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Everything posted by luzifix

  1. Ok it works SKIN file was broken^^
  2. Im currently at work, after the work i can upload the M2 + SKIN file.
  3. yes i use the Script for skin files too
  4. You dont need convert the WMOs. WoD can load LK WMOs
  5. for 6.2.4 its a little bit difficult i need 10 Hours to fix it. After i Release my project i make the hex edits public for all
  6. i think WoW 6.2.4 is the new 3.3.5a i work currently with my team on a 6.2.4 server and we can do anything like 3.3.5 custom Map, custom scripts, custom DBC/DB2 Edits and a custom Frame-/GlueXML. Its hard but i think WoD+ Modding is the future. And if you convert anything for WoD you can use it in Legion too
  7. char* is not allow dataType change it to string
  8. Version 0.0.3 ALPHA


    DB2/DBC <-> CSV convert INFO:The latest version of the tool, visit: RequirementsThe converter requires NET Framework 3.5 How to useBefore you can convert a db2 or dbc to csv, you most be sure you have a map for it. the maps you found in the map.xml file. If you have a map for your db2/dbc, you most only drag the db2/dbc over the dbconverter.exe and its work. Allow DataTyps: uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, string/char/std::string, float/single, double ContributingCromonKroniX
  9. You most writ 24x <element> <name>ItemX</name> <type>int32</type></element>in the map Like <element> <name>Item1</name> <type>int32</type> </element><element> <name>Item2</name> <type>int32</type> </element><element> <name>Item3</name> <type>int32</type> </element><element> <name>Item4</name> <type>int32</type> </element><element> <name>Item5</name> <type>int32</type> </element>...<element> <name>Item24</name> <type>int32</type> </element>
  10. #define MAX_OUTFIT_ITEMS 24 ... int32 ItemID[MAX_OUTFIT_ITEMS] is equal 24x <element> <name>ItemX</name> <type>int32</type></element>
  11. Have you released your tool already ? I want try it with some MoP ADTs
  12. WoW need all m2s on ADT to calculate the correct view distance. i think its not a bug, its more a feature for better performance
  13. Hey, i convert with the tool from PhilipTNG some LK (3.3.5:12340) ADTs to MoP(5.4.8) and it works fine but now i have a problem with m2s see this pic ( ) if i go closer the m2s show, else the m2s not show. PS: i see the same error in a video from PhilipTNG Can you pls Help me ?
  14. I would suggest you to make a new map and spawn some models on it. Then convert to MoP and see if the bug is still there. Then we might be able to see where the issue comes from. I could solve the problem (=
  15. My Worldbuilder use noggit_3.0.22.exe
  16. create automatically obj0 & obj1. here the converted ADTs!eUJVyBbY!ABzY3ZQg37i54OJsgyUjkGso8CSa0_H3DPqz37GZtAU
  17. luzifix


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