarn

    Action camera

    Ah, got it. I thought you were talking about those cinematic cameras.
  13. Skarn

    Action camera

    Aren't m2 models used for that or am I thinking of a different camera?
  14. This is very useful. Thank you. If you want to help me out on multi-versioning or other development, feel free to find me on Discord or Skype.
  15. Thank you. This is a useful contribution. I plan on working for multi-version support.
  16. Not sure if it can be done now but I plan on adding this feature to the upcoming versions of my Blender toolkit.
  17. No. Every new expansion introduces new engine functionality. WoD supports stuff like scaled textures, tileset height maps (_h textures), extended number of tilesets per chunk. This information will be lost on conversion which makes the zone look like shit as those new features contribute greatly to the overall look of the zone.
  18. Welcome @Yasuno as the new administrator. He is going to help us maintain the board.
  19. This code is not executed at that time. As far as I can see, it is happening on export.
  20. what exactly are you doing? Send me your blendfile when the problem occurs.
  21. Blizzard is using simplified collision in order to increase FPS. This collision seems to be autogenerated by generating a convex hull around each batch and cropping some parts of it according to the normal direction. I do not recommend you to delete it, especially in big models as it is likely to decrease performance. You can hide it in edit mode by selecting at least one white face, pressing Shift + G, clicking on Select by material in the menu and once all that geometry is selected, clicking on H to hide it. However, it will still appear when you are in object mode. In future versions, collision might get moved to its own separate object. Also I am looking for a way to generate it.
  22. Can you send me your .blend file?
  23. Get the new version from GitHub. I have not yet updated the release here.
  24. Some files in your MPQs are encrypted. Most likely those from patches with custom content. Repack your patch using a different file archivation ruleset in MPQEditor without any encryption, compression only.