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Everything posted by Yuritsuki

  1. I've just uploaded it in downloads. But I didn't test it properly. Hope my script works as good as in russian dbcs
  2. Ok, nevermind. I should make the patch with current fixes and upload it. I will Fix other spells by your feedback.
  3. I don't even know. But once somebody casts this spell, fps freezes.
  4. Found one guy that helped me. I was wrong about that bug. It caused by the other spell. Gosh, this mess will kill me. Still searching.
  5. I tried on local repack. But seems like this mechanic is only on warmane...
  6. Cant find one broken spell. Does anybody have warmane lordaeron 60+ horde character (tested there). One of npc cast a spell with broken size. I mean you will help me if you log in and go to the place I say. I wont get your login/pass
  7. I'll release it as soon as I get rid of the most critical bugs. I think just couple left.
  8. If there is someone who can help me to find which lines are these trash lines that destroy other spells, I will. I need someone who had already worked with Spell[anything].dbc. Can't just upload right now. Unfortunately, I'm playing on russian client too. And my dbcs right now include some of my and other dudes unfinished works. But it's not a problem to do it again and with english dbcs (I have english client).
  9. Uh.. And I also remember that there is a conflict with shaman and mage. They have at least one idenically named .blp but different image. But it's the smallest problem.
  10. What do I mean by the same IDs? Every new spell effect is going after the last wotlk ID. For example, if one of dbc ends with 15000. The new effect will start from 15001. And every patch this author made starts from 15001. So it's not just about merging new lines. You should use different IDs for every table in every patch and then do the same to the other dbcs. And THEN you should fix relations (when one table uses value from another): if other table use 15001 and your current visual patch starts from 15020, you should find the relation in related tables and change it to 15020. This is why I hate patches that use dbc. There is no migration/partial editing functional. I'd rather override m2s and then fix the problems with 3D and hex-editing. And it will be fully compatible with every possible mod.
  11. I've successfully merged 9/10 of them (Paladin spells have strange structure for one of dbc files, cant remember which one. Or am I dumb?). Using mydbceditor and some noob-coding (they use the same new ids, so I wrote a script to increment all new ids in dbc files for each file and sync these new ids in the related tables). The problem is that some patches have some trash lines in dbc files. Especially in SpellVisualEffectName. What trash? (at least what I've found) some pala spells have enormous sizes which causing lags and drops FPS down to 2 when pala uses them. I'm sure, it's not all. You can find it. Try casting all pala seals using warrior spell patch. Others have bugs too.
  12. Mail_B_02Gold_Chest_TU_F Mail_D_01Green_Chest_TU_U Plate_PVPAlliance_A_01Gold_Chest_TU_F just examples of bugged torsos I found in 2-3 mins looking at patch. Great job, anyway. But isnt playable with such artifats.
  13. Just dont place any wmo or m2 on multiple chunks. Use it as a rule in world design. Bug is still alive.