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Everything posted by Callmephil

  1. It's currently additional content patches for 3.3.5 servers. it does not replace already added content. and yes it everything from Cata/Mop/Wod (Some Legions Files) are/will be added.
  2. todo list : Worldmap for old dungeon. Tome for learning new forms Item for mounts. item for pets. Cleaning & Sorting WMO / Building patch (because it s 10 giga ) it need cleanup. Flying mount Animation & wings creaturesound itemsound creaturefootprint. Please let me know if you can help and if you need something more in the client before launch.
  3. i need extra hands please contact me via skype philippe19-94 looking someone with knowledge in c# and retro-porting stuffs. in addition all entry are retail based (except mount creatures and 3D Belt Effect). a test server is setup, i'm currently in hospital for 1 more week so i m working with teamviewer and it's pain in the a !
  4. First of all, Hello everyone. it's probably a silly question. but i'm working on a community project (will be revealed soon) and i was asking myself a question. is there anyway we could re-organize how .MPQ patches are loaded by the client ? This is the actual structure : common.MPQ > common-2.MPQ > expansion.MPQ > lichking.MPQ > patch.MPQ > patch-2.MPQ > patch-3.MPQ I would like to have a new structure like : common.MPQ > Vanilla.MPQ > TBC.MPQ > Wotlk.MPQ Do anyone has knowledge in this field ? and if possible can help out ?
  5. new spell_gen_mount("torment", 0, SPELL_TORMENT_100, SPELL_TORMENT_310); "torment" is what you have to put in spell_script_name as scriptname
  6. should be 90019 torment and not 90019 spell_torment
  7. do you have the "main spell" that cast the others ?
  8. i did it yesterday it worked wel.. I Copied Invincible Mount Spells it had 4 differents rows. my .cpp look like this new spell_gen_mount("spell_Volcanic_Stone_Drake", 0, 1088331, 2088331, 3088331, 4088331); and my SQL INSERT INTO `Spell_Script_Names` VALUES (88331,"spell_Volcanic_Stone_Drake"); "88331" is the original spell. "1088331"+ is the variants Don't forget to recompile / restart / delete cache !
  9. did you added the sql ? spell_script_names
  10. Nevermind.. Morph command is coded with uint16 : uint16 display_id = (uint16)atoi((char*)args); i changed it to : uint32 display_id = (uint32)atoi((char*)args);
  11. Hey guys, so i recently retro-ported models from WoD to Wotlk However i get this issue : .Morph aren't showing the correct model but the creature do.. Why is this happening ?
  12. Get app from create a free account if you don't have one. and switch to PTR installation.
  13. hopefully you achieve what you wanted. i'm going to work on retro-porting creatures next month once i finish with those items.. keep us in touch !
  14. I took a look on it. he's using spell to add the 3D thing, however it does not appear on character login neither if you transmog also he do not explain how he did for multiple color
  15. Thanks for your expertise ! i didin't know that. do have any information about 3D Belt ?
  16. as i said for mount special sound you have to fill the column 16 in creaturesounddata with the row you created in soundentry. also i'm not sure but may the legion sounds need to be converted ?
  17. SoundEntries.dbc column 3 : (Sound Name - Can be anything you want) column 4 - 13 : (Sound Name & Extension) ex : MON_Horse_Attack_01.ogg column 24 : Path EX : Sound\\Creature\\Horse SpellVisualKit.dbc Column 3 : 54 (Player Animation) Column 16 : SoundEntries ID SpellVisual.dbc column 2 : 358 (For Visual Effect on Summoning) column 3 : SpellVisualKit ID Spell.dbc column 132 : SpellVisual.dbc ID SoundEntries.dbc Column 2 : 10 (To specify sound creature) Column 3 > 13 : Sounds Create new row for each Sound type example (Attack) (Wound) (WoundCritical) (Death) (Stand/MountSpecial) CreatureSoundData.dbc column 2 (Attack) , 11 (Wound), 14 (WoundCritical) , 15 (Death) , 16 (Stand/MountSpecial) fill them with the ID of row of SoundEntries.dbc And Finally, CreatureModelData.dbc column 14 : CreatureSoundData ID this is how you add sound and spawn visual effect for mounts however i've never replaced an old row i always create new one. so i guess you will have to figure out what to check to see if you have a missing sound file. i hope this helped you.
  18. Tried out didn't seems to work for me. i changed Characters Race Models instead. I've also found another bug some weapon models have some sort of 3D "Gravity Effect" like this one using the converter will make the effect static.
  19. Some Update : Invocation sounds : SoundEntries.dbc SpellVisualKit.dbc Linked To Spell.dbc Creature Sounds : SoundEntries.dbc CreatureSoundData.dbc Linked To CreatureModelData.dbc Creature FootPrint : FootPrintTextures.dbc For Column References check this website :
  20. I'm not yet on 7.X models but CreatureSoundData.dbc could be what you're looking for !
  21. Hey guys, So Voila, I've been working for the past few months to retro-port all items from Cataclysm to Legion and i still have one bug left that haunt me the Waist Buckle Visual Effect. Each Waist has Buckle Visual Effect (An M2 and Multiple BLP : one for each row in ItemDisplayInfo). my current problem is that the Buckle even if the mdx and blp are added in the ItemDisplayInfo are not loaded.. whatever i do it does not load ! I've also tried to add the effect as a spell however this technique is not suitable since there's around 200 Buckle X their color. and require some M2 edit to link the blp. Note : BeltBucket Socket Attachement is correctly configured on .M2 for all Races Could it be the client that does not load the .M2 / BLP the way MoP / WOD / Legion does it ? is there any way to edit the way the client read a dbc file ? Does anyone ever found the way to fix it in a blizzlike way ? Example of a belt Buckle :