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Everything posted by Yuritsuki

  1. Update soon: -Paladin spells -One little commitment to rogue -Leviathaan's druid models will be included
  2. Right now I have only 2 new things in spells. 1. I merged it with rogue wings patch. 2. All warlock fire spells (including new) are fel-themed now + fel recolour of new warlock mounts models (I mean Finsternis' models). I don't know if it's a big deal for update.
  3. Yeah, that's really possible and I will make it work with it as this is one of the MUST HAVE patches.
  4. Not wow server. We're working on learning system. But basically all WEB/Client-Server technologies work the same way.
  5. I can't teach you, as I don't think I know much. But what did I do (in my way/in my opinion): (in order) 1. Understanding Spell*.dbc tables structure. Or just prepare wiki pages to look at it before step 2. 2. Playing with something where you can skip some steps (yeah, CREATING content) and do the funniest part. I mean, obviously, playing with ready patches. I saw there is a big spell port by Desed in forum. You'll find it's in russian too. But if you just try, you'll understand that it's actually easy to make it work in other locale. As there actually just a couple of columns with text are different from en-us, etc. offtopic: About the apocalyps at my workplace... Guys, please, don't hate private servers' owners/developers for failures at opening (highloads on servers, ddos). I literally didn't sleep.. like.. well for 5 nights. We made a ducking google-like (of course, not) infrastucture with multiple web and database balancers and several nodes, while listening so much hate for the things we share for free... (online learning system).
  6. Hi. I’ll probably suggest you not to use this patch for any custom work, as the author personally thinks it’s not the best way it could be done. If you know how to work with spells, you will find it easier to convert spells by yourself, than understanding the “unique” ways presented in this patch
  7. Sorry guys. I’ll be busy for a week or less. Keep waiting, I’ll make an update. One learning system we did at my job reached50k visitors AT THE SAME TIME and died. We are scaling our servers and testing madly fast
  8. Combat log at the moments of freezing will actually give me a list of spells that I'll check to find the bugged spells. Server logs are uselesss as the patch is only client side.
  9. No. This bug is just 1 of * trash lines (changes in dbc caused by errors in author’s soft for dbc editing).
  10. Druid patch breaks this animation. The error is in SpellVisualKit. Again, a trash line. Changing 167th line is meaningless in druid patch. Patch updated.
  11. Great, ty. It should be fixed easily. Did you notice strong fps freezings?
  12. Did you test it? I had no time today. Is it even working?
  13. I’m not interested in such a simple edits. It’s just advice how to make your idea even better. Calm down, no toxicity in this portal
  14. https://forums.darknestfantasy.com/index.php?threads/release-8-1-5-100-coverage-hd-legacy-armor-textures.46511/ Don't know if it can help. But before you I already saw one dude made stuff like that (except it's erotic edits of the items ?). But in his case it was much easier, as he did this to retail wow.
  15. Did exactly same stuff about 7-8 years ago. But eventually I understood that it's too, like, bold? I think it'd be better to port retail base outfits. They allow you to pay attention to your character first than to an armor.
  16. Sorry. Team leading development even in model-editing forum. ?
  17. I think the armor textures are top priority. Rather than creating new content (possibly creating new bugs), it'll be better to fix previous. If "dev" in your name actually represent your work IRL, I'd say let's do the agile way.
  18. I did the merge as you asked in forum. Now your turn. WHERE IS THE UPDATE, BRUH? ?
  19. I also contacted original author and he said that it’s possibly his dbc editing software errors. He saw some of these bugs and paladin table trouble, but unfortunately, he retired from modding for some time, So we should find and fix last bugs together :DD
  20. Some russian servers ban for spell.dbc changes. I didn't see it on warmane (playing for month). But be very careful, please!
  21. So.. About the unsolved case. The freezes happened 2 times in one place: at hellfire (outland). I was staying in Honor Hold and when horde attacked the players in Honor Hold, and someone (npc or player) cast the spell which freezed the game. Because of fps drop I was unable to find it. Searching in dbc didn't give me much information, because it's messy. But, you know, I stayed for an hour in some PvP instant 80 servers to find the bugs. There were >20 duels at the same time every minute, but everything worked fine.