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Everything posted by Skarn

  1. Writing converters is generally a wrong approach. A direct exporter needs to be made, this way you are safe from rotation issues and similar stuff. I’ve no such issues so far with the direct export / import addon I am working on.
  2. Do you use retroported racial models by chance?
  3. It is possible to do, if you can find the way to alter the position of the head bone in client memory.
  4. There is CASCHost now though. You can fully mod any files and add new ones now.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Purpose: Edits MFBO data in ADT and sets it to given values. By default it is configured for removing MFBO related bugs. Though, values can be changed however you like. Usage: Run the script. Select files you want to edit. If you need some special MFBO data, change values in lines: 36 and 43. CMD version: Not available, coming soon. Requires: In order to run any of my scripts you need a new version of 010 editor binary templates which can be downloaded here.
  6. Registration on the website should now be fixed.

  7. You can use my Blender addon to work with WMOs.
  8. Me or Balkron? I made the addon, he made the tutorial.
  9. If there are any custom filenames, you will have to rebuild the structure by anazying the files. On old clients it is possible to do 100% for the files that are actually used and referenced by the game DBs, ADTs or models. Also this whole MPQ listfile removal process is not encryption.
  10. It can be converted to WMO. You can use my Blender addon. There is a tutorial for it on this website too.
  11. Hello. As some of you may know, for quite a while I've been working on the first actual editor for M2 / WMO models for WoW. The project began about a year ago as a fork of happyhack's Blender addon for WMOs. Over time by my own efforts and with the help of some people, I was able to create a full featured (despite a couple of things, that yet have to be implemented) WMO editor. Now I am working on the M2 part of the project. Since there are a lot more tools that I want to develop, I am looking for somebody who can help me with development to finish it faster. The project is written in Python 3.5. Requirements: - Python coding experience - Ability to stick to project's architecture - Ability to stick to given code style (I use regular python standard PEP8 with a few minor additions to naming conventions) Project goals: - Full-featured editing of WMO / M2. - Rudimentary editing of ADT. - Support for multiple WoW versions. - Editor for client DBs related to M2 / WMO (AreaTable, NPC stuff, etc). The majority of the boring stuff, such as file parsing is arleady implemented. Import for M2 is implemented, except for particles. Last but not least, donations that the project is going to receive in the future are going to be shared proportionally, even though the work is mostly volunteer. The project's aim is not money income, but the creation of the first proper editing toolkit for WoW files, as well as the Swiss Army Knife tool for machinima artists. If you are interested, feel free to contact me here, on my Discord (Skarn#2018) or elsewhere.
  12. I think you can turn that off in settings.
  13. Awesome contribution! I will definitely need that when I move to Wotlk+ features with my addon? Are there any settings for .phys that you have managed to find out?
  14. I am sorry, that's bullshit. Noggit does not use .NET, fortunately. What's exactly the issue?
  15. You should use the new Noggit. I think that issue is fixed there.
  16. This topic is being researched at the moment by some people. I am pretty confident the solution will be available later.
  17. Just extract them and convert to wotlk with Adspartan's tool. Should be as easy as that.
  18. what did you make it with? I don't recall my addon producing crashing models.
  19. I totally love the atmosphere in this zone.
  20. Skarn

    More blender stuff

    Message me on Discord, I will help with the code. That looks pretty interesting.
  21. There are no ways you can prevent leechers from stealing your content. It has always been happening and probably will always happen. Despite that I work with many awesome people from the WoW RP community, I have to admit that most of these content stealing dramas somehow happen within the WoW RP community. Not saying anything, just a fun fact. If you want to make the life harder for them, protect your patches in the best way possible (even though everything is reversable, but people who steal other people's content cannot really create anything themselves and therefore most likely won't be able to do it). You can also leave a sort of signature inside the files, so the fact that you've made the file can be easily proved, which could down the reputation of these people. I personally do not think anyone should do the things that you suggested to this server. Attack on a server is first of all an attack on the players who spend time and have fun there, and secondly on admins. The players did not steal your content. What can be done instead is gathering evidence that these people steal content, posting it on the boards where they get players from, asking the admins of these boards to stop supporting them, and so on.
  22. That won't give you much. There are no tools utilizing the features of new clients at the moment. There is no point in moving to anything higher than 3.3.5 without it since compared to original content your custom edits will look like shit without texture scaling and other new features.